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Elon Musk Slaughters BBC Reporter In Live Interview


BBC should bring Stephen Sackur to have revenge with Elon Musk

He's not wrong. The BBC is purely a means of spreading control narratives.
Compared to which other news outlet?

british brainwashing cooperation, bbc. thank you for listening to our bull sh it.
Lives in Britain, hates everything about it. #standard

You cannot be serious. That is also known as the hand of the Hindu Dancer and in certain circles as Gnosis (Greek for Knowledge).
BBC should bring Stephen Sackur to have revenge with Elon Musk

He would wipe the floor with Elon. The guy actively fact checks his guests while he's interviewing them.

One of the best interviewers/hosts I've ever seen, and doesn't take shit from any one.

Lives in Britain, hates everything about it. #standard
To be fair, that's most British people.

You cannot be serious. That is also known as the hand of the Hindu Dancer and in certain circles as Gnosis (Greek for Knowledge).
Shit I used to do that during my weeb phase 18ish years ago to try and look cool, but all I ended up looking like was a loser. 😞
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Watch The Journalist Get Torn A New A-Hole :sarcastic:

Twitter is dying.

Elon lost $44 billion dollars.

NPR won’t use Twitter after being labeled ‘government-funded media’​

@Hamartia Antidote @gambit @jhungary @F-22Raptor @Get Ya Wig Split
In fact, these Westerners have no understanding of Chinese thought.

In the eyes of Chinese people, these Christian countries are not qualified to discuss the term "democracy". The more Western Christian countries emphasize "democracy," the more absurd and hypocritical we feel.

Is your god elected by angels?

Okay, even if your god really exists, it's not the kind of god you're talking about now, it should be called "aliens" or "prehistoric civilization creatures".

By the way, I don't believe that aliens or other creatures are inherently more powerful than humans.

If a creature wants to become a god of humanity, it should obtain the consent of all humans, and it needs to have extremely high moral standards, comply with human laws, and make extremely high contributions to human civilization.

By the way, creatures with extremely destructive power or the use of destructive, apocalyptic, and judgmental forces to threaten humanity are called 'tyrants' or' enemies', rather than 'gods'. Otherwise, we should let Mie Ba become God.

These fanatical Christian fundamentalists are essentially worshippers of violence and dictatorship. What qualifications do you have to discuss "democracy" with us?
Compared to which other news outlet?

Lives in Britain, hates everything about it. #standard

You cannot be serious. That is also known as the hand of the Hindu Dancer and in certain circles as Gnosis (Greek for Knowledge).

NOTHING is unbiased , if you use subjective reasoning there will always be some bias.
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