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Envoy links Sinhalese to eastern states, TN groups fume

It already has happened, and the peak has already passed.

If anything there is now a mending of this rift happening.

Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka has already mixed into the national cultural mainstream. The people of the South were always different from North and not much mixing happened at the social level, which is why a difference maintained. However as Bangalore and Hyderabad slowly joined the national and international economy, lakhs of North Indians started going there and lakhs of people from AP and Karnataka have come to North for jobs.

The last bastion of South which remained aloof from national mainstream was Tamil Nadu. As Tamil Nadu is finally becoming an industrialized state, people from North India's undeveloped states are going there to work.

Today Chennai - the heart of TN- is astronomically more cosmopolitan than it was even 5 years ago. There is much more intermixing happening today because of migration.
North South rift is inevitable and is only a matter of time.


The South is determined to subvert the essence of democracy (proportional representation) in order to maintain the status quo.
Will the North acquiesce?
Only time will tell...

The divide is there and so the states are divided based on language basis and in future the states will be given more autonomous powers except defense and foreign policy.

When every language group is taking care of them selves where is the problem of division? :lol:

The fertility rate difference is not much high may a diffrence of 1, which can be reduced with increasing awareness in Hindi belt.
North South rift is inevitable and is only a matter of time.


The South is determined to subvert the essence of democracy (proportional representation) in order to maintain the status quo.
Will the North acquiesce?
Only time will tell...

Your wet dreams, South Indians will continue to have same % of representation in Parliament irrespective of their decreasing population percentage and all leaders from the North supported that move during Vajpayee government.
The last bastion of South which remained aloof from national mainstream was Tamil Nadu. As Tamil Nadu is finally becoming an industrialized state, people from North India's undeveloped states are going there to work.

Will these migrants be considered northerners in the voting system? in which case their native state should get proportional representation.

Or will they become TN residents, representing the new wave of Hindi/North cultural invasion 2.0?

where is the problem of division?

Read up on the concept of proportional representation.

South Indians will continue to have same % of representation in Parliament irrespective of their decreasing population percentage

This goes against the fundamental principles of democracy.

and all leaders from the North supported that move during Vajpayee government.

But will they do so going forward when their local electorate demands proportional representation at the national level?

Where is the North South rift ?

South India = TN, Andhra, Karnataka and Kerala.

South is not equal to TN alone.

The degree of resistance to Northern culture varies from state to state. However, the issue of proportional representation applies across the board.
@Developereo the freezing of Political muscle has been done in the past and it will happen in future. Nothing to worry about political representation here.

This is not like east and west Pakistan like situation.
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But Sri Lankan's are proposing their similarity with North Indians. :lol:

Sinhalese are.. Not Sri Lankans.. Are you short of comprehension skills?? Like i said you madrasis's do not need to fret over this.. It's a matter for the North Indians and Sinhalese to agree or not.. Dont loose you're heads over other peoples affairs
Will these migrants be considered northerners in the voting system? in which case their native state should get proportional representation.

Or will they become TN residents, representing the new wave of Hindi/North cultural invasion 2.0?
The same way that the millions of Indians have moved throughout the country and settled in different states. They can stay in any State for any amount of time, however to vote in local elections, they must get themselves de-registered at their native place and re-registered in their new place of residence after they qualify to get the local cards.
This is not something new, I dont know whether you are aware or not, but there are lakhs and lakhs of Tamil people alone in Delhi.

This goes against the fundamental principles of democracy.
It was decided by the Supreme Court to be the lesser of the two evils.

When the GoI pushed the state to adopt family planning, Southern States and some Eastern states were proactive and more successful. However that resulted in a skewed demographic representation. And to correct that it was decided that till the time the population of the entire country stabilizes, the old demographic distribution will be used as a base so as not to disadvantage those States which have been successful in family planning.

The entire nation agrees with it.

This freeze has been going on for decades now. This is not something new.

The representation is already frozen till about 2026 I think. And new estimates are that India's population will stabilize around 2035. So they will only have to extend it again once for a period of 10 years.

But will they do so going forward when their local electorate demands proportional representation at the national level?
The demands are not strong at all infact the demand for it is miniscule. Everyone agree's that this is the only fair thing to do - Southern States have been successful in population control and they must not suffer for being successful. They know it is the only fair way, plus SC has ratified it, plus as I said, the entire nation agree's with it.

The degree of resistance to Northern culture varies from state to state. However, the issue of proportional representation applies across the board.
As I said. There is no longer any resistance like what was seen in the old days. Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are now practically in the mainstream India. There is no resistance against North Indian people like it used to be.

The only State still clinging on its old tune is Tamil Nadu. It remains to be seen how long they resist change when today Tamil Nadu itself is becoming industrialized at a pace only comparable to Gujarat and lakhs of people are migrating to Tamil Nadu and high professionals migrating out of Tamil Nadu.
Will these migrants be considered northerners in the voting system? in which case their native state should get proportional representation.

Or will they become TN residents, representing the new wave of Hindi/North cultural invasion 2.0?

Read up on the concept of proportional representation.

This goes against the fundamental principles of democracy.

But will they do so going forward when their local electorate demands proportional representation at the national level?

The degree of resistance to Northern culture varies from state to state. However, the issue of proportional representation applies across the board.

Tamil Nadu- Sri Lanka rift has gone for a long long time. Yet, The rest of India and TN have managed just fine. The common path is to ensure that Sri Lankan Tamils get their rights.

On this, all Indians have always agreed with each other. We will continue this way as we have for decades. This is nothing new. Don't worry .

Sri Lanka does not determine TN's relations with the rest of India.As an outsider , you don't know there is a lot going on inside this country that binds us together.

Anyway, since Sri Lankans, our Buddhist and Hindu brothers have admitted that they are ancient Bengalis/Oriyas and Tamils , we will someday make sure that they come back to the fold of Bharat Varsha. This matter will end there and then.
It was decided by the Supreme Court to be the lesser of the two evils.

When the GoI pushed the state to adopt family planning, Southern States and some Eastern states were proactive and more successful. However that resulted in a skewed demographic representation. And to correct that it was decided that till the time the population of the entire country stabilizes, the old demographic distribution will be used as a base so as not to disadvantage those States which have been successful in family planning.

OK. That's fine then.
us sinhalese arent related to indians at all ..this total bs
Your wet dreams, South Indians will continue to have same % of representation in Parliament irrespective of their decreasing population percentage and all leaders from the North supported that move during Vajpayee government.

Population alone determines which states have how many seats,

It could just become that TN MPs could have names like Mishra/Shukla etc.
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