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Eight Christians hospitalised after attack by Hindutva(upper caste) goons, to prevent lower caste from leaving Hinduism


Nov 29, 2020
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New Delhi: Hindutva extremists attacked Christians with axes, stones, and wooden clubs when they were praying in a house church on 8 March in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district. The attack left many people injured, including eight who sustained serious injuries and required hospitalization, reported a persecution watchdog called International Christian Concern (ICC).

During the incident, the extremists also burned a motorbike and several bicycles belonging to the Christians.

According to media reports, a mob of 30, led by a local radical leader named Ando Guddi, attacked a house church where more than 150 Christians had gathered for worship on March 8. The mob claimed the Christians were involved in illegal religious conversions to justify their attack.

”There is an attempt by the local politicians to divide people on religious lines, and it is not the first such incident reported in this area,” a local Christian told ICC.

”The police and the administration do not help the local Christians as they do not even file a first information report.”

Pastor Samson Bhagel, one of the Christians seriously injured in the attack, has been leading 13 congregations in the Bastar District for the past 11 years. Following the attack, the local Christian community has been gripped with a sense of fear and insecurity. ”This is very bad what happened to my husband and the other Christians,” Durasth Bhagel, Pastor Bhagel’s wife, told ICC. ”We have never experienced this kind of rough situation.”

Experts believe that attacks on Indian minority groups have increased since Bharatiya Janata Party came to power.

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Upper caste Hindus live freely in Christian and Islamic nations, but they don't let Christians and Muslims to live freely in India.

Indian Muslims atleast put up some resistance, but Christians are lower in number, get scared, just roll over and weep.

I think its time, Both Abrahamic religions unite against this persecution. Let me assure you these Hindutwa freaks have no backbone, they can only show strength when in greater numbers,

These Hindutwa freaks are scared cats(bheegi billi) when in other countries.
Prohpet Isaah or Christ used to heal Lepers in his lifetime.


Inspired by this a Australian missionary Graham Staines left his comfortable life and came to India to help Lepers in India. Hindutwa goons or upper caste Hindus, in their paranoia of conversion and demographic change, burnt alive the missionary and his two sons.


Their motive was to terrorize other missionaries. These Hindutwa freaks can go to any extend in their paranoia, even burn alive 6 and 10 year old children.
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Hope more will convert to Christianity. USA is watching, if you decide to repress them.
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