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Egypt Receives 1st US-Built Missile Craft


May 9, 2007
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WASHINGTON — While most military sales to Egypt remain on hold, the US is going ahead with the transfer of four new fast missile craft (FMCs) built in Mississippi.

The S. Ezzat, first of the Ambassador III class, was transferred Tuesday to the Egyptian Navy at a ceremony in Pensacola, Fla., where the US maintains an international student program.

“The ship’s Egyptian officers have been training since July under US Navy instruction at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, where the transfer took place,” said Cmdr. Bill Speaks, a spokesman at the Pentagon. The rest of the ship’s 38-man crew will begin training in July at the same facility, he added.

“The US Navy has a lot of expertise to offer in making sure they’re able to use these platforms effectively,” Speaks said.

The second ship, F. Zekry, is nearly complete, with delivery planned for December.

Two more FMCs, the M. Fahmy and A. Gad, remain under construction at VT Halter Marine’s Pascagoula shipyard, and are expected to be delivered in 2014.

The 62-meter FMCs have been built under a US Navy-managed program funded largely under the Foreign Military Sales program. Begun in 2001, the program moved forward in fits and starts until the first construction contracts were awarded in Sept. 2008.

The stealthy, 700-ton ships are powered by three MTU diesels and designed for a top speed of 41 knots. The FMCs are armed with eight Harpoon surface-to-surface missiles and an OTO Melara 76 mm gun, with self-defense provided by a Rolling Airframe Missile launcher and a Close-In Weapon System Block 1B. They are designed to operate at sea for up to eight days.

The ships are specifically designed to defend the Suez Canal region.

The Egyptian Navy operates several classes of fast missile ships, built in the Soviet Union, Germany and Britain, but the last was delivered in 1982.

Delivery of the ships was questionable after the Egyptian military overthrew the country’s elected government of President Mohamed Morsy in July. A State Department review of all US military aid programs to Egypt was held, and some major US programs have been suspended, including the transfer of F-16 jet fighters, AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, and M1 Abrams main battle tanks.

Some programs, however, have been allowed to go ahead, particularly those helping Egypt to uphold peace treaty obligations with Israel, and assets to fight counterterrorism and security in Sinai.

“From the review we decided we will continue to work constructively with the Egyptian government and continue to provide assistance that advances our vital security objectives, like countering terrorism, countering proliferation and ensuring security in the Sinai,” Speaks said Nov. 19.

“We will also continue to provide spare or replacement parts and related services for some of our programs and continue military training and education.”

The US provides Egypt with about $1.3 billion in military aid each year, second most of any recipient behind Israel.

The Obama administration began holding up some of the weapon transfers in early October. The exact value of what is being withheld isn’t clear, but administration officials said in October it included US $260 million in cash, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in military equipment.

“Our foreign partners rely on the US Navy's expertise in ship design and acquisition,” said a Pentagon source. “The Navy will continue to assist with acquisition and oversight efforts throughout the construction process and will also provide follow-on technical and training support.

“Ultimately, we want to see Egypt succeed,” the Pentagon source added. “We want to see the political roadmap succeed and result in a constitution that protects universal human rights and civil liberties, and a democratically-elected government through free and fair elections.”

Efforts to speak with Egyptian officials in Washington were unsuccessful at press time.

Egypt Receives 1st US-Built Missile Craft | Defense News | defensenews.com
That is the picture of a Finnish Hamina class missile boat not Ambasador 3.

P.S. Who is paying for this?,i hope is the US,because if the egyptians are,well,they are beeing riped off big time ! 240 million $+ for a 500-700t missile boat ?? Lol,they could get a 1500-2000t corvette for this money,like an improved Sigma or french Gowind or even turkish Milgem.
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That is the picture of a Finnish Hamina class missile boat not Ambasador 3.

P.S. Who is paying for this?,i hope is the US,because if the egyptians are,well,they are beeing riped off big time ! 240 million $+ for a 500-700t missile boat ?? Lol,they could get a 1500-2000t corvette for this money,like an improved Sigma or french Gowind or even turkish Milgem.

The whole program is funded by the FMS program. The unit price ballooned because of several hitches in the program. This is a greatly detailed article about the program: ::. AMI International - Worldwide Naval Projections Report™ .::

Although only 500-700tons its armed like a larger corvette or frigate:

  • (SSM)Eight Boeing Harpoon Block II surface to surface missiles.
  • (SAM)One Raytheon MK49 launcher (21 cells) for Raytheon MK-116 Block-I RAM.
  • Guns: One OTO Melara76mm/62 super rapid-fire gun (upgraded and overhauled); two deck-mounted 7.62mm M60 machine guns.
  • Close-in-weapon system (CIWS): One Raytheon Mk 15 Mod 21 Phalanx (Block 1B) CIWS.
Add to that nifty ECM/EW abilities and a low RCS due to the design and materials used for the hull and you have a pretty deadly rubber dingy.

The whole program is funded by the FMS program. The unit price ballooned because of several hitches in the program. This is a greatly detailed article about the program: ::. AMI International - Worldwide Naval Projections Report™ .::

Although only 500-700tons its armed like a larger corvette or frigate:

  • (SSM)Eight Boeing Harpoon Block II surface to surface missiles.
  • (SAM)One Raytheon MK49 launcher (21 cells) for Raytheon MK-116 Block-I RAM.
  • Guns: One OTO Melara76mm/62 super rapid-fire gun (upgraded and overhauled); two deck-mounted 7.62mm M60 machine guns.
  • Close-in-weapon system (CIWS): One Raytheon Mk 15 Mod 21 Phalanx (Block 1B) CIWS.
Add to that nifty ECM/EW abilities and a low RCS due to the design and materials used for the hull and you have a pretty deadly rubber dingy.

No doubt that it packs quite a punch but,for example,the Hamina class,whose picture appears in the OP,comes with the following for a roughly 100-110 million $ price tag:

1 ×  Bofors 57 mm/70 SAK Mk3
2 ×  12.7 mm machine guns (NSV)
8 ×  Umkhonto-IR SAM (Denel)
4 ×  RBS-15 Mk3 SSM (Saab)
1 ×  rail for depth charges or mines (Sea Mine 2000)

The Ambassador has a plus on armament,but not a 140 million $ justifiable plus,that's what i was saying.
No doubt that it packs quite a punch but,for example,the Hamina class,whose picture appears in the OP,comes with the following for a roughly 100-110 million $ price tag:

1 ×  Bofors 57 mm/70 SAK Mk3
2 ×  12.7 mm machine guns (NSV)
8 ×  Umkhonto-IR SAM (Denel)
4 ×  RBS-15 Mk3 SSM (Saab)
1 ×  rail for depth charges or mines (Sea Mine 2000)

The Ambassador has a plus on armament,but not a 140 million $ justifiable plus,that's what i was saying.

The eventual unit price was inflated due to several changes in design, among other things. The project was first estimated to be at around $500 million USD. This was a troubled project and one which was unique given that there's nothing like the Ambassador MK-III in the the world. The design of this platform alone took 3 years after the deal was signed in 2005 and for something as unique as this $1.3 Billion of the US's money is a small price to pay.

With detailed comparison of both platforms its clear which one is head and shoulders above the other: (One detail they left out is that the Ambassedors max sea state is 6)

P 440 Ambassador MkIII (Egypt)

74 Hamina|1999/Finland/Rauma 2
The eventual unit price was inflated due to several changes in design, among other things. The project was first estimated to be at around $500 million USD. This was a troubled project and one which was unique given that there's nothing like the Ambassador MK-III in the the world. The design of this platform alone took 3 years after the deal was signed in 2005 and for something as unique as this $1.3 Billion of the US's money is a small price to pay.

With detailed comparison of both platforms its clear which one is head and shoulders above the other: (One detail they left out is that the Ambassedors max sea state is 6)

P 440 Ambassador MkIII (Egypt)

74 Hamina|1999/Finland/Rauma 2

I see,and you're right.Thanks for the details man,beatiful,powerful ships,i'm actually jealous.As we say :"May you own them in good health!"
The eventual unit price was inflated due to several changes in design, among other things. The project was first estimated to be at around $500 million USD. This was a troubled project and one which was unique given that there's nothing like the Ambassador MK-III in the the world. The design of this platform alone took 3 years after the deal was signed in 2005 and for something as unique as this $1.3 Billion of the US's money is a small price to pay.

With detailed comparison of both platforms its clear which one is head and shoulders above the other: (One detail they left out is that the Ambassedors max sea state is 6)

P 440 Ambassador MkIII (Egypt)

74 Hamina|1999/Finland/Rauma 2

How do you know this stuff in such detail consistently bro? Is military your occupation or something? lol
How do you know this stuff in such detail consistently bro? Is military your occupation or something? lol

Nope, I'm at university. Although, I am technically part of the British Army Reserves (although in a non-operational role) and would hopefully like to join Sandhurst after I finish my studies. I just got interested in military matters and started reading up on things. A lot of stuff is quite interesting.
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