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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

Come owwnnnn, maaan! Don't you know that we sold our soul to the GCC states for a few billion, SC? And that we aren't capable of making any money let alone save any and our entire population lives in abject poverty according to some nitwit on this forum?

We're not capable of saving or making money when our entire population lives in abject poverty according to one numskull on here who claims he even saw it with his oww eyes when he traveled to Hurghada LOLOLOL! The biggest RED SEA tourist destination 2nd to Sharm El Sheikh yet he saw nothing but abject poverty there! :lol:
This means $1.5 billion after self sufficiency..

I don't bother with those numskulls at all.. I just know they are projecting..so no need to even waste a second on what they say, believe or come up with..

Check this out Bro..

A decent life initiative to develop 1,000 villages that are the poorest in Egypt, with 12.5 million citizens living in them..

Only a rich country can take care of its poor people and give them a decent life..That is that!
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This means $1.5 billion after self sufficiency..

I don't bother with those numskulls at all.. I just know they are projecting..so no need to even waste a second on what they say, believe or come up with..

Check this out Bro..

A decent life initiative to develop 1,000 villages that are the poorest in Egypt, with 12.5 million citizens living in them..

Only a rich country can take care of its poor people and give them a decent life..That is that!
Though I’m never satisfied
This means $1.5 billion after self sufficiency..

I don't bother with those numskulls at all.. I just know they are projecting..so no need to even waste a second on what they say, believe or come up with..

Check this out Bro..

A decent life initiative to develop 1,000 villages that are the poorest in Egypt, with 12.5 million citizens living in them..

Only a rich country can take care of its poor people and give them a decent life..That is that!

It truly is remarkable, SC, bro. Not every one is seeing these developments and they only see the past negativity and the stuff that is front and center on mainstream news etc. But there really has been A LOT of developments in Egypt of this kind to pull millions out of poverty and give them much better lives that its unheard of. People seeing this for the first time probably don't know how to react! lol. 12.5 million people can you imagine such a move of this magnitude?!?!

BTW, @waz or any of the other mods if they could sticky this thread, it would really be great and easier to find as we constantly update it.

This just out today and gives you quite the idea of the economics in Egypt even during this disastrous and worldwide pandemic.


Thanks, @waz ! :tup:
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First Egyptian Electric car from NASR company.. to be manufactured at a rate of 3.6 million per year..

Delta Steel Factory (Giant Egyptian Industrial Castle)

First Egyptian Electric car from NASR company.. to be manufactured at a rate of 3.6 million per year..

Delta Steel Factory (Giant Egyptian Industrial Castle)

Correction: Dong Feng manufactures 3.6 million cars per year. El-Nasr will manufacture 25,000.
Correction: Dong Feng manufactures 3.6 million cars per year. El-Nasr will manufacture 25,000.
25,000 to start with..it will certainly go much higher to millions per year.. The Egyptian market is big as well as the Mena one and the African one..
Photos: Egypt makes first industrial robot at EJUST


Mohamed Fanni, Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics at the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (EJUST), announced on Monday that a research team from EJUST has succeeded in manufacturing the first innovative industrial robot with international specifications.

The team used locally-sourced parts that are less expensive and more efficient than their imported counterparts.


Fanni said that the new robot has a unique structure that combines the advantages of serial robots (specifically their capability to perform in a large workspace) and parallel robots (known for their speed and accuracy), as the new robot uses rotational motors to perform linear motions that have multiple industrial applications.

In a statement to Egypt Independent, Fanni added that the robot can be used in many different industrial sectors such as food, plastics, home appliances, and automotive parts.


The robot’s construction is part of a bigger plan to boost Egypt’s industrial sector, according to Fanni.

“In particular, we aim to build a novel 3D interconnected translational industrial robot that we have developed in the last five years. We then aim to establish a company in EJUST to build and sell these robots for commercial use,” Fanni added.


The proposed new industrial robot has a large workspace-to-size-ratio, comparable to those of serial robots. It has also high speed, accuracy and rigidity like parallel robots. Its unique structure brings combined advantages that make it superior to other industrial robots, a statement from the university said.

The statement added that the robot’s free-interior-singularity workspace makes task planning and control easier. It has solely rotary joints and actuators, which makes it more reliable and cheaper than robots with linear joints and actuators.

The robot has a balancing system that uses small-sized motors, which reduces power consumption dramatically. This makes it a strong competitor in the market from both an engineering as well as an economic standpoint.


Fanni said that this invention will encourage many Egyptian investors to modernize and automate the country’s industry, as the cost of purchasing will be less than imported robots, and spare parts will be readily available at a low price.

“Our main objective is to contribute in the economic development of Egypt through manufacturing. For the first time in Egypt, we have a robot that can contribute to the country’s fourth industrial revolution.”

Photos: Egypt makes first industrial robot at EJUST

View attachment 700267

Mohamed Fanni, Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics at the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (EJUST), announced on Monday that a research team from EJUST has succeeded in manufacturing the first innovative industrial robot with international specifications.

The team used locally-sourced parts that are less expensive and more efficient than their imported counterparts.


Fanni said that the new robot has a unique structure that combines the advantages of serial robots (specifically their capability to perform in a large workspace) and parallel robots (known for their speed and accuracy), as the new robot uses rotational motors to perform linear motions that have multiple industrial applications.

In a statement to Egypt Independent, Fanni added that the robot can be used in many different industrial sectors such as food, plastics, home appliances, and automotive parts.


The robot’s construction is part of a bigger plan to boost Egypt’s industrial sector, according to Fanni.

“In particular, we aim to build a novel 3D interconnected translational industrial robot that we have developed in the last five years. We then aim to establish a company in EJUST to build and sell these robots for commercial use,” Fanni added.


The proposed new industrial robot has a large workspace-to-size-ratio, comparable to those of serial robots. It has also high speed, accuracy and rigidity like parallel robots. Its unique structure brings combined advantages that make it superior to other industrial robots, a statement from the university said.

The statement added that the robot’s free-interior-singularity workspace makes task planning and control easier. It has solely rotary joints and actuators, which makes it more reliable and cheaper than robots with linear joints and actuators.

The robot has a balancing system that uses small-sized motors, which reduces power consumption dramatically. This makes it a strong competitor in the market from both an engineering as well as an economic standpoint.


Fanni said that this invention will encourage many Egyptian investors to modernize and automate the country’s industry, as the cost of purchasing will be less than imported robots, and spare parts will be readily available at a low price.

“Our main objective is to contribute in the economic development of Egypt through manufacturing. For the first time in Egypt, we have a robot that can contribute to the country’s fourth industrial revolution.”


looks more like a scam.
“Our main objective is to contribute in the economic development of Egypt through manufacturing. For the first time in Egypt, we have a robot that can contribute to the country’s fourth industrial revolution.”


Looks great for a simple start by the private sector. With investing and additional assistance, the sky's the limit and the next model can have improvements on this one etc. It's a great start for a market that really has a high demand for robotics which has its benefits no question about it, but it also cuts down on the labor force which is something that every technologically advancing country has to deal with anyway.

Sisi has also just spoken recently about how he will start phasing in the products of the private sector that the military currently has a monopoly and stronghold on. That's rather refreshing hearing that since we've been screaming about that for many years now. The only way to really have great GDP build-up and progress at the highest capacity is to have the private sector involved in most, if not all technologies and product developments. Slowly weed out the military from these endeavors and hand it to the private sector with a well organized system of sharing and participating from both. Another brilliant move from Sisi that if he succeeds in making that work, it will be another feather to stick in his hat.

In the meantime, the new, Grand Museum in the new administrative capital is about 97% completed as far as construction is concerned and man is it impressive looking just from the few pics they've shown.

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@The SC , @ARCH٤R , @Philip the Arab , @Kellar777 and other Egyptian brothers, what do you guys think of this incredible project happening in Egypt ATM? The SC was talking about this a couple of years ago and man was he on the money, as usual! :-)

Pics won't upload independently for some reason so I'll post the Twitter post itself.

Amazing project. Feasibility studies started during Mubarak's Era and Daaba was chosen as the ideal place to build the reactor, but nothing happened and El-Sisi started everything again. Personally, I think that this is one of the largest projects in Egypt's history.
Amazing project. Feasibility studies started during Mubarak's Era and Daaba was chosen as the ideal place to build the reactor, but nothing happened and El-Sisi started everything again. Personally, I think that this is one of the largest projects in Egypt's history.

I totally agree. Although moving Abu Simbel and building the Aswan dam was a pair of gargantuan projects, also! lol. But this is right up there too, I'm with you 100%!

What do you suppose the Israelis are thinking about this? Do you think there was some communications with them through backdoors to be sure they don't get too ambitious and try to pull off a stupid "Iraq Osiris" and drag us into a bloody war again? I think they probably had several meetings and underground agreements with eventual arbitration and being a signatory of the non-proliferation treaty, Egypt has a lot of credibility with the UN and that fact which should carry a lot of weigh regarding that matter.

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