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End of the world according to different religions



New Recruit

Oct 11, 2015
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I found this video on youtube today and it explained the different beliefs of different religions regarding the end of the world. Its so amazing and fascinating to know what other religions believe and how, each religion on this earth somehow believes that the world is temporary.

I believe in the one true God that led the cylons and the humans from the Battlestar Galactica to the Earth 150,000 years ago.

Captain Kara Thrace AKA Starbuck was used by the one true God as an instrument to help lead them to Earth.
I believe in the one true God that led the cylons and the humans from the Battlestar Galactica to the Earth 150,000 years ago.

Captain Kara Thrace AKA Starbuck was used by the one true God as an instrument to help lead them to Earth.
Oh God, you guys really make anyone your God.....Real God be with us all...
To look upon the face of the one true God is to know madness. like the Cylon Deanna experienced first hand.
Humans and our never ending quest to know when the world is going to end.
I sure know that our world would end in the next 4 billion years when the sun engulfs our little plant.:flame:
But do you know when your last day on earth would be? When a person dies his world dies for him, relations don't matter no more, material possessions becomes someone else's property. We came empty handed and we will go empty handed.
When a person dies his world dies for him, relations don't matter no more, material possessions becomes someone else's property. We came empty handed and we will go empty handed.

That's the point of all these stories right. They all claim that the end is only the beginning of something else and that they and only they know what that something else is.
Humans and our never ending quest to know when the world is going to end.
I sure know that our world would end in the next 4 billion years when the sun engulfs our little plant.:flame:
But do you know when your last day on earth would be? When a person dies his world dies for him, relations don't matter no more, material possessions becomes someone else's property. We came empty handed and we will go empty handed.

We cant say that for sure to be honest. Everything in this world has a purpose. Its not like life started on its own of course. And so we can't be sure that the world of a person ends with his death. It would imply very stupidly that all this world, the sun, the earth, the moon and everything is in place just because of a coincidence? Hell no! There is some power who created all this and is managing it. And who knows what he has in store for us when we die!

That's the point of all these stories right. They all claim that the end is only the beginning of something else and that they and only they know what that something else is.
I don't know about that but I sure didn't ask to be born in this hell hole. It's like one of those fighting pits that you are put against your will and forced to fight. I didn't ask for this ******* piece of mother******* hell hole full of sons of ***** forced to do some ******* job that I don't even like to pay some butt ******* loan that I didn't want to take!!
I don't know about that but I sure didn't ask to be born in this hell hole. It's like one of those fighting pits that you are put against your will and forced to fight. I didn't ask for this ******* piece of mother******* hell hole full of sons of ***** forced to do some ******* job that I don't even like to pay some butt ******* loan that I didn't want to take!!
Seems like you are too fed up with life and want the end of the world immediately
I don't know about that but I sure didn't ask to be born in this hell hole. It's like one of those fighting pits that you are put against your will and forced to fight. I didn't ask for this ******* piece of mother******* hell hole full of sons of ***** forced to do some ******* job that I don't even like to pay some butt ******* loan that I didn't want to take!!
Dude, if your flags are right, you live in Germany?

That can't be so bad ? There are much worse places.
Lmao, look at this:
1- Search 'end of the world' on google
2- Watch the first video
3- Enjoy
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