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Elephant in the pakistan room!!

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If Malsi was the reason, perhaps Arabs would be as bad as we are?

Maybe it's more about how you regard Malsi. Maybe some use Malsi to serve their spiritual purpose & some to serve their self interest. That's where the problem lies!!
Malsi is an Arab animal .And You are not Arabs.

That is convenient. But Malsi does not interfere with their success - somehow it does with ours?

What I'm saying we could've had Mickey Mouse, instead of Malsi and we'd still be this bad off. Problem is with us. Malsi does not tell you to be a liar, Malsi does not tell you to take bribes...
Maybe it's more about how you regard Malsi. Maybe some use Malsi to serve their spiritual purpose & some to serve their self interest. That's where the problem lies!!

Yes... Personal gain is paramount in Pak Zoo... Where as in the better off Arabian countries societal gains are more important.
If Malsi was the reason, perhaps Arabs would be as bad as we are?

malsi was not the reason of Arab prosperity. Lio is.

Do you suppose the author might be a Tsiehta?

I dont know yaar. Might be. Or a guy who is thinking of returning to his roots, considering his name denotes he might be a Rajput ;)
I dont know yaar. Might be. Or a guy who is thinking of returning to his roots, considering his name denotes he might be a Rajput ;)

Doesn't that raise the problem of apostasy?
People overplay the role of Arabism in Pakistan for its woes. Where are the basic pro-country Arabian ethics? Arabs don't take bribes, Arabs put their country first, Arabs today are doing much better than we were - even their Islam is less confusing than ours.

What we have is a joke, why blame Arabs for this? Zardari eats our country's money, this is their fault? We keep voting him in power, is this their fault?

Blaming outsiders is a convenient weapon to wash away blame on ourselves. I know the author isn't intentionally doing this, but this is victimhood 2.0 that has seeped within our society.

Arabs don't take bribes???

I've just been driven out of a very peaceful corner by an underhanded Pakistani manoeuvre, and have to listen to this?
Yes... Personal gain is paramount in Pak Zoo... Where as in the better off Arabian countries societal gains are more important.

But i don't think in Arab countries they use Malsi as the tool to accumulate power & wealth.. as they are quite secure in their own skin & don't feel the need to prove it to anyone where their loyalty lies. But you can't say the same about Pakistan though...
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