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Energy Security and Pakistan

"Apney munh aap mian mithu"

ALL of these sources are unverified bullcrap as far as the overall magnitudes of the resources are concerned. There are exploitable quantities of some natural resource in a few locations, and their profitable use requires co-ordination of many aspects that are beyond Pakistan at the moment.

A close friend of mine works for a Hungarian company MOL, on site in various regions of KPK, Pakistan. He has personally told me of the vast gas resources there are in KPK, as well as oil reserves. I'll get some data from him to contribute more on this thread.
do you have anything more conclusive other than your opinion to say those claims are wrong?

granted the natural resources might not be as abundant as to suggest "the worl'ds most...." to but to counter claim saying "small amount of resources at few location" seem a bit unrealistic, too. something has to be presented to back that claim up.

And then in the world of natural resources new discoveries are often made. Something may appear barren and unresourceful and totally off the radar and then one day, boom, something useful is unearthed. New reports of such discovries emerge very often in Pakistan.

Just look at the reality of energy security in Pakistan these days, and for the near term; it speaks volumes in support of my position.

A close friend of mine works for a Hungarian company MOL, on site in various regions of KPK, Pakistan. He has personally told me of the vast gas resources there are in KPK, as well as oil reserves. I'll get some data from him to contribute more on this thread.

Sure, additional data are always welcome. Thanks! :)
"Apney munh aap mian mithu"

ALL of these sources are unverified bullcrap as far as the overall magnitudes of the resources are concerned. There are exploitable quantities of some natural resource in a few locations, and their profitable use requires co-ordination of many aspects that are beyond Pakistan at the moment.

Haven't you heard? No matter matter how complicated the issue is there is always a simple remedy which is the Mr.Samar Mubarakmand.
Haven't you heard? No matter matter how complicated the issue is there is always a simple remedy which is the Mr.Samar Mubarakmand.

There is no doubt that Dr. Mand is a brilliant scientist in his field, and has good managerial skills too. I know his work well, which I respect termendously. But his claims regarding the Thar coal fields and Reko Diq etc. are simply unrealistic.
while the claims regarding the capacity may be a subject of debate . the one thing which is a fact is that in todays environment in Pakistan , its virtually impossible to exploit these resources . what is needed is a huge infusion of tech transfer and know how. which may or may not be forthcoming . i think this is the point what Vchen is trying to make .
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