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Empty stores and firefighters in quarantine: The US coronavirus epicenter struggles as death toll ri


Nov 4, 2011
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Empty stores and firefighters in quarantine: The US coronavirus epicenter struggles as death toll rises
By Richard Read Los Angeles Times (TNS)
Mar 4, 2020 Updated 6 hrs ago

KIRKLAND, Wash. — Parents keep their children inside. Few people shake hands anymore. More than two dozen firefighters remain in quarantine. Restaurants and hair salons are close to empty.

Such is life in Kirkland, the suburb just east of Seattle known for its folksy downtown and spectacular lakefront views, but now above all as the U.S. epicenter of COVID-19.

Of the 11 U.S. deaths from the coronavirus epidemic, at least eight have occurred here. The victims include at least six residents of a local nursing home that is struggling to care for others who may have been infected.

“I can’t kiss my kids,” said Hamid Dabbaghian, a 48-year-old cashier at the Kirkland Whole Foods who recently moved here from Iran and feared catching the virus from customers. “As a newcomer to the U.S., I’m worried about my family, and worried that if I die, what will they do.”

Others in this city of 90,000 remain nonchalant or fatalistic, expressing sympathy for those who have died but determination to carry on.

“It’s not the Holocaust. It’s not Armageddon,” said Doug Evanson, 57, an Uber driver who frequently drops health care workers at the nursing home. “I don’t get why I need to go out and buy cases of drinking water when I can just turn on the tap.”

Kirkland is an upscale suburb on the east shore of Lake Washington, with sunset views over the water and the tops of Seattle towers beyond. Its downtown features art galleries, whimsical sculptures, a marina and a Little League baseball field.

Like many cities in the area, it’s undergoing rapid growth and gentrification, with condominium construction and rising real estate prices. It has a Google campus and Northwest University, a Christian liberal arts school.

Residents awoke Saturday to the news that a man in his 50s with underlying health conditions had died from the virus the previous day at the city’s EvergreenHealth Medical Center.

At the time, it was thought to be the first U.S. death from the outbreak, but officials have since announced that two infected residents of the nursing home, Life Care Center of Kirkland, had died two days earlier.

Alarm grew as national news crews converged on the nursing home, where firefighters had been called to transport critically ill patients to the hospital.

Local stores quickly sold out of canned goods, disinfectants, toilet paper, water and other supplies as residents prepared for possible quarantine.

“This is definitely scary,” said Silas Kropp, 43, after returning Saturday to his apartment next door to the nursing facility. He had spent the previous night scrubbing disinfectant throughout the Dollar Tree store where he works.

Cars slowed in front of the nursing home as television reporters prepared for stand-ups. Neighbors stood in knots of three or four, looking up as cars drove by.

“People drive up and stare at us, like we’re in a quarantine museum,” said Stephanie Windle, 36, a next-door neighbor of the nursing home.

On Sunday, Bonnie Holstad stood outside the facility holding a handwritten sign expressing concern for her husband, one of more than 100 residents at the facility.

“No one at Life Care is answering the phones,” it said. “He needs to be attended to … what is his temperature?”

Ken Holstad, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and dementia, moved into the center after breaking his hip in a fall. His wife said he was coughing.

As of Wednessday, six Life Care residents and a woman who works there were hospitalized in Kirkland, some of them in critical condition, officials said.

On Monday, the city reported that two police officers and 27 firefighters — a quarter of its Fire Department — had been placed in quarantine after being exposed to patients from the nursing home.

Officials urged residents to stay calm and take precautions recommended nationally: Wash hands frequently, stay home when sick and avoid contact with ill people.

On Tuesday, the U.S. death toll jumped to nine, eight of those in Kirkland. That afternoon, Erica Barlow, an insurance marketing manager, kept her distance from other parents waiting outside Peter Kirk Elementary School to pick up their children.

Barlow smiled as her boyfriend’s 8-year-old son, Holden Weihs, ran toward her. Holden’s father, Ken, is a Kirkland firefighter, she said. He has not been quarantined but has been working overtime to cover for those who were.

“I am very concerned about him as a first responder,” Barlow said. He and other firefighters answering calls involving people with respiratory symptoms put on gloves, face masks and eye protectors.

“I do wish people would take this more seriously,” said Barlow, who had seen social media posts lampooning people for going to extremes with precautions. “It’s not a snow day. It’s something we could actually control if we followed more of the guidelines.”

Residents with underlying health conditions are taking the situation especially seriously. Marco Safaeian, 50, a chiropractor with severe asthma, worried about his vulnerability and that of his son, who also has asthma.

“I’m afraid if I get this kind of disease, it’s going to kill me,” Safaeian said. “A lot of people I’m sure got infected, and they’re everywhere.”

One Kirkland business doing a brisk trade during the outbreak is Herban Wellness, a downtown store selling natural remedies. Owner Katya Difani, an herbalist, said her sales have jumped 70% since Saturday, with rising interest in immunity boosters and natural sanitizing spray.

“A lot of my customers who are coming in are saying, ‘I’m not being fear-based; I just want to be prepared,’” Difani said.

Down the street, stylist Rita Dadyan stood in the Shop, a hair salon whose business has plunged. She took a more casual attitude than many, saying she was doing little more than washing her hands frequently.

“If you die, you die,” said Dadyan, 62. “We still live on this earth; we’re not in heaven yet. We’re going to have problems in life, but we’ll be fine.”

Barlow said she was canceling work travel and making contingency plans in case school closes for Holden and his sister, Emma, 5. Barlow turned 46 on Wednesday, and planned a different kind of birthday celebration.

“I don’t think we’re going to go out to dinner,” she said. “I kind of prefer to stay inside.”

This is from weeks ago, yes, infected people refusing to be quarantined will be forcely taken way for the safety of the general public. it's different from US police handcuffing and arresting a 6 years old baby girl.

Or tanks running over people in Tiananmen. How far on a tangent do you want to take this?
Or tanks running over people in Tiananmen. How far on a tangent do you want to take this?
Who was run over by tanks in Tiananmen square? You never failed to show me your ignorance, lol.. No one died in Tiananmen square, all casualties happened outside the square, no one was run over by tanks. The so called tankman was never run over.
Or tanks running over people in Tiananmen. How far on a tangent do you want to take this?

he can tell you about Waco where hundreds of men, women and kids were burnt alive....but you will now tell us the story told to you just as Chinese will tell you stories told to them...don't start, every democracy has its skeletons.
Tangent time..

Who was run over by tanks in Tiananmen square? You never failed to show me your ignorance, lol.. No one died in Tiananmen square, all casualties happened outside the square, no one was run over by tanks. The so called tankman was never run over.

LOL! You can simply Google the pics of the flattened bodies yourself. It isn’t pretty.

Plus nobody thinks TankMan got run over. The only people saying that are the Chinese to deflect from the actual victims.
Can you read the text in the comment field about posting graphic pictures?

Search for tiananmen flattened by tank. If you see nothing you can thank the Great Firewall.
All debunked as too fake, the only authentic footage they can provide is the Tankman one, but that only shows how restrained the soldiers were.
All debunked as too fake, the only authentic footage they can provide is the Tankman one, but that only shows how restrained the soldiers were.

I can tell you see nothing. It isn’t video footage. It is citizens with cameras snapping individual pictures. Too bad camera cell phones didn’t exist back then.
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I can tell you see nothing. It isn’t video footage. It is citizens with cameras snapping individual pictures. Too bad camera cell phones didn’t exist back then.
Those photos can be taken from any time and any countries, very fake indeed, they can do a better job than those.
It's going to start getting out of control in Kirkand!!!

Don't worry, if things are really out of control in US. Magically, the vaccine for coronavirus will suddenly appear in US and is ready for mass to use. And we all will know where the coronavirus original from.
Don't worry, if things are really out of control in US. Magically, the vaccine for coronavirus will suddenly appear in US and is ready for mass to use. And we all will know where the coronavirus original from.

So what do you suppose the magic threshold should be to meet the Government’s definition of “really out of control”? 30 deaths or 3000?

We are at 11 so I figure your definition is ANY number above 11.
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Has anyone else noticed that everyone interviewed has a terrible low wage job that puts them in extreme risk of poverty and homelessness?
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