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End of Terrorism

Ganges Zephyr

Sep 17, 2010
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Dear Members and Friends,

I have a very simple yet complicated question and I expect answers with very solid reasons from experts, no blame game and immature answers

Question: Despite having powerful countries (USA, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Others) and tremendous firepower and all sort of weapons, training etc. , why the world is failing in eradicating terrorism

I can think of few reasons such as:

1. Vested interests
2. Support of local population in many cases
3. Religious extremism and others

But do we have a way around these problems so that for once and all we can free our world from any type of terrorism. The world has already lost so much, small children, men and women

Do anyone of us can think of a viable solution??

Thanks for reading!
Powerful countries has their own national interests and all of mention above are some of them and sometimes they create a beast which they can't control.

Local public never support any fanatic and the one who beat the shit out of them, they hijack local public via terror and other resources.

Religious extremism comes when anybody see him oppressed or powerful, the power division in societies are which matter.
The moment West stop with the politic to take over any uncontrolled by them country ,stop meddling in internal affairs in other countries to achieve their goals,stop funding NGO working against local governments will see end of terrorism.All those "terrorists" groups AQ/ISIS/Boko Haram etc will quickly become things of the past.
The only viable solution is trade and economics between countries so intertwined that one nation getting hurt will impact all other nations equally. Hence, everyone will have a joint commitment to fighting it.
The moment West stop with the politic to take over any uncontrolled by them country ,stop meddling in internal affairs in other countries to achieve their goals,stop funding NGO working against local governments will see end of terrorism.All those "terrorists" groups AQ/ISIS/Boko Haram etc will quickly become things of the past.

You remind me of the Bulgaria 3 Steps I was once told

First up, blame the person in charge before you
If that fail, blame the west
If that still fail, blame the person who ask you this question.

Are you the inventor of Bulgaria 3 steps?
Destroying terrorism completely means getting rid of the ideology and massive loss of life to people who are extremists or likewise funding/sympathize with the cause.

  1. Getting rid of the ideology would require decades of education and concerted effort by all of the muslim world, because no matter what Religion is a flawed man - made concept and needs to change with times. People are extremely sensitive when it comes to this because it's based on primal fear (belief), ego and existential crisis. Note:this matter itself is controversial and I don't think any debates are permitted on this in pdf, hence I will not comment any further on it. Please understand that this is my view and people are free to disagree.
  2. A lot of people, I'm saying 10's of millions are extremely sympathetic to the extremist cause and many involved directly in it. These people have to simply be exterminated and are beyond rehabilitation in the society. However, any attempt to do so in modern times is met with widespread protests and condemnation by multiple organizations all across the globe. This is one of the primary reasons people talk about U.S not not winning the Afghan and Iraq war. It is not because the U.S couldn't by force. It's because doing so without thinking about the civilians would've left a waste land.
  3. Finally, vested political, economical and social interests. This is where your dirty politics, war money and loot etc come into play. There a million conspiracy theories out there and threads on these, so I will not explain it further. It's a good reason why terrorism is still there, but definitely not the major one.
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