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Egypt's ousted president Hosni Mubarak dies

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Egypt's ousted president Hosni Mubarak dies - state TV

FEBRUARY 25, 2020

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt’s ousted former President Hosni Mubarak has died at the age of 91, state television said on Tuesday, weeks after undergoing surgery.

Mubarak ruled Egypt for 30 years until he was ousted following mass protests against his rule in 2011. He was jailed for years after the uprising, but was freed in 2017 after being acquitted of most charges.

Good and bad, but overall a useless leader who watched Egypt's economy & infrastructure crumble due to Marxist-type policies and didn't institute reforms. Bread was still subsidised under his watch.

30 years of stagnation is his main legacy, but at least he fought against Muslim Brotherhood Islamists. Which is always welcome.
Shaytaan never dies, it just gets replaced by new shaytaan
Now he will find out the consequences of living like a Pharoah.

May Allah swt guide us and protect us from evil. That day will come upon us all.

The man ruled Egypt for 30 years.

I do not know if all who commented appreciate what it is like to rule and keep stable ,a big country like Egypt and see that its people are fed.

I think to sum him up , deserves a more serious discussion than a few liners.

Yes he was a dictator , but that is not different than most middle east countries.

But when push came to shoves , during the Arab spring , he did not turn the Army on his people. Unlike Assad who had no problem seeing hundred thousands of his people butchered , rather than stepping down.

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I thought he was brain dead at this point then again Egypt has been irrelevant since Nasser died in 1970,just another dead beat dictator as usual

The man ruled Egypt for 30 years.

I do not know if all who commented appreciate what it is like to rule and keep stable ,a big country like Egypt and see that its people are fed.

I think to sum him up , deserves a more serious discussion than a few liners.

Yes he was a dictator , but that is not different than most middle east countries.

But when push came to shoves , during the Arab spring , he did not turn the Army on his people. Unlike Assad who had no problem seeing hundred thousands of his people butchered , rather than stepping down.


I was just going to write he was the pathetic overseer of Egypts castration as a geopolitical player, and the arab worlds biggest power. to a meek, pathetic, dependent toothless state after signing a disgraceful "peace deal" with Israel that betrayed their arab ally Egypt. ..

then I see israelis praising him and it just confirmed everything I wanted to write...

no wonder israelis love this pathetic loser.... welcome to histories trash bin Mubarak.
I was just going to write he was the pathetic overseer of Egypts castration as a geopolitical player, and the arab worlds biggest power. to a meek, pathetic, dependent toothless state after signing a disgraceful "peace deal" with Israel that betrayed their arab ally Egypt. ..

then I see israelis praising him and it just confirmed everything I wanted to write...

no wonder israelis love this pathetic loser.... welcome to histories trash bin Mubarak.


geopolitical player ?

Egypt population is 100 million , which is mostly concentrated around the Nile valley , surrounded by deserts.

Egypt main issue since biblical times was to feed it's people. To worst threat to the regime in the past where when they tried to raise bread subsides and got a wave of riots.

And you talk about " geopolitical player " ?

Luckily for Egyptians Mubarak did not involve them in unnecessary regional conflicts , to gain some vain prestige in the Arab world . Like your mullahs who try to boost their reputation and bravado , by building local armies in most of the region , for reasons only they understand.

He also prevented Egypt from becoming some extreme Muslim state that does not satisfy itself with being a dictatorship , but also feels the need to shove their noises into people private lives , like your country.

You have no problem with Assad who kills his own people to stay in power. But unlike the IRGC , Or Assad's army The Egyptian army is the people's army and did not turn on its own people.

So you can keep your leaders who desire to be " geopolitical player " , who care more about their megalomaniac regional power , rather than the well being of their own people.

إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
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