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Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

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‘Better for Morsi to die defending democracy’ – presidential spokesman.

Egypt’s presidential spokesperson said it is better for Mohamed Morsi to die in defense of democracy than to be blamed by history. His comments come as an army ultimatum to solve the ongoing political crisis expires.

Morsi believes it would be better to die “standing like a tree,” defending the electoral legitimacy of his office, than to go down in history as having destroyed Egyptians’ hopes for democracy, Ayman Ali, the spokesperson said, as cited by Reuters.

Earlier, the Egyptian army issued a call to arms in a statement headlined "The Final Hours", which vowed to restore order as the country remains gripped by violent protests. The military brass said they were willing to shed the blood of "terrorists and fools" once Morsi refused to step down from power.

The Muslim Brotherhood, in their turn, declared the movement was ready to become martyrs to defend the president.

"There is only one thing we can do: we will stand in between the tanks and the president," Gehad El-Haddad, the MB official spokesman, told Reuters on Wednesday.

"We will not allow the will of the Egyptian people to be bullied again by the military machine."


?Better for Morsi to die defending democracy? ? presidential spokesman ? RT News
Well, they are unfortunately for you openly opposing vermin and cultists like you and the satanic and heretical fake wannabe-Arab Iranian Mullah's from Qom and Mashhad (both cities founded by Arab - oh the irony) whom you worship and consider holy cows.

We will continue to be a dagger in their sides until they either get toppled or vanish and there is nothing you can do about it. So enjoy the ride.

The world of devils is the hidden and the most atrocious enemy of the Children of Aadam (People). They ceaselessly attempt to corrupt the manners and beliefs of mankind. They instill hostility and hatred among them. Therefore, there is no wonder that there are numerous verses in the Noble Quran and narrations of the Prophetic traditions that point out the danger of this enemy, the tactics he uses in misguiding people and his corruption so as to warn people against him and to keep them safe from his cunning and evil.

The Almighty has revealed many verses concerning the devil, pointing out the ways he uses to mislead and misguide people in a clear presentation that acts as the argument over all creation and eliminates any excuse of ignorance.

Amongst such verses is the Saying of Allaah The Almighty (which means): {Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze.} [Quran 35: 6] It is an explicit declaration indicating his bitter enmity towards the Children of Aadam, so they should meet his hostility with the like of it {so take him as an enemy}.

Allaah The Almighty went beyond that declaration and revealed many other verses that explain the ways that the devil uses in tempting and misleading people, so Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, do not follow the footsteps of Satan. And whoever follows the footsteps of Satan - indeed, he enjoins immorality and wrongdoing.} [Quran 24: 21]
Whats the topic genius.

exactly ! & the "TOPIC" itself has got nothing to do with Saudi, its an Egyptian internal matter, it doesn't take a genius but only an "Idiot" will ignore the fact that the Saudis supported Mubarak & the Muslim brotherhood, along with the liberals were part of the revolutions against Mubarak whom the Saudis supported till the last minute.
No need to quote holy scripture that originates from a religion that you people have corrupted to such an extent that your own leaders called themselves Rafida (deserters in Arabic) and who are a minority of 10% (and always were a tiny minority) whom 90% of the remaining Muslims, Sunnis such as me, don't agree with and find alien.

But what to expect from people who curse the Mother of the Believers (Aisha (ra)) or the Sahabah, the 3 of the 4 rightly Caliphs that spread Islam more than anyone else and made the Islamic world great, people who have made many pagan practices such as considering certain people from a certain lineage for inferable and other nonsense which Prophet Muhammad (saws) warned against several times and who have falsified ahadith etc.

So spare me the nonsense will you? Stick to your fellow followers of the heretical and satanic fake Wananbe-Arab Mullah's in Qom and Mashhad whom you and your likes worship as holy cows.
exactly ! & the "TOPIC" itself has got nothing to do with Saudi, its an Egyptian internal matter, it doesn't take a genius but only an "Idiot" will ignore the fact that the Saudis supported Mubarak & the Muslim brotherhood, along with the liberals were part of the revolutions against Mubarak whom the Saudis supported till the last minute.

when someone resorts to name-calling it's because they're losing? the argument.
exactly ! & the "TOPIC" itself has got nothing to do with Saudi, its an Egyptian internal matter, it doesn't take a genius but only an "Idiot" will ignore the fact that the Saudis supported Mubarak & the Muslim brotherhood, along with the liberals were part of the revolutions against Mubarak whom the Saudis supported till the last minute.

Leave that clown alone. He is obsessed about us Arabs, Sunnis and Saudis in particular. A single day does not pass where he is not propagandizing against Arabs, Sunnis or Saudis. He is able to include those 3 topics in every single topic. Even if the discussion was about bananas then he would talk about how bad the Bananas grown in KSA are. Likewise the user Irani"girl" 2 that is actually a male.

He even is that desperate that he invents clear and ridiculous lies.

KSA sees the Egyptian military as the real rulers and the guarantee of peace and stability of Egypt that KSA, as a fellow Arab and Sunni majority country and neighbor sees as crucial for the stability in our region. Mubarak, despite having many faults and being the typical Arab/Middle Eastern dictator, at least ensured peace and stability in Egypt (relative that is). The KSA rulers are not dumb. They know the region better than most and they are old and wise people. They predicted all what we see in the Middle East long ago.

KSA does not need to support any political groups in Egypt since Egypt will continue to be a neighbor and fellow brotherly nation just across the Red Sea. We have no beef in Egypt and the relations between KSA and the Egyptian military are excellent and have always been that as long as I can remember. Well in the last 30 years or so at least.

Egypt is not tiny Lebanon but a major Arab country located in the middle of the Arab world. It is a very important country and for the stability of the region. A chaotic Egypt would not serve the interest of anybody. In fact the chaos would probably spread to other Arab countries.
exactly ! & the "TOPIC" itself has got nothing to do with Saudi, its an Egyptian internal matter, it doesn't take a genius but only an "Idiot" will ignore the fact that the Saudis supported Mubarak & the Muslim brotherhood, along with the liberals were part of the revolutions against Mubarak whom the Saudis supported till the last minute.

Morsi Teams Up With Terror Group as Support Dwindles

Tens of thousands flocked to Cairo to support Eypgt’s Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in a march ironically dubbed "No for Violence."

"We promise them, they [the opposition] will be crushed on this day," thundered Tarek al-Zumar, a Salafist and member of al-Gamaa al-Islamiya, the terrorist group responsible for the assassination of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and a slew of horrific terrorist attacks. "It will be the final blow to anyone who claims that they have tens, thousands or hundreds of thousands with them," said Zumar, referring to nationwide anti-Morsi protests set for June 30.

With his number of allies shrinking by the day, Morsi has turned to a handful of Salafy Islamist groups who see his government as the first step towards an Egypt governed by their interpretation of Islamic law.

Morsi's Salafy allies have threatened to use violence to preserve his presidency. In a bid to show its street strength, the Muslim Brotherhood organized a day-long rally on June 21 in Cairo's Nasr City neighborhood.

Assem Abdel-Maged, the leader of al-Gamaa al-Islam who spent 30 years in prison for his part in Sadat’s assassination until being freed by Morsi, who received a thunderous welcome from the crowd. Abdel-Maged warned of a "purely Islamic" revolution in the event that Morsi's legitimacy was challenged.
Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar work hard to topple Assad and reduce Iran's influence in Syria and Lebanon.

But they don't always agree !

Both work to protect their own monarchy! democracy anywhere in the Middle East, threatens their own power at home.

I agree that many of the Syrian rebels are tools....but to call what Syria had "democracy" is idiotic. Much like North korea and Cuba. When a son or brother takes power....it is not democracy. Monarchy in all but name.
@al-Hasani ....do you work for a university or are you just an exceptional student? Have you ever tried to hammer these points home and been met with blank stares? A little bit of research goes a loooong way. I am sorry if I gush....but people who can read simple history are SUPRISINGLY hard to find.
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@al-Hasani ....do you work for a university or are you just an exceptional student? Have you ever tried to hammer these points home and been met with blank stares? A little bit of research goes a loooong way. I am sorry if I gush....but people who can read simple history are SUPRISINGLY hard to find.

I am a chemical engineering student and analytical skills are crucial in that field. Hence why I believe that we engineers should have more important positions in governments across the world rather than your typical lawyer or political science dude. If you notice governments across the world where engineers or people of a similar education are employed they tend to do better.

LOL. Exceptional would be a exaggeration. I am doing fine though (can't lie) and I have too many interests and some of them I like to study in depth in particularly the history of my region (Arab world) and the Semitic one especially since we Arabs are Semitic people. Likewise the linguistics, anthropological and genetical make up of the Arab/Semitic world.

Well, I have realized that this forum is not always the best forum for such discussions and the longer you write a post, although it is detailed and verified in terms of sources, most people just read the first post of the topic (whether that is correct or not) and just make their own conclusions based on that without even looking at the other posts in the topic that might have clarified the topic.

The best example was this thread below where another resident troll (Conspirator) tried to make false propaganda about KSA by claiming that Saudi "royalty", especially the women, wore Western clothes in Kuwait and that this was somehow hypocritical despite failing to understand that those people were ordinary Kuwaiti students inside Kuwait. Later another of our resident trolls, whom you have already encountered in this thread, Cheetah786, continued in the same light despite knowing that it was a lie.

That's what you are up against so it is very much hopeless hence why I am starting to take such posts less and less seriously than in the past where I often got banned for putting such clowns in place. Now I don't really care that much and let them bark in most of the threads unless they make complete and utter moronic claims as seen in this thread. Then I might bite.

The thread I am referring to is this one below. Take a ride and how some fun, LOL.

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I agree that many of the Syrian rebels are tools....but to call what Syria had "democracy" is idiotic. Much like North korea and Cuba. When a son or brother takes power....it is not democracy. Monarchy in all but name.

Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Holland and many others are monarchy. And so what?
Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Holland and many others are monarchy. And so what?

True political power....the UK monarchy has about the same function as a US flag.
True political power....the UK monarchy has about the same function as a US flag.

Google what Queen only can do and what power does she has.
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