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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters
All these neo-con pakistani's that love war so much should either join the army themself's or send there own children to the front line.:pakistan:

pls spare us this one-liner
"Reforms for media". Hmmm.. well, when "objective journalism" is interpreted to mean that terrorists who behead people are given airtime to spread propoganda, and their "demands" are actually given credence, and the government is criticized for not negotiating with people committing suicide bombings, then perhaps a little censure on that count wouldn't be so bad.

I do hope the decision to allow private channels is not reversed.

There was and there is NO objective Journalism. The sector has become a corporate industry just like all over the world. Here the channels and newspapers are cashing the ongoing situation and also selling the same to outside world and the outside world is futher cashing these news by selling even lies to their people just to keep them paying more taxes that are ending up at the pockets of bigwigs of their countries and indeed Media channel owners.

Kiyani is VCoAS

Still intact
New details on AAj indicate Senate, NA, federal cabinets, provincial senates, assemblies, governors, CM's and provincial cabinets to remain intact.

if what u say is correct then all the courts have to function normally also.!
if what u say is correct then all the courts have to function normally also.!

Well not quite. The courts will function provided there are judges willing to swear oaths under the new PCO. Apparently the CJ already declared the emergency and PCO unconstitutional, so I am guessing that a large part of the current SC will be out of the picture.

I am curious as to why this move was not undertaken through the assemblies, which could have given him legal cover, but then a hostile SC may very well have invalidated such a move anyway, leading to the same situation we have now.

I must say I lost a lot of respect for this court when the reinstated the LM mullahs relatives to manage the LM, who then promptly declared that the soldiers dying in suicide bombings were not martyrs.
Well the Chief of Army Staff had delcared the emergency so :)


I see you still are evading giving a straight forward answer whether you support the emergency and Gen M or not ? Just like the Durand line post. I suppose I should call you a Qudraite (Curds is curdled milk and sounds the same ) like you called me but unfortunately I don't know what it means.


Is it true tele com / TV / internet with Pakistan except satellite comm have all been shut down ? What happens to the cricket series ?
:lol: Your worried about cricket?

Musharraf is gonna die in plane crash...

Sorry I know I sound pathetic but have a three weeks vacations and was looking forward to the one dayers with two of my friends. If Gen M is smart that he should allow it to go on and that will keep the protestors of the street.

hey guys - we are probably in the most difficult and complex political and constitutional crisis since 71 and u guys r worried about cricket!!!

I suppose I should call you a Qudraite (Curds is curdled milk and sounds the same ) like you called me but unfortunately I don't know what it means.

:lol: :lol:
You cant call me Qudrati as i had translated half of your ID In Urdu so if you want to reply me in the same you will need to Translate my ID Jana in English and hence you would have to call me "Sweetheart" yeeeeehehehhehhehheheh


Pakistan's Musharraf declares emergency By MATTHEW PENNINGTON, Associated Press Writer

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - President Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday ahead of a crucial Supreme Court decision on whether to overturn his recent election win and amid rising Islamic militant violence.

Eight Supreme Court judges immediately rejected the emergency, which suspended the current constitution. The government blocked transmissions of private news channels in several cities and telephone services in the capital, Islamabad, were cut.

"The chief of army staff has proclaimed a state of emergency and issued a provisional constitutional order," a newscaster on state Pakistan TV said, adding that Musharraf, who took power in 1999 coup, would address the nation later Saturday.

Dozens of police blocked the road in front of the Supreme Court building, with the judges believed inside.

The state TV report gave no reason for the emergency but it follows weeks of speculation that he could take the step. Military vehicles patrolled and troops blocked roads in the administrative heart of the capital.

The U.S. and other Western allies urged him this week not to take steps that would jeopardize the country's transition to democracy.

During previous emergencies in Pakistan, a provisional constitutional order has led to the suspension of some basic rights of citizens and for judges to take a fresh oath of office.

"This is the most condemnable act," said Ahsan Iqbal, a spokesman for the opposition PML-N party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Sharif was barred by Musharraf from returning to exile to Pakistan in September to mount a campaign against military rule.

"The whole nation will resist this extra-constitutional measure," he said.

Private Geo TV network reported the eight judges rejected the declaration of emergency and ordered top officials, including the prime minister, and military officers not to comply.

Geo reported that the army had entered the court building, but the report could not immediately be confirmed.

Shahzad Iqbal, an official at a cable TV news provider in Islamabad said authorities were blocking transmissions of private news channels in Islamabad and neighboring Rawalpindi. State TV was still on the air.

"The government has done it," he said.

Residents of Karachi said their cable TV was also off the air.
hey guys - we are probably in the most difficult and complex political and constitutional crisis since 71

and the only guy responsible for that is... musharraf, The American PiP!

Is it true tele com / TV / internet with Pakistan except satellite comm have all been shut down ?
Internet is working in pakistan. I m typing from Karachi :cheesy:
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