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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

Thanks, bro. I didn't get the tag FYI but I think I know why, it might have to do with the comma added after the usernames. Just wanted to let you know I wasn't ignoring your posts.

The first option seems to be the best one IMO. Not sure why they would think of making it a longer route by going through Sanafir as well. That just adds to the distance and an additional crossing that seems to be unnecessary. Not even if they wanted to include the 2nd island as a thoroughfare to make it accessible, possibly as an additional tourist location because that would really extend the traveling distance unnecessarily IMO. They can always create a separate route to that island if that's the purpose, but not make it a must, to go through when most of the time it wouldn't be, doesn't make sense to me.

What is your and @Sharif al-Hijaz 's opinions as to whether the crossing from Sina to Tiran should be a tunnel or a bridge? That's the main corridor for the shipping waterway, so I'm not sure if a tunnel or bridge would be the better option.
No problem brother, it was a nudge to have you see this find..

For me option 1 is the best although they can add number 2 bridge in option 2 (and 3) later on..
The main bridge will be high enough to not interfere with the shipping in the waterway, it will be designed with the highest crossing ships in mind..
The tunnel will be too expansive, and won't be safer than the bridge.. in case of an attack (very unlikely), by bombers over the bridge or submarine torpedoes for the tunnel, it will be a declaration of war on both Egypt and Saudi Arabia at the same time.. So that little entity would have to think twice as it will engage the Arab and the Muslim world..
EgyptAir to add 33 new planes to its fleet

Ahram Online , Sunday 22 Oct 2017


EgyptAir is to boost its fleet with the purchase of 33 new passenger jets, the airline's chairman Safwat Mosalam said in a press statement on Sunday.

The new purchases will include a range of aircraft suitable for short-, medium- and long-distance journeys, in line with the company's expansion plan, Mosalem said.

The company has a budget of EGP 60 billion ($3.4 billion) for new planes, which will allow for the purchase of 38 planes in total, he added.

On Saturday, EgyptAir received the eighth Boeing plane as part of a 2016 $1 billion (EGP 18 million) deal to buy nine planes from the manufacturer.

The last plane in that deal is expected to be delivered by the end of this year, increasing the EgyptAir fleet to 68.

The 85-year-old airline has faced several challenges over the past few years, including disappointing financial results.

In May, Egypt's civil-aviation minister announced that the company had lost around $777 million since 2011, but looks to turn its fortunes around.

We could use Elon Musk's Hyperloop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But it is still in testing mode..it has first to prove itself as a viable concept and then mature, which will take a few years, by which time the Egyptian-Saudi bridge will be finished.. (2020)
$27.3 billion to be invested in Egypt’s Zohr, North Alexandria, Nooros gas fields in 2018: Oil Minister
The investments mark a step forward in the development of major fields discovered in recent years

83 new exploration agreements worth $15.5 billion will be signed next year, and 230 wells worth $2 billion will be drilled, El Molla said.

The Zohr gas field will be producing 500 million cubic feet per day by the end of 2017, Prime Minister Sherif Ismail said last month, according to Reuters.

Likewise the North Alexandria concession will begin producing 500-700 million cubic feet of gas per day by the end of next year, the oil minister said last month.

Egypt’s natural gas output is expected to increase to 6.2 billion cubic feet per day by the end of the current fiscal year, from 5.2 billion cubic feet per day last July, he was quoted as saying on Reuters.

Elsewhere, the minister announced that the Egypt Petroleum Show (EGYPS), which is aimed at attracting further development investment, will be held 12-14 February 2018.

The Zohr field is the largest natural gas field in the Mediterranean. Its discovery in 2015 nearly doubled Egypt's reserves.

83 new exploration agreements worth $15.5 billion will be signed next year, and 230 wells worth $2 billion will be drilled, El Molla said.

The Zohr gas field will be producing 500 million cubic feet per day by the end of 2017, Prime Minister Sherif Ismail said last month, according to Reuters.

Likewise the North Alexandria concession will begin producing 500-700 million cubic feet of gas per day by the end of next year, the oil minister said last month.

Egypt’s natural gas output is expected to increase to 6.2 billion cubic feet per day by the end of the current fiscal year, from 5.2 billion cubic feet per day last July, he was quoted as saying on Reuters.

Elsewhere, the minister announced that the Egypt Petroleum Show (EGYPS), which is aimed at attracting further development investment, will be held 12-14 February 2018.

The Zohr field is the largest natural gas field in the Mediterranean. Its discovery in 2015 nearly doubled Egypt's reserves.


UK, Egyptian companies to launch catheter production facility in Cairo at $4 million in investment

A new medical joint venture between an Egyptian and a British company to launch a state-of the-art-facility to produce catheters is set to start at an investment of $4 million, the British embassy in Cairo announced on Thursday.

The new facility, which involves the British company Kimal and the Egyptian Arab Medical Equipment Company (AMECO), is planned to be set up at an industrial complex in 6 October City.

The project should provide the Egyptian healthcare industry with innovative products and enhanced treatment equipment, as well as opportunities for export to 25 new countries, according to the embassy statement.

Egypt’s AMECO will be expected to introduce know-how from the UK to the Egyptian medical technology sector.

British ambassador to Cairo John Casson said in the statement that the new venture demonstrates the potential for British companies to help develop Egypt's economy.

"In the next five years, the $4 million in investment we are celebrating today will reach $20 million and provide Egypt with top-quality medical products, with new jobs for Egyptians and new exports to European countries," Casson said.

AMECO is a privately owned company that was founded as a family business in 1984.

The UK is Egypt’s top foreign investor, with $43 billion in investment in the fiscal 2016/17 and over 1,450 British businesses active in the country.


Egypt developing infrastructure to accommodate more renewable energy: Minister


Egypt's Investment and International Cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr said on Wednesday that the country has been working on infrastructure development to pave the way for more investments into renewable energy.

Nasr, who spoke at the Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh amid the participation of economic leaders from over 60 countries, said that Egypt aims to increase reliance on renewable energy to 20 percent by 2022.

Earlier this year, state news agency MENA quoted an official from the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy as saying that fossil fuel is used to generate 90 percent of the country's electricity.

Nasr also said that Egypt seeks to attract $10 billion worth of direct investments in the current fiscal year 2017/18, adding that US, British and Saudi investors have already injected investments in the country during the past month.

Investments in human resources, education and health are a priority for the Egyptian investment ministry, Nasr said.


Two $87 mln loans granted for construction of world's largest solar power plant in Egypt's Benban

Egyptian renewable energy developer Infinity Solar Energy and international solar developer IB Vogt, GmbH, will each receive an $87 billion syndicated loan provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and the Dutch Development Bank (FMO), according to an EBRD statement issued on Monday.

The funds will be allocated for the construction and operation of two solar photovoltaic power plants planned for Upper Egypt's Benban village.

Upon completion, the facilities will comprise the largest solar installation in the world, with a planned total capacity of 1.8 GW.

Egypt has approved feed-in tariffs for renewable energy production, allowing the government to guarantee a certain price for energy produced in order to encourage investment in the renewable energy sector.

The bank provided a breakdown of the amount allocated, which includes EBRD Loans of $58 million for each of the two projects, of which $44 million will be from the bank's own account and $14 million from the Green Climate Fund.

The FMO will provide the remaining $29 million loans.

The Egyptian solar energy project falls under the EBRD’s $500 million framework for renewable energy in the country, which was adopted earlier this year.

Egypt has been receiving funding from the EBRD since 2012, with the bank investing a total of invested €2.7 billion in 51 projects in the country in various fields and sectors.

"The expansion of renewable is crucial not only for the environment, but also for the wider economy. It will create jobs, increase energy security and reduce the burden on the economy. The introduction of a regulatory framework that private investors can rely on will ensure that all this happens at sustainable cost and affordable prices," said the head of Power and Energy Utilities for the EBRD, Harry Boyd-Carpenter.

From his side, Infinity Solar CEO Mohamed Mansour expressed delight at collaborating with EBRD and its partners, describing the cooperation as a "big step in achieving Egypt's capacity goals for the market."

Egypt has been working to upgrade its power plant capacity and renewable energy projects in order to meet rising power demand and resources, and aims to transition 22 percent of the country's energy consumption to renewable sources by 2020.


Saudis set $500 billion plan to develop border region with Jordan, Egypt

Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday a $500 billion plan to create a business and industrial zone extending across its borders into Jordan and Egypt, the biggest project yet in a series of efforts to free the kingdom of its dependence on oil exports.

The 26,500 square km (10,230 square mile) zone, known as NEOM, will focus on industries including energy and water, biotechnology, food, advanced manufacturing and entertainment, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said.

Adjacent to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba and near maritime trade routes that use the Suez Canal, the zone will power itself solely with wind power and solar energy, said the Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia's top sovereign fund.

"NEOM is situated on one of the world’s most prominent economic arteries ... Its strategic location will also facilitate the zone’s rapid emergence as a global hub that connects Asia, Europe and Africa."

The Saudi government, the PIF, and local and international investors are expected to put more than half a trillion dollars into the zone in coming years, Prince Mohammed said.

There was no immediate comment on the plan from Jordan and Egypt, both of which are close allies of Saudi Arabia.


Bahrain, Kuwait, and UAE to lift ban on Egypt's agriculture exports: Agriculture Ministry

Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to lift a ban on imports of Egyptian agricultural products, Egypt's agriculture ministry said in a statement on Sunday.

The decision came after a productive series of meetings between officials from the three Gulf countries and an Egyptian delegation over the past few weeks, according to Minister of Agriculture Abdel-Moneim El-Banna.

A number of Gulf countries banned Egyptian agricultural imports over the past year, citing concerns of harmful pesticide residue in produce.

In exchange for increased Egyptian inspection of produce destined for the Gulf, the countries have agreed to allow the import of certain products, including organic ones, given proper testing.

Importantly, the officials agreed to sustained communication between the Egyptian agriculture ministry's plant quarantine office and its counterparts in the three countries in order to better monitor for import violations.

Last March, Egypt’s trade and industry ministry revealed a plan to nearly double the nation's exports by the year 2020, from the current $19 billion to $34 billion.

The strategy includes implementing new export plans and policies, as well as targeting new markets for cement, agricultural products, ready-made clothes, construction materials, chemical products, and engineering and electronic goods.


Green fund approves $31.4 mln UNDP project to protect Egypt's Delta from climate change
The project will be centred around constructing dikes to protect low-lying areas from flooding from the Mediterranean Sea as sea levels rise

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) approved on Sunday a $31.4 million United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project to protect Egypt's Nile Delta from rising sea levels due to climate change, the UNDP said in a press statement.

The project titled “Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in the North Coast of Egypt” will be implemented by the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation over seven years.

The GCF is a global fund that offers support to developing countries to deal with the challenge of climate change.

The approval for the project came during the GCF's 18th board meeting in Cairo from Saturday to Monday.

Egypt's irrigation ministry will contribute EGP 140 million to the project, which is centred around the construction of dikes to prevent flooding of homes and farmland due to rising sea levels and extreme weather due to climate change.

"The project aims to protect the densely populated low-lying lands in the Nile Delta, the home of 25 percent of the Egyptian population, which have been identified as highly vulnerable to climate change induced Sea-Level Rise (SLR)," read the UNDP press statement.

The irrigation ministry said that the project is the biggest grant Egypt has obtained from the GCF to help adapt to climate change, according to Al-Ahram Arabic.

"The project will also support the development of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZM) for the North Coast of Egypt that links the plan for shore protection from SLR with the national development plan of the coastal zones," the UNDP added.

Some scientists have predicted that Egypt will suffer environmental calamities as a result of climate change, with the Nile Delta particularly at risk from flooding by the Mediterranean Sea.

According to the UNDP, rising sea levels will have a critical impact on Egypt’s infrastructure and development along the low-lying coastal areas, eventually having an impact on Egypt’s entire economy.


Egypt’s major IT players in recruitment drive

Egypt’s IT sector is seeing an increase in staffing, amid a surge in hiring by multinationals that are expanding operations in the country. Following a meeting in July with automotive component and technology company Valeo Service, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) announced that the France-based company plans to generate 500 new jobs

Egypt’s IT sector is seeing an increase in staffing, amid a surge in hiring by multinationals that are expanding operations in the country.

Following a meeting in July with automotive component and technology company Valeo Service, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) announced that the France-based company plans to generate 500 new jobs over the next two years at its base in Cairo’s Smart Village. The company’s Cairo office is its largest software research and development hub worldwide.

The ministry’s announcement was made just weeks after the press reported that US computing company Dell EMC planned to expand its operations in Egypt by 25% before the end of 2017, in a move that will create 250 new jobs. The company operates a “centre of excellence” in Cairo, offering a range of technology services, while working closely with local universities to nurture talent.

Valeo and Dell are part of a broader wave of multinationals that are expanding their IT operations in the Arab world’s most populous country. In September Orange Business Services (OBS), the business services arm of telecoms company Orange, announced plans to create more than 170 new business process outsourcing jobs at its Egypt site, increasing its total workforce to around 2000 before the end of 2017.

The company expects to take on approximately 450 additional staff in 2018, to help serve customers in Europe.

ICT drives economic growth

Egypt’s ICT sector is already a major employer. The industry provides direct employment for some 500,000 workers, and this number is rising.

Excluding telecoms, the sector represents the single biggest driver of growth in Egypt’s economy. The industry expanded by 12.5% in FY 2016/17, which ended on June 30, contributing LE64bn ($3.6bn) to GDP and generating $1.87bn in export revenues, according to the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA).

Investment should also benefit from a recovering economy, which is expected to grow by 3.5% this year and 4.5% in 2018, according to the IMF.

Harnessing competitive advantages

Egypt’s large pool of skilled graduates coupled with low operating costs are major factors contributing to the growing interest from tech investors, and they have enabled the sector to buck broader trends during the worst of Egypt’s economic crisis.

A total of 220,000 Egyptians graduate with business-process-related degrees every year, and a further 50,000 graduate with degrees in ICT-focused subjects, according to ITIDA. Costs per full-time employee in multilingual contact centres can be just 20% of those in Western Europe and are kept down by low overheads and competitive wages.

In addition to this, the sector benefits from its location between Europe, Asia and Africa, to serve a range of global markets, particularly businesses that have adopted the “follow the sun” approach, where work is passed around the globe from one office to another to maximise working hours. Egypt is also linked in to more than 10 global internet backbone networks, which improve bandwidth capacity and international connectivity.

Help from the top

As well as utilising these competitive advantages, successive governments have been supportive of tech investors, making available a range of incentives, including subsidised telecoms rates, training subsidies, and help with due diligence and identifying suitable office space.

Ratified in June, the new Investment Law includes a chapter on investment in technological zones, which will provide dedicated support to businesses working on design and development of electronics, data centres, outsourcing activities, software development and technological education.

Businesses located in the hubs are eligible for tax and Customs duty exemptions on the tools, supplies and machinery that they require for their operations. Technology investors will also be covered by other guarantees and incentives featured in the legislation – which is aimed at bringing about a more robust legal environment for foreign businesses – including guaranteeing equitable treatment of foreign and local investors and the right to export the investment project’s products without needing to sign up with the Exporters Registry.


@Gomig-21 @Amir_Pharaoh @Sharif al-Hijaz @SC
Twenty-one international companies start to work in Sukhna in January..
China is setting up the largest textile complex in the world in the "Economic Zone" at a cost of $6 billion

The head of the Suez Canal Authority and Chairman of the General Authority for Economic Affairs in the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Momeech confirmed that 21 international companies will start operating in January in the region of Dubai Ports International in the general economic zone in the Canal area. This is part of the implementation of the recent partnership agreement between the Economic Authority and Dubai Ports with 51% for the Economic Zone and 49% for Dubai Ports.

He pointed out in his remarks in the covered hall in Ismailia that the Dubai Ports International deal with 8000 partners around the world and will attract them to work in the economic zone, adding that it is expected to provide 150 000 jobs with Egyptian labor representing 90% of them...

He explained that the largest textile complex in the world will be set up at a cost of up to 6 billion dollars with one of the giant Chinese companies in the world, in which Egyptian companies and Egyptian workers will participate and work will begin in the new year in Ain Sukhna...

He also pointed out that his trips abroad accompanied by the Minister of Investment had positive results, notably the return of the ports of Singapore again, solving the problems of 23 global companies in the region and attracting more investments, stressing that the President Sissi is keen to start implementation directly and that there are some investment delegations that returned with us in the plane to see the progress on the Ground, and start work like the German company Bavaria in Port Said.

He pointed out that the economic zone and the Suez Canal Authority have increased their classification in view of the large investment activity and the increase in the number of vessels passing through the canal due to the incentive policies of the vessels which concerns to the lines of traffic, loads and long distance lines..


Processing 200,000 Hectars for agriculture in North Sinai

A new industrial city in Fayoum on an area of 33 million square meters with a Singaporean participation

The Industrial Development Authority (ADDA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Singapore Holding Company on Tuesday to set up an integrated industrial city in the Koum Oshim area of Fayoum governorate on an area of 33 million square meters.

The ministry added in a statement that the city includes high value-added industrial projects in various fields and an integrated urban complex.

Agreement to establish five German factories in the Economic Zone


Egypt: Tourism revenues jump 170% in 7 months
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$27.3 billion to be invested in Egypt’s Zohr, North Alexandria, Nooros gas fields in 2018: Oil Minister
The investments mark a step forward in the development of major fields discovered in recent years

TBH, it is a little aggravating that it's taken them this long to start seriously exploring and drawing from these goldmines since they discovered them almost a decade ago. You look at our cousins to the northeast and even Lubnan and Obros, they've been quite active with their explorations. Meanwhile, we're just getting around to it. Shameful.........................but I suppose that little thing called the revolution and the other small things like a new constitution and an economic crisis and a MB presidency that almost brought down the country that resulted in almost an insurgency in Sinai etc. had juuuuuuuuuuust a little to do with the delay LOL. It's quite understandable, actually, and Al Hamdulillah that there is the concept called "better late than never" in many cases including this one. Yallah ba2a ya gama3a eshtaghalo gamed awi w'hato el ghaz bta3na da 3alanshan 3azeen n'bee30 wey geblenna foulous tekteera awi! :-) Yen3al abu om el fa2r! :D

UK, Egyptian companies to launch catheter production facility in Cairo at $4 million in investment

I heard something about the ministry of health issuing a new plan for health care. Have you heard anything about that? I'll try to find it, sounded very good and something that is loooooooooong overdue.

Saudis set $500 billion plan to develop border region with Jordan, Egypt

Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday a $500 billion plan to cre

"$500 billion" L-O-L! That makes the Saudi arms deal with the US look like child's play. Unbelievable. MashaAllah these people are just doing things that no one can argue with, especially that man right there who's quite obviously very influential and adopting many of these new measures in Saudiya and doing it behind the scenes. The crown prince is going to bring a major change to Saudiya primarily for 2 reasons: his age since he'll be MUCH younger than the previous kings, that makes him much more in touch with the all concepts that come with being young. You can see this happening already as we all know. The other is plain and obvious, the man is quite intelligent and not that the previous kings weren't, but that intelligence is compounded with the fortitude and wherewithal to make the essential changes which many will have strong opposition from the religious honchos. It's going to be quite challenging for him since that aforementioned group is quite powerful in their own right. Good times ahead for Saudiya and the entire Arab world ISA.

Bahrain, Kuwait, and UAE to lift ban on Egypt's agriculture exports: Agriculture Ministry

Can't put too much of that stuff on the crops, even if there are a lot of bugs eating them. Sounds like they've found the right medium for the use of fertilizer. We have the most fertile land in the region and should take full advantage of having that. They should be farming ever single type of veggie and fruit you can imagine and packaging that stuff left and right! 1 acre in Tanta or Banha can feed Qatar for a year! :-)

Egypt: Tourism revenues jump 170% in 7 months

Good news walahi. The economy is actually booming MA.
I heard something about the ministry of health issuing a new plan for health care. Have you heard anything about that? I'll try to find it, sounded very good and something that is loooooooooong overdue.

Found it.

Egypt is about to launch Universal Health Coverage
Egypt is about to offer all of its citizens health insurance for the first time in the North African country’s history. Prime Minister Sherif Ismail approved on Wednesday a new comprehensive health insurance bill after meeting with the Minister of Health, Ahmed Emad, to review final details of the law.

The new health care program will cost L.E. 140 billion Egyptian pounds ($8 billion) and will be implemented gradually across the country between 2018 and 2032, starting with the cities of Port Said and Suez, and ending with expansion to Cairo and Giza.

Subscription to the universal policy will be mandatory and will cost, depending on income, between 1,300 pounds ($74) and 4,000 ($227) pounds annually. The government has committed to provide the policy free of charge to those citizens who cannot afford it— an estimated 23.7 million Egyptians (approximately 25% of the population).

The current insurance system’s subscription cost just 112 pounds ($6), but covered only 58% of the population and was plagued by low quality, minimal care and negligence among its hospitals. Only 6% of those covered by the insurance policy, actually utilized its services, and the vast majority of health care expenditure came out of the pockets of Egyptians seeking treatment.

Egypt’s Minister of Health promised Monday that the new system would eliminate the soaring prices of medical services in the private medical sector, as the policy would attempt to adjust market prices. If compliant to certain regulations, all private hospitals will be allowed to enter the program, in addition to government, military and police hospitals.

Dozens of professional syndicates have voiced their opposition to the bill, fearing that the new bill, by allowing private companies to negotiate with the government, will push up healthcare costs. The government has moved to dispel these fears by promising that private hospitals will have to comply with the prices that the government sets.

Six years in the making, the bill was drafted by a committee of 22 health insurance officials, bankers and academic physicians, before it was referred to the government. It is now set to be introduced to Parliament where it is expected to pass with little opposition and replace the current system, which has been in place since the early sixties.


Good times ahead for Saudiya and the entire Arab world ISA.


They should be farming ever single type of veggie and fruit you can imagine and packaging that stuff left and right! 1 acre in Tanta or Banha can feed Qatar for a year! :-)

Wait... really? damn.
Nice project Masr and Good Luck
But IMO it's useless for now, all those funds should have been used into the Education system WHERE the future is created. Egypt education quality is among the last on earth. Those things are just dust to the people... and gold mines for the foreigners...
Only believe in Education / order and freedom, take one out and no future will exist.

Anyway Good Luck.

"The country, commonly cited as home to a quarter of the Arab population, was next to last in the quality of schools, universities and business-education programs, with a total score for education of 2.1 out of a possible score of seven, giving it a rank of 139 out of 140 countries. The only progress was moving up from a position of 136 in math and science education to a rank of 131. “Egyptian education is in the worst era in its history,” said Kamal Mogheeth, a researcher at the National Center for Educational Research and Development, an academic independent center affiliated with the Ministry of Education. “The results reflect the failure of the current and previous government’s policies and reveal that the country has not made a single step forward.”

For those who believe those lines:
"If EGypt get more projects/infrastrcutures, she will be ableto redo is Education system - No"
"It will come with time - No"
"We will see later on when everyone has a Job- No"
"Give us a salary thenwe will see -No"

History is the only witness of our future AND never never a Rich/powerfull country/Empire arise and prosper without a top Education system and research maiden.

It's maybe off topic but it saddens me to see such beautiful country with so much potential being shut down by a stupid vision. By people who only think in the 5-10 years ahead... and with selfish dreams...
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Nice project Masr and Good Luck
But IMO it's useless for now, all those funds should have been used into the Education system WHERE the future is created. Egypt education quality is among the last on earth. Those things are just dust to the people... and gold mines for the foreigners...
Only believe in Education / order and freedom, take one out and no future will exist.

Anyway Good Luck.

"The country, commonly cited as home to a quarter of the Arab population, was next to last in the quality of schools, universities and business-education programs, with a total score for education of 2.1 out of a possible score of seven, giving it a rank of 139 out of 140 countries. The only progress was moving up from a position of 136 in math and science education to a rank of 131. “Egyptian education is in the worst era in its history,” said Kamal Mogheeth, a researcher at the National Center for Educational Research and Development, an academic independent center affiliated with the Ministry of Education. “The results reflect the failure of the current and previous government’s policies and reveal that the country has not made a single step forward.”

For those who believe those lines:
"If EGypt get more projects/infrastrcutures, she will be ableto redo is Education system - No"
"It will come with time - No"
"We will see later on when everyone has a Job- No"
"Give us a salary thenwe will see -No"

History is the only witness of our future AND never never a Rich/powerfull country/Empire arise and prosper without a top Education system and research maiden.

It's maybe off topic but it saddens me to see such beautiful country with so much potential being shut down by a stupid vision. By people who only think in the 5-10 years ahead... and with selfish dreams...

saddens me to say this but you are a very stupid person .
"$500 billion" L-O-L! That makes the Saudi arms deal with the US look like child's play. Unbelievable. MashaAllah these people are just doing things that no one can argue with, especially that man right there who's quite obviously very influential and adopting many of these new measures in Saudiya and doing it behind the scenes. The crown prince is going to bring a major change to Saudiya primarily for 2 reasons: his age since he'll be MUCH younger than the previous kings, that makes him much more in touch with the all concepts that come with being young. You can see this happening already as we all know. The other is plain and obvious, the man is quite intelligent and not that the previous kings weren't, but that intelligence is compounded with the fortitude and wherewithal to make the essential changes which many will have strong opposition from the religious honchos. It's going to be quite challenging for him since that aforementioned group is quite powerful in their own right. Good times ahead for Saudiya and the entire Arab world ISA.

The Egyptian new capital was projected to cost $300 billion when all is finished..
Subscription to the universal policy will be mandatory and will cost, depending on income, between 1,300 pounds ($74) and 4,000 ($227) pounds annually. The government has committed to provide the policy free of charge to those citizens who cannot afford it— an estimated 23.7 million Egyptians (approximately 25% of the population).

That's great where's @KediKesenFare ? Maybe now the space program is justified? :enjoy:

Nice project Masr and Good Luck
But IMO it's useless for now, all those funds should have been used into the Education system WHERE the future is created. Egypt education quality is among the last on earth. Those things are just dust to the people... and gold mines for the foreigners...
Only believe in Education / order and freedom, take one out and no future will exist.

Anyway Good Luck.

"The country, commonly cited as home to a quarter of the Arab population, was next to last in the quality of schools, universities and business-education programs, with a total score for education of 2.1 out of a possible score of seven, giving it a rank of 139 out of 140 countries. The only progress was moving up from a position of 136 in math and science education to a rank of 131. “Egyptian education is in the worst era in its history,” said Kamal Mogheeth, a researcher at the National Center for Educational Research and Development, an academic independent center affiliated with the Ministry of Education. “The results reflect the failure of the current and previous government’s policies and reveal that the country has not made a single step forward.”

For those who believe those lines:
"If EGypt get more projects/infrastrcutures, she will be ableto redo is Education system - No"
"It will come with time - No"
"We will see later on when everyone has a Job- No"
"Give us a salary thenwe will see -No"

History is the only witness of our future AND never never a Rich/powerfull country/Empire arise and prosper without a top Education system and research maiden.

It's maybe off topic but it saddens me to see such beautiful country with so much potential being shut down by a stupid vision. By people who only think in the 5-10 years ahead... and with selfish dreams...

While I pretty much agree with what you've said about the education system, and it has unfortunately tanked in the last 10 years and they have to do something about it, at the same time, development is also critical for the country. I would say both need equal attention which has not been the case.

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