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Enemy in Mind: Jewish group gets gunned-up to face-off 'Muslim Threat'

Now if these were some brown 'American' folks, the world would go crazy and start blaming the 'Ground-Zero' community center for training terrorists.

The world is just an awesome place to live if you keep beating the same old 'Holocaust' drum. After all, they are the 'Chosen' ones. :tup:
awwwlook the even got semi suto weapons just to shoot at an imaginary enemy .... but lead for no thought ak 47 vs m 16 or uzi will dominate heck they shooting in the forest 9 mm and 5.6mm ar useless
This is ridiculous!

Are they planning to walk around other peoples armed with semi automatic guns and shoot at all those who are suspicious to them?! this fobia will cause only more problems to jews. Also we Muslims are targeted every where in the world....U.S. and nato have even invaded our countries so we Muslims have to go out fully armed?!
If everybody follows their footstep.....We'll soon see real GTA in action.
Where are the fan-boys?
god forbid, one day muslims start a gun awareness program in tehus! Uncle Hannity & whats his face , junkie Beck would just flip!
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