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Eid or no Eid?

Why do have you an obsession to live among humans? You should live somewhere in the mid of Oceans.
I really should but then you will say i hold my court atop oceans like Satan
Unfortunately the same case for the Muslims on all other matters. As stated by Dr Mahatir Malaysia "we need to find out why the Muslim civilisation has gone downhill"
Malaysians are quite ahead in understanding legal perspectives of Sunnah
Historically Muslims always started ramadhan according to their own local/regional sighting. Just like how we sighting the sun for opening and breaking fast. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tomorrow claims we need to close and open fast at the same time because its one sun or perform one salah for the whole world, wouldn't it be amazing 2 billion Muslims prostrating at one time.
In 2 months time we will be discussing why not give money and skip the ritual sacrifice
. . .
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