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Eliminate all threats to India, US tells Pakistan

Mirza Jatt

Mar 26, 2010
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Eliminate all threats to India, US tells Pakistan

In a move, which is seen as United States getting tough on Pakistan, the Barack Obama [ Images ] administration has asked top Pakistani leaders, including powerful army chief General Ashfaq Kayani, to stop all terrorist elements within its border that poses threat to neighbouring India [ Images ] and Afghanistan.

"We will continue to work with Pakistan, try to find ways to put pressure on these extremist elements that represent a threat to Pakistan, a threat to Afghanistan, a threat to India, a threat to the region as a whole and a threat to the United States. So this security and counter-terrorism remains a significant part of our strategic dialogue," State Department spokesman P J Crowley told foreign media persons on issues being discussed at the ongoing US-Pak Strategic Dialogue in Washington.

The Foreign Policy's blog The Cable reported that the tough message was delivered personally by US President Barack Obama to the visiting Pakistani delegation during the meeting with National Security Advisor in-waiting Tom Donilon.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, army chief General Ashfaq Kayani, Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh and Pakistan Ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani were among those who were present in the Pakistani delegation.

Obama dropped in on that meeting and stayed for 50 minutes, according to an official who was there, and personally delivered the tough message that other top US officials have been communicating since the Pakistani delegation arrived, The Cable reported this while confirming reports from various sources that the Obama Administration is taking a markedly tougher tone than before.

The Obama administration, though having publicly apologised to Islamabad [ Images ] for the death of three Pakistani soldiers in a Nato helicopter attack, has taken a strong note of the Pakistani establishment's decision to block crucial NATO supply route to Afghanistan through the country.

This has been considered as a "purely blackmailing" tactics by the US, one official said, while Islamabad has been saying this as a sovereignty issue.

Earlier Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [ Images ] dropped in unannounced during an another meeting between Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke [ Images ] and Pakistan army [ Images ] chief Ashfaq Kayani.

"She delivered the message that Washington's patience is wearing thin with Pakistan's ongoing reluctance to take a more aggressive stance against militant groups operating from Pakistan over the Afghan border," The Cable reported.

A similar message was delivered to General Kayani in another high-level side meeting on Wednesday at the Pentagon [ Images ], hosted by Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen, two senior government sources were quoted as saying by The Cable.

"The message being delivered to Pakistan throughout the week by the Obama team is that its effort to convince Pakistan to more aggressively combat groups like the Haqqani network and Lashkar-e-Tayiba [ Images ] will now consist of both carrots and sticks. But this means that the US administration must find a way incentivise both the Pakistani civilian and military leadership, which have differing agendas and capabilities," it said.

Crowley told journalists that the dropping of Clinton and Obama to these meetings was not incidental, but was well planned and scheduled in advance.

"It was planned," he said.

"We have stressed in our dialogue with Pakistan, and again this week, that extremist elements within Pakistan's borders represents an existential threat to Pakistan itself. And in dealing with classic insurgencies, it will involve a variety of efforts ranging from security and military action to political action," Crowley said.

"So, to the extent that Pakistan can continue to take the kind of aggressive action that it has over the past year, as indicated by its offensives in Swat and South Waziristan. As we have emphasized, we would like to see Pakistan stay on the offensive and eliminate the safe havens that have impact within Pakistan and also impact next door in Afghanistan," he added.

Eliminate all threats to India, US tells Pakistan - Rediff.com India News
Eliminate all threats to Pakistan through Indian proxy terrorism..Pak should tell USA
Eliminate all threats to Pakistan through Indian proxy terrorism..Pak should tell USA

India will ask for the same thing Pakistan used to ask for the past two decades...'PROOF'. than more 'PROOF'. than more 'CONCLUSIVE PROOF'. than 'CONCRETE PROOF'. It took India two decades to convince the world that Pakistan is behind most of the terror attacks on India, how long would it take for Pakistan to prove India's hand in Balouchistan.
Nobody seems to be buying the "non-state actors" line anymore.With so many secrets tumbling out of Headley's closet,it looks like the US has also woken up to the potential dangers of all the actors in this motley crowd of Kings and vagabonds.
Epic Fail!! Talking Hard with Pakistan won't work.GOTUS tried it before and it will only decrease the the influence of US in Pakistan.The anti US lobby would loose power and Pro China lobby would get more power in Pakistan.Nothing much Obama can do except threatening to pull out US AID.
First take actions against BLA elements hiding in Afghanistan and their supporters who are their for so called humanitarian aid then we'll talk....
Not the first time hearing that, let them say whatever they want.
Pakistan should stop all the proxy activities against India... and they should start strengthening diplomatic relationship with countries to gain support.. Otherwise Pakistan will soon become an enemy state in the eyes of the world and will have to face such embarrassment now and then.... may be more in the future.. ultimately all your blood will boil like this only
Well it took some 20 years for Mujahids to become terrorist to Pakistan's POV. People should understand, they are slow-learners!
Well it took some 20 years for Mujahids to become terrorist to Pakistan's POV. People should understand, they are slow-learners!

Just like it took many decades for India to call LTTE fighters as terrorists.
Or its also the same case India is still learning to call them terrorists.
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