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Egypt Seizes Tanker Carrying Iranian Crude


Jan 17, 2015
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Tehran's threats of retaliation against the UK for seizing a tanker carrying Iranian crude oil for export have prompted a British vessel to shelter in the Gulf, but the rest of the world doesn't seem to be taking them too seriously.

Citing local press reports, Middle East Monitor said Tuesday that a Ukrainian tanker carrying Iranian oil as it passed through the Suez Canal ten days ago was seized by the Egyptian government, just as Egypt's State Security Criminal Court was sentencing six people to lengthy jail terms allegedly for spying for Iran.

Egypt is a staunch ally of the US, and as a Sunni-majority country, would naturally align with the UAE and Saudi Arabia in their efforts to contain Iran. Egypt also supports the Saudi-backed coalition in Yemen that is fighting to retain control in that country's brutal civil war. Cairo has condemned the Houthis for the recent spate of attacks on Saudi infrastructure that have inflamed tensions in the region.

Washington and Riyadh have blamed Iran for a series of attacks on oil tankers in and around the Strait of Hormuz, though there is somedisagreement on this subject.

Egypt's decision to seize the tanker adds another wrinkle to the intensifying tensions in the region, at a time when Iran is threatening to enrich uranium to any level it deems necessary, in contravention of the terms of the JCPOA.

At the very least, the seizures of the two tankers represent blows to Iran's increasingly fragile economy, and will force ships carrying the contraband crude to rely more on techniques like 'going dark' to avoid enforcement.
told u sisi is an israeli stooge .

Zions have successfully pitted Muslims one against the other as usual the fools cannot see beyond their nose as to how they being led.
do agree . Arabs and iran would be fool if they attack each other .
only way to hurt usa is to bomb israel.
no other sources are reporting this and Egypt has denied it.

Egypt's Suez Canal Authority denied on Wednesday the reports about preventing an Iranian oil tanker from passing through the Suez Canal, an official source in the authority said.

"Any report about Egypt's detention, seizure or prevention of an Iranian oil tanker from crossing the Suez Canal is baseless and incorrect," Tariq Hasanaen, spokesperson of the Suez Canal Authority, told Xinhua.

"Navigation in the Suez Canal is the right for any ship from any country," Hasanaen add


Though its not too hard to detain and harras a civilian tanker..... its just a very stupid game considering Irans control of the persian gulf and endless retalitory options.
Lol.. this is amazing. The entire world is having a field day capturing iranian oil tankers.... Pakistan should also get into the game...
Lol.. this is amazing. The entire world is having a field day capturing iranian oil tankers.... Pakistan should also get into the game...
What is the Baluchistan border for?!? It’s the safest route for the Iraninan oil!!! I am pretty sure the locals are ready to carry the burden...
Iran has been conducting a terror campaign inside Pakistan. The iranian regime is no friend of pakistan.
Don't blame Iran, its our weakness that we couldn't make better relations in past and India get in Iran to threaten Pakistan @Clutch
Don't blame Iran, its our weakness that we couldn't make better relations in past and India get in Iran to threaten Pakistan @Clutch
Iran has been conducting a terror campaign inside pakistan. The iranian regime is no friend of pakistan.

You guys really are morons you know that right? Too much marrying within the family is causing your brain cells to disappear.

In the last 2 decades Pakistan has lost thousands upon thousands of civilians to Terror attacks. Most of those terror attacks are against Shiites.

You harbor Sunni extremists, you harbor Taliban, you harbor Al-Qaeda (Bin laden living right next military academy), you harbor Sunni terrorist groups, parts of your country feel like Afghanistan with your women covered head to toe in Taliban-esq required dress code.

Now you have done ALL this and then when you experience terror attacks your first inclination is to point finger at Iran?

Maybe you shouldn’t be in bed with groups that have no loyalty. US learned that lesson the hard way.

What is the Baluchistan border for?!? It’s the safest route for the Iraninan oil!!! I am pretty sure the locals are ready to carry the burden...

First of all Iran’s major oil fields are in the West not in the East you moron. Look at a map once in a while.
You guys really are morons you know that right? Too much marrying within the family is causing your brain cells to disappear.

In the last 2 decades Pakistan has lost thousands upon thousands of civilians to Terror attacks. Most of those terror attacks are against Shiites.

You harbor Sunni extremists, you harbor Taliban, you harbor Al-Qaeda (Bin laden living right next military academy), you harbor Sunni terrorist groups, parts of your country feel like Afghanistan with your women covered head to toe in Taliban-esq required dress code.

Now you have done ALL this and then when you experience terror attacks your first inclination is to point finger at Iran?

Maybe you shouldn’t be in bed with groups that have no loyalty. US learned that lesson the hard way.

Most of Pakistan's terror victims have not been shias. Stop playing into iranian mullah terror indoctrination.

Pakistan among top five most affected countries lost 22,191 civilians and 6,887 law enforcement officials by acts of terrorism from 2003 to December 2017 (South Asia Terrorism Portal, 2017). Most of the victims have been common citizenry killed in public spaces such as markets and other gathering areas.

Pakistan never harbored osama bin Laden... Most of the al qaeeda operative were found in many capitals of Europe. Does that mean European capitals were secretly harboring these al qaeeda leaders??? Are you nuts.

Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Iran

Don't blame Iran, its our weakness that we couldn't make better relations in past and India get in Iran to threaten Pakistan @Clutch

So if pakistan has only luke warm relations with Iran... Because it chooses to align itself with the Saudis... You think thats a good excuse for Iran to start terror attacks in pakistan???
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