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The most important information mentioned during the inauguration of the unified command center of the Eastern Canal forces by the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces :

- The number of ground forces participating in the comprehensive process # Sinai_2018 on various strategic directions of the country is 127 battalion with 60 thousand fighters and 3000 vehicles and equipment, and the size of the forces on the strategic direction of the North-east is 88 battalion with a total of 42 630 fighters and 800 varied vehicles .

- The size of the air force participating in the process # Sinai_2018 on all strategic directions is 355 aircraft of various types, and the number of air forces participating in the direction of the strategic north-east is 230 aircraft of various types.

- The size of the air defense forces and elements of anti-aircraft missiles to secure the ground forces and to provide radar insurance for fighters on the strategic direction of the north-east is 15 battalions of different types with 3100 fighters and 295 vehicles of various types.

- The depth of the unified command center of the eastern forces of the channel is 27 meters below the ground, and was implemented by the Corps of Engineers without any civilian element.

The most important indications of this information are:

- The size of the forces involved in the north-east of Sinai confirms that the requirement to determine the number of troops and military equipment for Area C in the Camp David agreement has become either nothingness or an empty content as described by Israeli analysts.

- This large volume of military aircraft dedicated to the implementation of military operations in the north-east direction, is only a confirmation of the absence of the condition of non combat aircraft over the area "C" zone East Sinai in the Camp David agreement, and to confirm that the Egyptian Air Force is the only one carrying out all tasks Over this area and has the capacity and capability without any external aid and no need for Israeli air force as claimed by the New York Times and the Israeli Haaretz.

- The number of air defense forces responsible for securing the ground forces and securing fighters in the strategic direction of the north-east, with reference to the missile elements, is a strong and clear message to the whole world and to the Israeli side and to all who claim Israeli raids in the Sinai.. That the skies of Egypt protected and the Egyptian air defense forces are deployed in the Sinai from the west to the east, and will not allow the passage of one fly from the occupied territories into the Egyptian airspace over the Sinai Peninsula, because certainly, fighting against terrorist elements does not need any aerial capabilities including unmanned aerial vehicles themselves, or air defense missiles, but to show that if they were to deter another party, they have that capability.

- The information of the establishment of the unified command center at the depth of 27 meters and the reference to its implementation by the elements of the Engineer Corps alone, is a strong and direct message to a specific enemy, Israel, that this center has full immunity against all bombs, mainly bunker Busters in the arsenal of The Israeli air force, including the GBU-28, the intelligent laser-guided 2250kg, capable of penetrating more than 6 meters in reinforced concrete or 30 meters in natural ground layers..

- So if the unified command of the eastern forces of the Canal is built with such immunity and processing, what about the new headquarters of the Egyptian Defense Ministry in the new administrative capital? ... A different concept of fortified command centers is available only to the great and sophisticated armies.

محمد كناني Author of the subject


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The most important information mentioned during the inauguration of the unified command center of the Eastern Canal forces by the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces :

- The number of ground forces participating in the comprehensive process # Sinai_2018 on various strategic directions of the country is 127 battalion with 60 thousand fighters and 3000 vehicles and equipment, and the size of the forces on the strategic direction of the North-east is 88 battalion with a total of 42 630 fighters and 800 varied vehicles .

- The size of the air force participating in the process # Sinai_2018 on all strategic directions is 355 aircraft of various types, and the number of air forces participating in the direction of the strategic north-east is 230 aircraft of various types.

- The size of the air defense forces and elements of anti-aircraft missiles to secure the ground forces and to provide radar insurance for fighters on the strategic direction of the north-east is 15 battalions of different types with 3100 fighters and 295 vehicles of various types.

Crazy numbers, especially the aircraft. When I first read this in the news I thought that was a crazy amount and didn't make any sense TBH.

- The size of the forces involved in the north-east of Sinai confirms that the requirement to determine the number of troops and military equipment for Area C in the Camp David agreement has become either nothingness or an empty content as described by Israeli analysts.

lol. That's the way it should be because it's impossible to control the peninsula under that agreement. It needs to be amended under the circumstances and also it's a good thing that even Israel realizes the need for this and really hasn't complained much. All they need to do is increase their forces in the Negev if they're worried about anything, but they shouldn't be.

- This large volume of military aircraft dedicated to the implementation of military operations in the north-east direction, is only a confirmation of the absence of the condition of non combat aircraft over the area "C" zone East Sinai in the Camp David agreement, and to confirm that the Egyptian Air Force is the only one carrying out all tasks Over this area and has the capacity and capability without any external aid and no need for Israeli air force as claimed by the New York Times and the Israeli Haaretz.

That silly NYT article lol.

- The information of the establishment of the unified command center at the depth of 27 meters and the reference to its implementation by the elements of the Engineer Corps alone, is a strong and direct message to a specific enemy, Israel, that this center has full immunity against all bombs, mainly bunker Busters in the arsenal of The Israeli air force, including the GBU-28, the intelligent laser-guided 2250kg, capable of penetrating more than 6 meters in reinforced concrete or 30 meters in natural ground layers..

Now what the heck is up with that?! Why even mention anything like that?! You see, this is the crap that gets me. Every time I think we're making progress and Israel seems to become more irrelevant as it should, someone says this stupid stuff. I guess things will never change.

Love this guy. He's so positive and soft spoken and really gets into things. Eh el halawa di? Eh el gamal da! lol
Now what the heck is up with that?! Why even mention anything like that?! You see, this is the crap that gets me. Every time I think we're making progress and Israel seems to become more irrelevant as it should, someone says this stupid stuff. I guess things will never change.

I know right?!! I read an article today about how public outrage against the QIZ and its subsequent failure were contributing factors to the collapse of Egypt's textile industry. :suicide:

The good thing is that we now have a leadership with cojones to do the right thing without giving a flying rat about public opinion or the temper tantrums of the opposition. Hopefully in time we'll have a more mature and pragmatic public that's not easily triggered by such things.

By the way, we're now facing an enemy much more dangerous than Israel, they also have F-16s and GBUs and a large navy, we should start focusing on them.
Crazy numbers, especially the aircraft. When I first read this in the news I thought that was a crazy amount and didn't make any sense TBH.

lol. That's the way it should be because it's impossible to control the peninsula under that agreement. It needs to be amended under the circumstances and also it's a good thing that even Israel realizes the need for this and really hasn't complained much. All they need to do is increase their forces in the Negev if they're worried about anything, but they shouldn't be.

That silly NYT article lol.

Now what the heck is up with that?! Why even mention anything like that?! You see, this is the crap that gets me. Every time I think we're making progress and Israel seems to become more irrelevant as it should, someone says this stupid stuff. I guess things will never change.

Love this guy. He's so positive and soft spoken and really gets into things. Eh el halawa di? Eh el gamal da! lol
Usrael has already reinforced its presence in the Negev last year with 100 thousand soldiers and new bases!!!

Do not worry much about the talk.. they say its 25 m deep while in reality it is much more than that..they will never give the exact figures in public.. they already said that it was excursively built by the military.. it is just some deterrent talk..The center is fortified with all its components and lies in the granite mountain rocks, 80 kilometers from the canal shore in the heart of Sinai.

Take a look at this: ( and add to it the other potential conflicts in the region.. Lebanon vs Usrael for Gas.. Turkey vs Cyprus and Greece.. the Quds affair.. and all the possible combinations.. that shows the context of things to prepare for.. even if they will not come..'cause if you want peace.. you need to prepare for war..)

Report: Middle East on the threshold of a new war

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Usrael has already reinforced its presence in the Negev last year with 100 thousand soldiers and new bases!!!

Do not worry much about the talk.. they say its 25 m deep while in reality it is much more than that..they will never give the exact figures in public.. they already said that it was excursively built by the military.. it is just some deterrent talk..

But that's exactly the problem, SC, bro. Those who are prepared don't need to talk like that. Shamshakha, my bro. :lol:

Plus US presence has actually increased so it's all good. Need to concentrate on those who really wish us harm and honestly, it hasn't been and isn't Israel.

I know right?!! I read an article today about how public outrage against the QIZ and its subsequent failure were contributing factors to the collapse of Egypt's textile industry. :suicide:

Shamshakha gamda awi! lol

The good thing is that we now have a leadership with cojones to do the right thing without giving a flying rat about public opinion or the temper tantrums of the opposition. Hopefully in time we'll have a more mature and pragmatic public that's not easily triggered by such things.

By the way, we're now facing an enemy much more dangerous than Israel, they also have F-16s and GBUs and a large navy, we should start focusing on them.

100%. Emphasis on "more dangerous" since many can't grasp that concept.
But that's exactly the problem, SC, bro. Those who are prepared don't need to talk like that. Shamshakha, my bro. :lol:

Plus US presence has actually increased so it's all good. Need to concentrate on those who really wish us harm and honestly, it hasn't been and isn't Israel.

Shamshakha gamda awi! lol

100%. Emphasis on "more dangerous" since many can't grasp that concept.
Shamshakha for sure.. and I agree with you that when you are prepared.. you do not need to say it.. But.. I am not sure if we know what they know and their motives..because it is not an Egyptian habit to brag about such things..
The temper tantrums by the the Islamists and their glue inhaling minions are already in full swing. This one is because over 70% are in favor of the deal. :partay:

انثروا الكيناكومب على رؤوس الجبال حتى لا يقال مات أحد من الحرقان في عهد السيسي :cheers:

I was surprised that it was even at 70% TBH bro. Crazy as usual.

Here's one that really really really gets me. This crap needs to stop once and for all! I'm not surprised because people have been charged for much less but this is about as stupidly silly as it gets.

Egyptian singer Sherine sentenced to six months in prison over Bilharzia remarks



Egyptian singer Sherine referred to court over 'inciting propaganda' in remarks on River Nile

A south Cairo court sentenced in absentia on Tuesday Egyptian pop singer Sherine Abdel-Wahab to six months in prison for "offending Egypt" over statements she made in August 2016 about the existence of the Bilharzia parasite in the Nile.

The court has ordered Sherine to pay EGP 5,000 bail pending the completion of the appeals process, as well as a fine of EGP 10,000, nearly three months after she was referred to court for spreading false news over her remarks about the Nile.

The pop singer did not attend the court session, and can still appeal the sentence.

In August 2016, a fan asked the 37-year-old Sherine during a concert in Lebanon to perform her popular 2007 song 'Mashrebtesh Men Nilha' (Have you not drunk from its Nile?), which extols Egypt's beauty, to which the singer jokingly responded “You will get Bilharzia if you do," adding that fan would be better off drinking the mineral water brand Evian.

A video of the incident surfaced online and went viral on social media networks in Egypt, sparking controversy and anger from some fans.

The Bilharzia disease is caused by water-borne parasites living in ponds and closed streams, and targets blood capillaries and damages the liver and other organs. The disease had in past decades afflicted many across the Egyptian countryside, where people used water from small branches of the Nile for bathing and swimming.

However, after years of aggressively combating the disease through national health and media campaigns, the government successfully reduced the once high infection rate from 40 percent in the Egyptian countryside in the 1980s down to 0.2 percent today, according to Egypt's Ministry of Health.

The prominent singer, known also for several patriotic sings, was banned by the country's musicians syndicate from singing in Egypt.

Sherine issued a lengthy apology on her Facebook page, saying the comment was naive and unintentional, adding that she had forgotten about the incident and was surprised to see the clip.

“My beloved Egypt and Egyptians, I am sorry with all my heart for any pain or offence I’ve caused any of you, and God knows how much I love this country and am dedicated to it… I promise to be more wary in the future of any naive mistakes that could put me in such a regretful position,” she said.


Big effing deal! Too bad she apologized. She should've stuck to her grounds and exposed how twisted this rubbish is. 6 months in jail? Mal3oun abuhum!
There is strong news of the announcement of a huge gas field discovered in the Red Sea with reserves in what appears to be 5 trillion cubic feet of gas. Things will soon be clear in the coming days.
The benefits of demarcation of the water borders with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are beginning to emerge. After the demarcation of the border, Egypt has contracted with the largest American company Schlumberger to conduct a survey in Egypt's economic waters after demarcation, which will contribute to discovering the huge wealth that exists there for both countries..An example of strong cooperation..


# Important: according to the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources..Prior to mid-2018, Egypt will sign an memorandum of understanding with the European Union to supply natural gas through the liquefaction facilities in Idco and Damiat..


The Information Center under the chairmanship of the Egyptian Council of Ministers issued an infographic:





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The latest Egyptian step is just a step in a pre-planned route to transform Egypt into a giant of energy in the region.At the end of 2016, Egypt opened the largest petrochemical complex in the Middle East in Alexandria with investments of about $ 2 billion. The petrochemical industry is known to generate revenues of gas and its derivatives double many times when it is sold or exported as a liquified Gas..




Very few months ago, the establishment of the largest petrochemical plant in the world was announced in Al Ain Sokhna within the same Egyptian plan in the direction of the energy field..

In the same context, with investments of close to $ 3.5 billion, the work is proceeding at a very rapid pace in the establishment of the largest refinery of petroleum products in the ME, in Mastred..






All these projects, which are opened in this way are within the plan pursued by Al-Sisi and his administration to turn Egypt into a giant of energy in the Middle East as a front side to Southern Europe and Europe in general, which is the commercial target of the export of gas and its derivatives.. This makes the weight of Egypt quite large in the international diplomatic and political arena.. ++..

Bloomberg Network: Cyprus has begun signing a deal to sell gas to Egypt, the second possible supply deal in two days with Egypt, which is seeking to establish itself as a regional energy center, after starting work in the Zohr giant field..

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The largest phosphate compound compound in Ain Sokhna with a production capacity of 1 million tons per year of Al-Nasr for Intermediate Chemicals Company (NCIC) at a cost of LE 16 billion..

Project Details:

First: Nine major factories are

Two factories for the production of «concentrated sulfuric acid», with a total capacity of 3800 tons / day.

Two factories for the production of commercial phosphoric acid, with a total capacity of 1200 tons / day.

Two factories for the production of «pure phosphoric acid», for the first time in Egypt, capacity 300 tons / day.

Plant for producing "granulated dab fertilizer" with a capacity of 1200 tons / day.

Plant for producing DAP / MAP CRYSTAL, full solubility, 300 TONS / DAY

Plant for producing "Composting of tri-super - phosphate granulate" with a capacity of 750 tons / day, and a fluorocelic acid treatment unit with a capacity of 600 tons / day.

Second: Support Unit Groups

Ammonium storage and handling unit with a storage capacity of 1500 tons

Filling and loading unit «Fertilizer» Super phosphate »Shakir» Filling capacity 750 tons / day

DAD Fertilizer Storage Unit with a storage capacity of 12,000 tons

The capacity of the packing machine Unit is 1200 tons / day

A specialized platform for storage and loading «granulated superphosphate fertilizer», «dab / mab granulated fertilizer», crystalline «molding» and phosphoric acid exile and unloading sulfur ore.

The project consists of 3 stages, the first of which ends in the middle of 2018 to begin production and then the second and third stages end with the end of 2022..


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