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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

Deputy Minister of Housing: An integrated plan is being implemented to build 30 new cities

The economic zone of the Suez Canal and the projects in it

A local Egyptian factory will be built for rail cars, tractors and spare parts


11 new petrochemical production projects with investments of about 19 billion dollars are being implemented and studied

11 new projects for the production of petrochemicals with a total investment cost estimated at about $ 19 billion, including two giant refining and petrochemical complexes in the economic zone at the axis of the Suez Canal and the new city of El Alamein are being implemented and studied in order to activate the state’s vision to develop the two regions, as well as development projects and raise efficiency and increase production capacity with a number of existing petrochemical production projects , Pointing out that the sites designated for the establishment of new projects were chosen based on accurate studies in order to take advantage of all the available ingredients and the proximity to sources of nutrition and projects and logistical facilities that have been established in all governorates to facilitate the movement of freight, handling and export of products in a manner that reduces costs and maximizes project economics. In support of achieving its ultimate goal of adding value.

The report that Engineer Tariq Al Mulla received from the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources from the chemist, Saad Hilal, President of the Egyptian Petrochemical Holding Company, on the position of projects that are being implemented with the aim of increasing local production of petrochemicals and enhancing the added value, explaining that they are going in a good way to complete the procedures for implementation after submitting them to the Supreme Committee For projects headed by Mr. Engineer and Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, these projects come at the forefront of the refining and petrochemical complex in the economic zone at the axis of the Suez Canal with investments of $ 7.5 billion and a production capacity of 2.2 million tons annually of petrochemical products and 650,000 tons of petroleum products, where a major principles agreement was concluded to implement The project with the American Bechtel Company and conducting a detailed feasibility study with the knowledge of Wood International and agreement on financing with US financing institutions US DFC, US EXIM BANK, and with regard to the refining and petrochemical complex in the new city of El Alamein with investments of 8.5 billion dollars to produce one million tons annually of petrochemical products and 850 A thousand tons of petroleum products were concluded He exceeded key principles with the partners from the English consortium BSW and Shird, and started detailed studies of the project that had been received for the land allocated for construction by the two teachers. An industrial complex for small and medium industries based on the products of El Alamein Complex.

With regard to the project of producing butadiene or synthetic rubber in the ETHEDCO complex in Alexandria, the report stated that the contract of the general contractor was signed with the Egyptian Petrojet alliance and the Italian Saipem and the signing of a principles agreement with the banks financing the project and work is currently underway for the project with an investment of $ 183 million with a production capacity of 36 thousand tons.

With regard to the project of producing methanol derivatives in Damietta, engineering designs have been completed, the contractor general contract has been signed with the Alliance of Sun Egypt and the Nile Valley and Zafcom, and a project consultant contract has been signed with Enppi, and early work has already begun on the project, whose investment is estimated at $ 117 million and will produce 110,000 tons annually Among the products of urea formaldehyde, naphthalene sulfon formaldehyde and specialized resins, which are used in the fertilizer, adhesives, precast concrete and other industries.

Concerning the project of producing medium-density wood panels MDF in Beheira Governorate, with investments of 217 million euros to produce 2.5 thousand square meters of wooden boards, the design contracts were concluded with the German Campbell Company and work is underway in addition to signing a contract for the general contractor of the project with Petrojet and an agreement was reached with a number of Egyptian banks To contribute to the financing.

With regard to the bio-ethanol project with investments of $ 110 million, a feasibility study has been carried out and agreement with shareholders to start procedures for establishing the company and signing memoranda of understanding to provide molasses as a feedstock for the project from sugar companies.

With regard to the project of logistics services for petrochemicals in Alexandria, whose investment cost is about 350 million dollars, and will be established on an area of 240,000 square meters with the aim of establishing a maritime platform to exploit the petrochemical platform to handle petroleum and petrochemical products. Global developments.

He also indicated that two new projects in Damietta are being studied, namely the polyacetal project, with investments of 400 million dollars to produce 50 thousand tons annually of polyacetal product, which is used in the manufacture of electrical appliances, electronics and auto parts, as well as the melamine production project in the land of Mobco in Damietta with a capacity of 60,000 tons annually. With investments of 260 million dollars and its production depends on urea, a study is also underway to set up a project to produce soda ash (sodium carbonate) in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.

The report pointed out that work is currently underway on developing projects, increasing production capacity, raising efficiency and developing resources, both at the Egyptian Petrochemical Company and Elap Company for the production of alkyl benzene in Alexandria.


رئاسة مجلس الوزراء المصري

‎رئاسة مجلس الوزراء المصري‎. Gefällt 2,7 Mio. Mal. ‎مهام الصفحة هي عرض أنشطة الحكومة المصرية والقرارات المهمة الصادرة من مجلس الوزراء، وليس تلقي الشكاوي.‎
Seems every new city in Egypt is getting its own desalination plants.. mostly the ones near the sea be it the Mediterranean or the Red sea..

What President Sisi is doing all over Egypt..

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What President Sisi is doing all over Egypt..

Yep, something that many don't know or see. I haven't seen this thread in a while and glad you've kept it going, my bro. Much appreciated. Those are a lot of great videos that one needs a lot of time to go through them. I have seen a couple already but I will take a look at them later ISA. Keep up the good work, bro!
Sinai development
$37 billion cost

30 cities! 30 cities, man lol. People have no idea what's happening in Egypt under Sisi and all they think about is what makes terrible news headlines in the couple mall spots by a few of them scum sucking hogs way up north near Gaza.

Deputy Minister of Housing: An integrated plan is being implemented to build 30 new cities
The economic zone of the Suez Canal and the projects in it

The industrialization like what is happening in Ain Sokhna is out of this world! I was there last year as part of our Red Sea trip and I couldn't believe what is going on. The fisheries alone are a whole ball of game altogether. I forget which country it was that was seeking Egypt's help in creating successful fisheries because they saw the incredible success that was happening in that field. I'll try to look it up.

What President Sisi is doing all over Egypt..

I think the biggest game changer that he's been pushing and making incredible success with is the unprecedented amount of housing projects that are going up which is why all these cities are needed which eventually will lead to the plan of pulling the majority of people out of the slums and into great places to live. This is really one of the best things IMO that he's doing, the housing development is truly remarkable.

Seems every new city in Egypt is getting its own desalination plants.. mostly the ones near the sea be it the Mediterranean or the Red sea..

lol, look at the amount of construction going on. I'll tell you what, back in the late 70's and into 80 and 81, before he was assassinated, I remember watching Sadat's speeches with my father (Allah Yerhamu) and he spoke about it then! The need to create desalination plants all over the northern coast as well as the Red Sea in order to lessen Egypt's dependence on the Nile. So imagine that?! Sadat was talking about doing this back in the late 70's early 80's and who's actually pushing it and getting it done at an unprecedented pace now? Yep, El Rayis himself. Good stuff, SC bro. Keep up the good work.
30 cities! 30 cities, man lol. People have no idea what's happening in Egypt under Sisi and all they think about is what makes terrible news headlines in the couple mall spots by a few of them scum sucking hogs way up north near Gaza.

The industrialization like what is happening in Ain Sokhna is out of this world! I was there last year as part of our Red Sea trip and I couldn't believe what is going on. The fisheries alone are a whole ball of game altogether. I forget which country it was that was seeking Egypt's help in creating successful fisheries because they saw the incredible success that was happening in that field. I'll try to look it up.

I think the biggest game changer that he's been pushing and making incredible success with is the unprecedented amount of housing projects that are going up which is why all these cities are needed which eventually will lead to the plan of pulling the majority of people out of the slums and into great places to live. This is really one of the best things IMO that he's doing, the housing development is truly remarkable.

lol, look at the amount of construction going on. I'll tell you what, back in the late 70's and into 80 and 81, before he was assassinated, I remember watching Sadat's speeches with my father (Allah Yerhamu) and he spoke about it then! The need to create desalination plants all over the northern coast as well as the Red Sea in order to lessen Egypt's dependence on the Nile. So imagine that?! Sadat was talking about doing this back in the late 70's early 80's and who's actually pushing it and getting it done at an unprecedented pace now? Yep, El Rayis himself. Good stuff, SC bro. Keep up the good work.
Yes Man.. it is even hard to keep up wit everything on a weekly basis..let alone on a daily basis.. it is just beyond normal belief..the amount of projects is stunning.. but not only that.. everything used for it is 4 th generation tech.. no wonder all major world economic institutions predict Egypt to be a G-20 nation by 2030.. Egypt can be considered one if not the most serious nation about turning the wheel of progress to its advantage.. the political will is there, the popular will is there.. all the institutions are there in fact..It is leading the other Arab nations by example..I am not easily impressed by anything in life.. but let me tell you brother..what is going on in Egypt right now is pretty impressive (I do confess though that it is almost the same feeling as for Saudi Arabia and the UAE of course.. albeit what each one is concentrating on might be different but by all means complementary)..and guess what, this is just the beginning..lol.. Allah o Akbar!
Yes Man.. it is even hard to keep up wit everything on a weekly basis..let alone on a daily basis.. it is just beyond normal belief..the amount of projects is stunning.. but not only that.. everything used for it is 4 th generation tech.. no wonder all major world economic institutions predict Egypt to be a G-20 nation by 2030.. Egypt can be considered one if not the most serious nation about turning the wheel of progress to its advantage.. the political will is there, the popular will is there.. all the institutions are there in fact..It is leading the other Arab nations by example..I am not easily impressed by anything in life.. but let me tell you brother..what is going on in Egypt right now is pretty impressive (I do confess though that it is almost the same feeling as for Saudi Arabia and the UAE of course.. albeit what each one is concentrating on might be different but by all means complementary)..and guess what, this is just the beginning..lol.. Allah o Akbar!

Indeed it's staggering. The other interesting thing is how you really don't hear much of what is going on in the mainstream media or even international media, for that matter. They want to hear or talk about the chaos, instead. Things like the Egyptian army struggling against a few ISIS dirt bags is more attractive to them because it's negative information and negative information is more appealing to hear about. The same goes for Saudiya. You don't hear anything about the amazing programs MBS is setting up for the Saudi people. The universities or the fact that there are more women studying in universities than men! Some of this stuff is just too good to be thrown into media circles that always view bad news and the "better" news. Instead, you hear only about Houthi attacks and missiles or Saudiya bombing whatever in Yemen etc. It's too bad.

Another example is a Chinese member here (I believe I was discussing the EAF C-130s stopping in Pakistan) and I was telling him/her that maybe they were just refueling and their final destination is actually China since we know it is very involved in many projects in Egypt including the new capital. He says "New capital? I'm gonna have to do some catching up." There's a perfect example of how little known many of these things are including the construction of the new Cairo by some Chinese firms to a Chinese member on this forum! I thought that was tremendous and a perfect example of what I'm talking about. It's no fault of his and I certainly am not demeaning him for not knowing about that. It's just he's a victim of the lack of information that is out there and unless you are genuinely interested in that particular subject and attempt to seek out information on the goings on and steady updates, then you won't know anything about them.

Egypt to become regional manufacturer for Chinese COVID-19 vaccine
Daily News Egypt 2 hours ago

Minister of Health Hala Zayed and China’s Ambassador to Cairo Liao Liqiang met on Monday to discuss Egypt’s participation in Chinese clinical trials on possible vaccine for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

During the meeting, the two parties agreed that Egypt would be a regional African centre for producing Chinese coronavirus vaccine that proved effective in curing the virus.

Ministry of Health Spokesperson Khaled Mogahed said in a statement that the meeting addressed the cooperation between Egypt’s Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and a Chinese company working in the field of drug production.

Also on Monday, Egypt’s Ministry of Health reported 627 new coronavirus cases, and 50 new deaths. The country’s total number of confirmed cases reached 88,402 with 4,352 fatalities. A total of 28,924 cases have recovered and been discharged from quarantine facilities at hospitals.

Liqiang praised the cooperation between the two countries to combat the coronavirus, and extended Beijing’s support to Cairo at all levels. The Chinese ambassador also praised Egypt’s success in dealing with the health crisis.

Meanwhile, Dr Jihan Al-Assal, Vice-President of the Scientific Committee to Combat Coronavirus, said that Egypt has now overcome the first wave of the virus, despite the infection not having disappeared yet.

In televised statements on Sunday evening, Al-Assal pointed out that Egypt has passed the peak phase of the virus.

She further noted that though the notable decline in coronavirus infections is a good sign, the precautionary measures remain necessary to avoid any sudden increase.

Read the whole article here.

Egypt is preparing to establish the largest sugar silo in the world, in cooperation with the Emirates, where construction of the factory will be completed entirely this year

Egypt will open the factory in West Minya in October 2020, with production starting in February 2021, as it includes a silo with a storage capacity of 417,000 tons to store white sugar.

The silo has a diameter of 124 meters, a depth of 65 meters, and a height of 40 meters, making it the largest silo ever built in the world.

The channel responsible for the factory confirmed in previous statements that the factory is the largest beet sugar factory in the world with investments of about one billion dollars, to produce more than 900 thousand tons annually, along with the development and reclamation of 181 thousand acres of desert land using groundwater, to produce 2.5 million tons Of sugar beets per year, and other strategic crops such as wheat, corn and chickpeas.

The project contributes to bridge 75% of the gap between sugar production and consumption in Egypt, which is currently 1.1 million tons annually.

The project will contribute to save $ 900 million in imports annually, and will also export by-products of up to 120 million tons annually.

Besides the production of white sugar, the company’s project aims to produce 216,000 tons of beet pulp and 243,000 tons of molasses annually, and it is intended to export them entirely abroad.

The project is the largest industrial agricultural project in Egypt since 1952, which includes reclaiming a large area of desert land.

The largest sugar silo in the world? Wow, that's ambitious but it's good you know why? Because you know how much we like our sugar with out tea right? Or is it our tea with sugar? lol! :enjoy: Mabrouk aleina coming on toward Eid El Adha InshaAllah.
The largest sugar silo in the world? Wow, that's ambitious but it's good you know why? Because you know how much we like our sugar with out tea right? Or is it our tea with sugar? lol! :enjoy: Mabrouk aleina coming on toward Eid El Adha InshaAllah.
HaHaHa..Yes almost sugar with a bit of tea..lol

The thing I have noticed though is that most Projects are self paid in short periods of time.. and on top of it.. they save billions in imports..reclaimed lands and even will generate profits..It is a very smart move, savig billions and at the same time generating profits..this is the right path for a nation to advance..
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