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Enough is Enough

Panther 57

Aug 18, 2013
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Enough is Enough

Dr. Zafar A. Bokhari

Pakistan Army Must Protect Pakistan’s Honest Leaders not Looters

Taking an Army COAS to court as "Ghaddar" is enemy agenda. First Ex CJ’s one sided decision of July 2009, without hearing Musharraf as defendant is absolute wrong.

Biased attitude of courts may not do justice but any strong warning to Nawaz can stop the matter. Constitution was changed by politicians many times specifically keeping Musharraf in mind in 18th amendment and changing wordings of Article 6 are biased.

Civil politicians have changed constitution for personal benefit, personal powers, and for Ex Army General. They have blown Emergency matter out of proportion. Declaring Musharraf as criminal will benefit following forces.

  • Indian elements and other enemy forces will be happy.
  • Taliban and other extremist forces will be happy.
  • Western media influenced by Indian propaganda will go after Pakistani Defense Forces.
Army must bring these issues in court and in media that Constitution was also abrogated by politicians when:
  • Politicians used and changed Constitution for personal gains. BA condition was removed to benefit Zardari. It does not happen anywhere in the world. PPPP and PMLN had 2/3rd majority to bring this change.
  • Third term PM was added to benefit Nawaz, also brought by politicians.
  • 18th amendment is to benefit 5 people with more power in the name of provincial autonomy, those five people are: one PM and 4 CMs. They did not bring changes for the benefit of people.
  • Strong City Governments were never created through Baldiati Elections which is part of constitution. All political parties are responsible of violating this clause.
  • CJ Iftekhar did not follow Judge’s Reference under 209 and took matters on road which caused economic destruction and destabilization. Compare Musharraf era than 2013 of democrats’ deliverance?
  • Musharraf was denied fair election participation while all corrupt, defaulters, and fake degree holders were allowed to contest election. It was biased judiciary who banned Musharraf for no reason rather banning lifetime. a clause does not exist in law. This is clear bias of judiciary against any Army person.
  • Constitution was changed and modified many time by politicians and NEVER by Army and Defense Forces.
  • By not following Article 38 is also Ghaddari but no politicians has been disqualified.

It was CJ Iftekhar, Judge Ramday, & Aitzaz who destroyed a growing economy in 2007 and did not follow law regarding reference against CJ through Supreme Judicial Council. Instead they brought people on roads.

Pakistan was very democratic having City Governments at Tehsil level under Musharraf. Now Pakistan has civilian dictators without City Governments.

People of Pakistan have to think honestly and objectively. Change Pakistani democracy to modern democracy of 21st century, not this rotten 1850s British system which does not exist even in UK.

Constitution must be changed for 21st century democracy:

  • Presidential form of government elected directly by people.
  • Must have strong City Government at Tehsil level by transferring DCs & ACs budget to elected Mayors with full Police powers. Musharraf introduced this system which was abolished by so called democrats.
  • Creating 35+ provinces with elected governors by replacing commissioners. There is no State or Provincial Government anywhere in modern democracies.
  • Abolish CM positions and ministers. Money saved can be spent on development and education. This will be real democracy which has brought economic growth, prosperity, and security in countries that have adopted this system.

Suggestion: Since Musharraf has no corruption charges, neither he has large Bank Loans like Nawaz & Zardari. Therefore all retired Army personnel come under APML and contest elections as Mayors, Governors, and President. I am sure they will run and manage the country far better than these looters.

Pakistanis living in North America and Europe will support that move, In-sha-Allah.

Dr. Zafar A. Bokhari

Chicago State University
@batmannow @Leader @BATMAN @Secur @Alpha1 @Aeronaut @jaibi
^^ What an unlawful mind !!

A billionaire Musharraf paid no tax for years | Pakistan Defence

anyhow, probably the deal is already sealed, the Saudi FM broke the NRO3.

here: In a strong rebuff to former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, Defence Secretary Lt General (retd) Asif Yasin Malik said on Tuesday that the army had no stake in the treason indictment of the former president.

No love lost: Army has no stake in treason trial, says defence aide – The Express Tribune


the guy seem to be a TuQ follower :lol:
Well, wealthy politicians looted public money with huge bank balance asking for justice. Mr Zardari the biggest Billa , please bring back sixty million dollar of Pakistani public stolen money and Nawaz just bring back few billions you made from Pakistan and funneled to Swiss bank. And now ex CJ is asking the plot, which distributed by Zardari as bribery among SC judges ....now he wants it back.....
Trial of Musharraf is wrong but if it's to go down then I think a posthumous trial of Zia and Ayub Khan too should be done like England did of Cromwell. Otherwise, the biasness of this drama is plain to see.
At one hand ZIA UL HAQ is bashed / blamed for all the terrorism happening in Pakistan while he just did the best possible thing to save the country from Russian invasion, that time. On the other hand Musharraf is considered a HERO because he lead us to fight a foreign war so we could live in peaceful & progressing country that we never had before him.
Pakistani logic :disagree:
Hang him or set him Free, doesn't matter to us. He is nothing more then a retired general.
At one hand ZIA UL HAQ is bashed / blamed for all the terrorism happening in Pakistan while he just did the best possible thing to save the country from Russian invasion, that time. On the other hand Musharraf is considered a HERO because he lead us to fight a foreign war so we could live in peaceful & progressing country that we never had before him.
Pakistani logic :disagree:

Russia was never interested in Invading Pakistan or something of that sort . Warm waters theory is simply a brain fart to delude masses . 'Murica Duped you guys .
Jts our internal matter, so feel free to shut up and mind your own business.

Though i agree it is an internal matter of pakistan but i am sure you had read the first 3 lines of the reasons posted by op....He has mentioned India twice there....and i really dono how India is going to be happy on GOP charges on mushraff...... I remember towards the last leg his stint as president journalists used to joke the mushraff has more supporters in india than in pakistan (i remember watching barkha datt asking him this question).... I know it will stupid to believe the above notion but that state a fact that India doesnt have much of an issue with Mushraff.... Its true and agreed that he was solely responsible for kargil..... But during his tenure India and pakistan were said to be close in resolving kashmir dispute..... So blaming india and indian feelings for an internal political issue is absolutely wrong..... Otherwise i agree it is absolutely internal matter or pakistan....
Jts our internal matter, so feel free to shut up and mind your own business.

Since you are a Mod, you can say anything, but read the Original Post before making any sweeping statement.
Why is he being singled out, many other people were involved in the actions he is being accused of This selective justice seems Biased, suspicious and politically motivated
Pakistan Army Must Protect Pakistan’s Honest Leaders not Looters

Exactly, just as Mushy the intelligent coward gave all the most corrupt politicians just two choices. Either join my king's party PMLQ(uislings) or face the wrath of NAB.
^^ What an unlawful mind !!

A billionaire Musharraf paid no tax for years | Pakistan Defence

anyhow, probably the deal is already sealed, the Saudi FM broke the NRO3.

here: In a strong rebuff to former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, Defence Secretary Lt General (retd) Asif Yasin Malik said on Tuesday that the army had no stake in the treason indictment of the former president.

No love lost: Army has no stake in treason trial, says defence aide – The Express Tribune


the guy seem to be a TuQ follower :lol:

Trial of Musharraf is wrong but if it's to go down then I think a posthumous trial of Zia and Ayub Khan too should be done like England did of Cromwell. Otherwise, the biasness of this drama is plain to see.

It will open a whole new can of worms my friend.

I am not going to defend Mushi here, but if we are going to trial him for treason, then what about the politicians who forced him to break the law? If NS's govt in late 90's wasn't that bad or incompetent, then most likely there wouldn't be any marshal law.

Similarly what about the judges who not only legitimized his marshal law but gave him full 3 years to hold general elections?

Also what about the politicians who not only let Mushi rule for 8 - 9 years but also were part of his dictatorial rule?Those fucktards are now in different parties and are enjoying in national and provincial assemblies right now, few are even ministers now. :hitwall:

Why only Mushi? He wasn't alone in this mud fight..
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After hearing TV innumerable TV discussions and columnists, legal experts my personal view is:

There is little doubt that Musharraf broke article 6 part 1 of the constitution when he usurped power on October 12, 1999 and is therefore culpable. I would also go along with the idea that people need to be punished for their past misdeeds to instil fear in the hearts of future adventurers.

I also agree that the law should take its normal course. However unless it is clear that ‘Justice’ has been done; the whole process becomes useless. For example ZAB was tried and hanged after being sentenced by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Pray tell me, today how many people truly believe that justice was done? These days his hanging is called a 'Judicial' murder by all and sundry.

Strangest thing in Musharraf’s case is that he is being tried because a very vindictive CJ ordered the Gov’t to do so. Courts job is to judge the people not to order to be tried. Else how can one expect unbiased and ‘Just’ verdict? Doesn’t the very fact that Chief Justice is ordering the gov’t to try Musharraf imply that he has already been judged and the guilty verdict is a forgone conclusion?

Had there been no military coup in 1999; Musharraf would have retired as COAS long before 2007. Therefore to order trial of Musharraf for Nov 2007 emergency and not for Oct 12, 1999 coup is inexplicable and abuse of judicial power by the outgoing CJ. Appeals against this irrational act are being dismissed without even a hearing! It is as clear as day light that Musharraf is being tried by a prejudiced Judicial Commission that was hurriedly handpicked by a very prejudiced Chief Justice just before he retired. We are thus witnessing repeat of a legal farce as happened in case of ZA Bhutto.

Musharraf should be tried for his military coup of October 1999 and all those who aided and abetted him should also be included as clearly mentioned under article 6 of the Constitution. Only then it will be seen that justice has been done.

But it is Pakistan, who cares about common sense and rationality. Here hypocrisy, bigotry and vindictiveness are rule of the day. Very few people listen to the voice of reason, most go with the flow of the opinion. These days Musharraf is down and my compatriots like to kick you when you are down on the ground and unable to fight back.
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