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Entire PLA Armoured Division Assembled Near Demchok LAC

Poor bats, They will stay there until entire bat population surrounding 5 km radius are consumed.
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Now, Indian media is reporting, with a lot of hue and cry, that another video has surfaced, which shows that Chinese are unfurling a large sized Chinese flag in the Galwan Valley, probably, at the Clash site. On this Rahul Gandhi and Owaisi have taken government to task.
PLAN commissioned 8 destroyers in 2021.
Indian can buy, build, lease but no matter how hard they tried, they cant not win this race.

Assuming you are chinese - India will never be able to catch up with you in economy or military spending.
Your accomplishments in the last 3+ decades are amazing. Congrats to you.

So many Indians want to bring down one great man, who is working relentlessly for my country. Such thing will never happen in China.
Also, the top leader in China will get a free hand to implement his policies. Such thing is not possible in India.

The way you guys have captured (for ex) the tomato puree market of world wide is simply mind blowing. The magnitude and scale at which you have done that is simply amazing. Compare that with what happened in India recently - one good law to bring private capital and energy in agriculture is passed, and people belonging to (mostly) one single caste came out [and squatted on roads, sang songs, some of them watched p--o--r--n, all of them shitted & pissed on roads while eating free food by sponsored people. *All* of those sitting on roads do not know what is wrong with those laws] and made the govt retract them. Since you have read this far, wait and contemplate for a few mins about what this means for a nation. One (mostly) single caste can make an elected govt retract a perfectly legal law, because they have pre-concieved unnecessary fears. How damaging democracy (err - mobocracy) has become to India.

More than 2 decades ago, the then CEO of the company that I was working for (top home grown company in India) went to China and is simply blown away by what he has seen there.....he came back and wrote an article ruing the (under) development in India Vs (over) development in China. He concluded his article consoling himself (he actually used those words) that India has achieved democracy, while China did not.

It is more than 2 decades since that article, Indians can and actually (still) console that they have democracy (read "mobocracy"), which China did not have. As long as India has democracy, China has nothing to worry. In a few years, China does not need to worry about USA as well.

PS#1: I am an Indian. Most of my fellow Indians will not like this, and will jump on / kick me. But all this is correct.
PS#2: Some parts of Indian Industry (particularly, IT and knowledge industry) is galloping, while some other parts of India are going backwards.
I don't see a war going to happen between China & India. China will take more land and india will just give it as it happened before. Much better & peaceful then a full blown war.

I don't know whats the limit / boundary till where chinese think its their land. The india's approach looks like to negotiate what china wants. Modi would prefer giving some land over a war.

The war may happen, if China is aiming for larger areas which i don't think is the case.
Assuming you are chinese - India will never be able to catch up with you in economy or military spending.
Your accomplishments in the last 3+ decades are amazing. Congrats to you.

So many Indians want to bring down one great man, who is working relentlessly for my country. Such thing will never happen in China.
Also, the top leader in China will get a free hand to implement his policies. Such thing is not possible in India.

The way you guys have captured (for ex) the tomato puree market of world wide is simply mind blowing. The magnitude and scale at which you have done that is simply amazing. Compare that with what happened in India recently - one good law to bring private capital and energy in agriculture is passed, and people belonging to (mostly) one single caste came out [and squatted on roads, sang songs, some of them watched p--o--r--n, all of them shitted & pissed on roads while eating free food by sponsored people. *All* of those sitting on roads do not know what is wrong with those laws] and made the govt retract them. Since you have read this far, wait and contemplate for a few mins about what this means for a nation. One (mostly) single caste can make an elected govt retract a perfectly legal law, because they have pre-concieved unnecessary fears. How damaging democracy (err - mobocracy) has become to India.

More than 2 decades ago, the then CEO of the company that I was working for (top home grown company in India) went to China and is simply blown away by what he has seen there.....he came back and wrote an article ruing the (under) development in India Vs (over) development in China. He concluded his article consoling himself (he actually used those words) that India has achieved democracy, while China did not.

It is more than 2 decades since that article, Indians can and actually (still) console that they have democracy (read "mobocracy"), which China did not have. As long as India has democracy, China has nothing to worry. In a few years, China does not need to worry about USA as well.

PS#1: I am an Indian. Most of my fellow Indians will not like this, and will jump on / kick me. But all this is correct.
PS#2: Some parts of Indian Industry (particularly, IT and knowledge industry) is galloping, while some other parts of India are going backwards.
Theoritically,wonder if india's problem can be fixed best by returning it to its original status before being patched up by the british into the dysfuctional state. Though I wouldn't bet on it,the RSS lunatics has akhand bharat delusion.When the superpower delusion is gone,the region will eventually seek co-operation and honest engagement with other states for development.Just bcause India have 1.4b population it has developed a serious delusional disease of seeing itself as superpower.

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Logically,wonder if india's problem can be fixed best by returning India to its original status before being patched up by the british into the dysfuctional state. Though I wouldn't bet on it,the RSS lunatics has akhand bharat delusion.When the superpower delusion is gone,the region will eventually seek co-operation and honest engagement with other states for development.Just bcause India have 1.4b population it has developed a serious delusional disease of seeing itself as superpower.

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Kudos to your patriotism. Amazed to get this response from a person bearing Indian flags. One of the problems of India is - partition should have been much more clean and clear-cut......Secularism (as defined / understood in India) is one of the big problems. Original culprit (Gandhi) is still revered.

Maybe, had partition be done cleanly, I would not have had the good fortune to read this response from a fellow Indian.

PS: Sorry, could not resist it. I know you can not help yourself.
PLA has been assembling its entire armoured division since early 2021 in the Ngari Prefecture, barely 60Km from Demchok.
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Ngari Prefecture also features a major PLA helicopter base. The continues assembly of armour does not bode well for the opposition Indian garrison, they cannot match the numbers.

So in last year thread mighty PLAAF was waiting for orders to attack India..... I told you that time as well that nothing is going to happen...... today I again tell you 1 armoured division or 10 China won't go beyond playing pressure tricks..... mark my words again in 2022.....
Poor bats, They will stay there until entire bat population surrounding 5 km radius are consumed.

Lets not start talking about Indians eating Rats, or drinking cow urine... lets leave it for what it is. The surrender of Indias will to resist China :)
So in last year thread mighty PLAAF was waiting for orders to attack India..... I told you that time as well that nothing is going to happen...... today I again tell you 1 armoured division or 10 China won't go beyond playing pressure tricks..... mark my words again in 2022.....
Every move an Army makes , it has reason behind it.

China is using very clear tactics, it creates temp. shelter for soldiers ,our side objects, it moves 2 steps back and than builts hardened shelter and behind that shelter they Strengthen their bases

Now just guess what's the benefit of this ?

Hint - you're right it's not for fighting war.

If u guessed it Than u know, it's working brilliant for them and we should be realy worried.
If u don't guess it Than no point of explaining.
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