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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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Yes it's clear of terrorists for years. We should do something about terrorists coming from other side of the border.
Yes please do it openly. Since Iran is already engaged in covert wars against most of its neighbours across the region.

The problem is, those Shia organizations barely killed any civilians and are practically non-existent now, can we say the same about Saudi funded groups? I'm afraid recent attacks prove otherwise. What I'm fascinated about is that you guys don't hesitate to bash Iran purely for sectarian reasons, while you have closed your eyes on the source of terrorism that has killed thousands of civilians. Bad mouthing Iran is not going to eradicate Taliban and terrorism, destroying its root is the solution.

Our generals are doing a very good job in keeping the country safe from terror attacks despite living in the most dangerous region in the world.

I am sorry WHAT? The mass murder of Sunnis by SHIA militias which were funded and trained by Iran were peaceful?
I am sorry but I am not bashing Iran for any sectarian reasons, what I am bashing is your self righteousness and believes that Iran holds some kind of moral superiority in this mess.
My Iranian friends here, hate everything about the religious fanatics that are ruling the country and its behaviour. The very Generals of Quds force your so proud of are interested in accumulating more power not necessarily your interests.
what happen to Iran Pakistan brother brother
U mean Sunni-Shia bhai bhai? :D

Man, how many wars are you guys going to get involved in? And fighting someone else's battles where Pakistan's national interest aren't involved is the stupid thing to do.
Pakistan has always fought other people's battles, never its own.
One Can help when his Own House Is Safe Yes Pakistan should help Ummah When They are in the condition ,
Pakistan is the Only Mostly Who Helped Most Ummah not just By money by Man Force , Check UN , Nato is this regarding No one any other Muslim Country Did more than Pakistan.

But Current after looking at Current Situation , Pakistan Army is Divided into more than 3 Corners
1 TTP in NWFP .
2 BLA in Baluchistan.
3 Mafia , TTP , different groups in Punjab and Sindh
4 Indian Border
These are the major ones tons of Small ones too it will be just idiotic in putting nose in others business which has nothing to do with Islam
KSA is a Ally of Pakistan yes but they are also funding Terrorism in Pakistan. Just To Keep Pakistan in a check.
Mostly Probably Pakistan and Ksa do have Some defence pacts with each other but Pak Cant Just Secure every border of KSA they have to defend themselves. I think Pakistan will interfere when KSAs existence is threatened by some other nuclear country Unless that happens Pakistan wont do much.

It's kpk not nwfp.
Personally, I believed that we should have stayed out of the terrible bog that is the Middle East. However, now that we have decided to go in, the situation will depend on what extent we decide to extend our involvement which I hope will not extend beyond training and observer support.
I have already sat in a meeting with regards to this and am fully aware of both camps and their rationales, for going in and staying out. I can only hope that the dividends we stand to gain from this campaign outweigh the sacrifice we will have to make for it.
As for people saying that it might lead to a sectarian split or tensions with Iran, I believe that it will create problems but no overwhelming opposition seeing as the Houthis consist of Zaidi Shias who have various differences in the lineage of the Imams in comparison to the mainstream 'Twelver' sect.
Man, how many wars are you guys going to get involved in? And fighting someone else's battles where Pakistan's national interest aren't involved is the stupid thing to do.

That would be ideal, however we are a nation that has established itself as one of the best militaries in the muslim world and when cash or oil is short, we have only one service to offer. The blood and bones of our soldiers, the same blood and bone that is the mortar and brick of our nation's foundations, becomes the commodity we must trade. As they say, freedom is never free, it costs a soldier a day. Soldiers like me and my comrades.
@AUz Where are you and all those who used to make fun of me ?????
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