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Electricity Tariff Increased by 11.80 Rupees Per Unit in 3 Weeks by Imported Government

They came to take the country to ruins, and they are doing fine so far. Thanks to the neutrals.
Chalo acha ha default ho he jaye ek dafa , sri lanka ban jain hum b

At least imf/usa can be happy
Neutrals should get their private jets ready…..cuz the trainwreck is coming fast at them

IK needs to stop hiding names, time to name and shame everyone at once
Hate the imported gov and the coward traitors who put them there. But this is probably a good move and should cut circular debt. Unlike fuel cost adjustment, this 7.9 rupees is a permanent increase primarily because of exorbitant IPP contracts signed by Nawaz gov. Fuel cost adjustment is separate. @Norwegian has put up the capacity payments slides in the past. Until we are are out of those contracts or their impact is minimized in 10 years, we will have this expensive electricity. Even PTI gov would have been forced to take this decision because of the past incompetence of PMLN.

Electricity charges going UP
Does this affect solar netmetering as well or disadvantaged them too ?
what these are doing there?

only corrupt ppl will support this govt to loot the country and they are doing fine 54 ppl trip for show off.

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Chapter 1, Patwarnama: "When Imran Niazi raises prices of petrol and electricity it is because he is incompetent. When we raise prices of the same it is because of increase of energy prices in world market"
Youthias are tiktok generation.

Get a life. F PTI. Reduced petrol prices for political gains. Now every bad thing putting on PMLN and good things because of PTI. Sore losers. F PTI again.
Mirror dekh kar jal gai bachay ki? koiye baat nahi burnol laga lena wait burnol nahi milta ab imported govt ne mehngai itni kardi
IT industry, textile, flour mills are badly affected.. food prices increased 40%.. neutrals are missing

Come Judgement Day, these traitors to Islam will be sweating like p!g$. No America, no Supreme Court, not even a mountain of gold will make escape the punishment that Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah has in store for them. I pray that the people of Pakistan unite and fight to tear apart this vice like grip of corrupt traitor political elite.

This is the fight for our very existence, and in order to fight, we MUST establish Imaan.

Pakistanis, do you remember how Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam led the Muslims of Makkah? Do you remember the pain and suffering the Muslims of Makkah endured for proclaiming their faith? It is our beloved Prophet who wept in the Kaabah night after night, for who? It is for His Ummah! So Pakistanis, do you identify yourselves to be a member of the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam?

If you do, then what in the world are you waiting for? Stand up and proclaim your Imaan ... and fight to preserve your Imaan in Allah, fear none save Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
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