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Emerging Union of Pak-Iran & Afghanistan

India are cunning and will use other countries for their own gains. It is an Indian zionist wet dream for Iran and Pak to go to war against each other.
Pakistan-Iran_Afghanistan union?=Pipe(line) dreams.

Pak-Afghan union; ermm maybe someday. Personally I'd love to see it. We have large ethnic overlaps with Afghans. Plus it makes economic and political sense. Afghanistan has never been stable on its own. It was only stable when either someone from Afghanistan ruled modern day Pakistan, or someone from here ruled Afghanistan. They can't survive without us. Pakistan can live without Afghanistan, but will keep facing security challenges from their side (long porous border/tribes distributed on both sides of border etc).

Iran on the other hand, no thanks.

I think with Afghanistan, in order to strengthen ties, we first need to separate, get our own houses in order and then seek greater things.

Proof is irrelevant. "I wanted to share what I'm certain of, you're free believe whatever you want." :D

Touché. :)
Of course, nothing is permanent in international geopolitics, and much can indeed happen in a lifetime. However, for the foreseeable future, any appreciable alliance between Iran and Pakistan in unlikely. Iran is more likely to co-operate with India than Pakistan, and particularly over Afghanistan, for the next few years.

You know, I'm surprised that the general has written this piece at all. You on the other hand sir have a point...
You know, I'm surprised that the general has written this piece at all. You on the other hand sir have a point...

Gen Baig is a pan Islamist. A union with Afghanistan may work but not with Iran as they are way too proud of themselves and have a habit of looking down upon others.

We most surely should seek greater integration in the future through cooperation, trade, investments and so on. Time for nation states to loosen their belts has arrived. This age would belong to nations which are able to form teams in their neighbourhood and have the ability to work for a collective good.
Just look at author last name Beg, lol another desperate Mughal. Yaar ye logh khab sudre ghe.

Lmaooo you always bashing them Mughals.

You know, I'm surprised that the general has written this piece at all. You on the other hand sir have a point...

His point is irrelevant Afghanistan uniting with Pakistan is inevitable, you and I will be neighbors in Kabul InshAllah. :sarcastic:
We most surely should seek greater integration in the future through cooperation, trade, investments and so on. Time for nation states to loosen their belts has arrived. This age would belong to nations which are able to form teams in their neighbourhood and have the ability to work for a collective good.

Well said bro....works for me. I find absolutely no good reason to accept that the status quo needs to remain as it is, with our countries tip-toeing around one disaster to another.
Well said bro....works for me. I find absolutely no good reason to accept that the status quo needs to remain as it is, with our countries tip-toeing around one disaster to another.

We should learn from Arabs of GCC. They have all but integrated the entire peninsula under a singular economic clout. They are going to soon have a single visa, single currency and a single military etc while maintaining the nation state structure.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are inseparable due to geographic and cultural/demographic reasons. I hope that we could have an open border policy with free inflow of trade and economics. These days you don't really have to be part of a union to achieve cordial relations and economic prosperity. Pakistan has shown that its capable of being a reliable ally and a friend with China, GCC and Turkey. There is absolutely no reason why we cannot make up with our brethren across the invisible Dline.
We should learn from Arabs of GCC. They have all but integrated the entire peninsula under a singular economic clout. They are going to soon have a single visa, single currency and a single military etc while maintaining the nation state structure.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are inseparable due to geographic and cultural/demographic reasons. I hope that we could have an open border policy with free inflow of trade and economics. These days you don't really have to be part of a union to achieve cordial relations and economic prosperity. Pakistan has shown that its capable of being a reliable ally and a friend with China, GCC and Turkey. There is absolutely no reason why we cannot make up with our brethren across the invisible Dline.

You have to be realistic, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras would rather have union with their own people which border Afghanistan. So only chance is and that to very small is with Afghan pashtuns. And stuff about Iranis looking down, yeah if social media is anything to go by then Afghanis are much worse.

Maybe after 100 years.
You have to be realistic, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras would rather have union with their own people which border Afghanistan. So only chance is and that to very small is with Afghan pashtuns. And stuff about Iranis looking down, yeah if social media is anything to go by then Afghanis are much worse.

Maybe after 100 years.

Union may not be needed. We need to have economic integration with Afghanistan first.
Dont know about Iran but in an ideal world sort of economic confederation/ integration between Pakistan and Afghanistan can be quite fruitful, ultimately the goal of the both countries is to provide high standard of living to their people in a liberal society, both countries are linked together so such that one effect the other so its better to grow together, further the bloc will combine(multiply) the already very important geo strategic location of both countries and will occupy very key position in new Asia.
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Dont know about Iran but in an ideal world Pak-Afg sort of economic confederation/ integration can be quite fruitful, ultimately the goal of the both countries is to provide high standard of living to their people in a liberal society,

We Afghans are very jealous of our independance, so I can't see any offer of a "union", "federation" or "integration" taking shape in our lifetimes, although I appreciate the gesture. I do however see a potential for a cordial, normalized relationship between our countries, with the benefit of a potential trading block involving our greater region.
We Afghans are very jealous of our independance, so I can't see any offer of a "union", "federation" or "integration" taking shape in our lifetimes, although I appreciate the gesture. I do however see a potential for a cordial, normalized relationship between our countries, with the benefit of a potential trading block involving our greater region.
Which I understand and fully respect, I exactly wanted to imply what u have explained in terms of economic collaboration was trying to use a compact word.
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