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Elta cements radar status on Tejas fighter

No, its different. Its an Indian initiative. Elta 2052 is totally different. Uttam will be with LCA mk2.

Uttam will also be a Joint venture with Israel just like the
2032 MMR for Mk 1 ; we can upgrade the 2052

Now Israel is Inside the Tent ; everything is possible

I shud have been more clear and elaborate. I was referring to AESA radar for fighter aircraft and U are rightly pointing at the issue.


This is our AESA AWACS plane ; the Radar is Indian ; the plane is Brazilian

Sir we are referring to AESA radar for aircraft, not ground based AESA radar. The pics of Uttam above are just of design of it. m sure production of LRUs would already have started like U said.

Sir, When we talk about Nose mounted radar, the problem is the minuturizing and due to small size the Heat. Why only ground radar, India, have already developed AEW based Radar system.

As far as I know, the LTRE was able to achieve 450 T/R value couple of years back. The PIC showing above is the testing radar, and sure, the final product will be different. Why I said 90's is that India is working of T/R modules and at present working of Gallenium Nitride based T/R module which will help to pack more T/R module close and compact to each other. Help of ELTA because, the biggest challenge would be the algorithm for the detection of the targets behind the clutter, and everyone knows Israel is the leading one in those, with field experience and on which even Russia haven't mastered Yet and the Heat decipation, because when installed in the nose of the fighter plane, you have to remove the heat generated when the Radar is used.

P.S -- Most of the Keyboard warriors, who types freely that our XYZ plane will fly in enemy space and will detect the target from X KM range, don't know, that, Radar are kept in standby mode, and not active mode, to keep the temp. down. And between off mode, standby mode and active mode there is a gap of several minute.

Landing gear is not that difficult ; it will be taken care of in Mk 1 A

LOLZ, even he ground testing, and certification needs 3 years.
P.S -- Most of the Keyboard warriors, who types freely that our XYZ plane will fly in enemy space and will detect the target from X KM range, don't know, that, Radar are kept in standby mode, and not active mode, to keep the temp. down. And between off mode, standby mode and active mode there is a gap of several minute.

So suppose your Radar is in the Off mode

And if the opposite plane has its Radar on ; he will detect you ; but you cant detect him
unless you have an IRST

So what will you gain by keeping your radar off ?

Regarding the Landing Gear ; you mean to say that we cant rectify the problem in MK 1A
So suppose your Radar is in the Off mode

And if the opposite plane has its Radar on ; he will detect you ; but you cant detect him
unless you have an IRST

So what will you gain by keeping your radar off ?

Regarding the Landing Gear ; you mean to say that we cant rectify the problem in MK 1A

Usually, during he mission, the Radars are kept on Standby Mode, not off mode.

If the mission is inside the enemy area, it would be dangerous to turn on Radar, because the Enemy would detect it passively, and you will give away your position. Now that's why now the shift is to the LPI Radar aka which can be used actively but don't scattered your radar radiation too much.

By keeping the radar in standalone mode helps in avoiding your detection, and the updates are provided by the Air superiority fighter plane, which usually flies in high level. Our DPSA Jaguar IS was only equipped with IRST, and no radar at all, and it had proved its metal in Gulf war too.

Regarding the Landing Gear ; you mean to say that we cant rectify the problem in MK 1A

Unfortunately Yes, and I think, it could only be rectified in MK-2 irretation. One this is to be noted, that for the landing gear in Tejas Marginal Steel was used which have high strength, but also very heavy. If the suitable steel could be used, we could shelved some wt. There are many areas where we can reduce the wt. e.g removal of the drop wt from the nose of the tejas to keep the C.G of the aircraft. @MilSpec is expert in this, he could explain much better.

So suppose your Radar is in the Off mode

And if the opposite plane has its Radar on ; he will detect you ; but you cant detect him
unless you have an IRST

So what will you gain by keeping your radar off ?

Regarding the Landing Gear ; you mean to say that we cant rectify the problem in MK 1A

When you go inside the enemy are, you are not in search of the enemy airplane to do dogfight with them, rather you go there to fulfill your mission, and best is to avoid any clash.
The indigenous AESA radar; "Uttam" is being devloped by LRDE (radar lab of DRDO):




It is still a few years away from being production ready and is now being targetted for the LCA Mk.2 (in service from 2022). The EL/M-2052 AESA radars are for the MK.1As that will be inducted from 2018 onwards.

it's using a swashbuckler plate and isn't fixed?? kinda like the Raven?

So work on Uttam has already begun or it wud be derived out of Elta's systems?
Work on Uttam has already begun brother:

Realisation and calibration of prototype Active Aperture Array Antenna Unit (AAAU) has been completed with indigenous TR modules .DRDOcurrently has placed Airworthy radar processor and exciter receiver on a high rise platform in Mechanical Scanned Array (MSA) configuration for validation of various algorithms and wave-forms of the fie control radar .

Software development for air-air sub-modes have been completed andDRDOis testing Radar in Air-to-Air mode but crucial software block testing will be development of software which will allow air-to-ground modes which is crucial for aircraft to carryout high resolution mapping, multiple ground moving target detection and track, combat identification, electronic warfare, and ultra high bandwidth communications.


Project is still a long way from completion andDRDOstill has not clarified if Israeli help has been sought in its development nor what level of indigenous content will be used in the radar . work on indigenous TR modules started in 1998 after successful development , Radar development was cleared in 2011-12 period . First Tejas MK-2 Prototype will take to sky by 2018-19 and will enter Production by 2022 and it is expected that AESA Uttam will be ready and enter Production.


1. Certification of Aerial Refueling Probe -- which may be retractable probe supplied by COBHAM. @Abingdonboy (Is it fixed/semi fixed or retractrable).
For the Mk.1 the COBHAM IFR probes will be fixed AFAIK.

2. To find the space for the internal IRST/ASPJ which I don't think before MK-2.

These will only feature on the MK.2 bro. The MK.1A will have relatively minor updates (improvied TWR, AESA radar, IFR probe etc). The MK.2 will be massively re-designed with an entirely new cockpit, radar (Uttam), EW systems, more powerful engine, greater internal fuel capacity etc etc.

This has been speculated but I can't confirm.
weren't there talks of some indigenous radar for LCA?
2032 MMR for Mk 1 ; we can upgrade the 2052
The EL/M-2052 that will go on the MK.1A will be upgraded with DRDO help.

weren't there talks of some indigenous radar for LCA?
Please read the above comments. The LCA MK.1A (from 2018) will get the EL/M-2052 that is being upgraded with help from DRDO. The LCA MK.2 will feature the DRDO's (LRDE to be more specific) indigenous "Uttam" AESA radar when it enters service in 2022 onwards.

Our DPSA Jaguar IS was only equipped with IRST, and no radar at all, and it had proved its metal in Gulf war too.
The Jags that will remain post 2023 are only going to be the DARIN IIIs that will have MMRs.
So work on Uttam has already begun or it wud be derived out of Elta's systems?
weren't there talks of some indigenous radar for LCA?

Yes, and not related to Israeli radar.

DRDO is going for a dual production route, ToT given to Astra Private Limited and BEL.

It's also been through some limited trials.

We have started supplies of these subsystems, that is T/R modules and in fact for the proto array, we are almost completing by next month. Coming for the balance systems also, we have recently concluded the PLC. We are likely to get this quarter also probably by next month, so that's progressing well and we have targets to complete the entire project by September or so.


The company, along with Bharat Electronics Ltd, is also finalizing the terms of the light combat aircraft project for the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). This involves making AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radars.

“In the first phase probably they (DRDO) are planning around close to 100 numbers, so initially we will be doing some 2-2 numbers (half) each; BEL and Astra. This is something which is in the discussion stage, it is not finalized yet,” Malla Reddy said.


Both have been showing off subsystems.







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