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Egypt general Abdel Fattah El Sisi killed his own family WTF


May 13, 2013
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General Fatteh al-Sisi was denounced by a member of his own family following the death of another relative in the massacre at Rabaa al Adawiya. Hazem Lutfi Abdel Aziz Abdel Rahman al-Sisi, appeared in the video below to denounce General Sisi following the death of his brother, Khalid Lutfi al-Sisi. Khalid, a 46 year old engineer, was killed during the army and security forces raid on the anti-coup sit-ins at Adawiya on Wednesday.
Hazem said that he disowned General Sisi as a member of his family and called him a traitor and a killer. He went on to say that he was sure that General Sisi would be punished for his actions, even if justice was a long time coming, as well as the Minister of Interior, Mohammed Ibrahim. He concluded by saying that he hoped God would give everyone patience and insisted that Egyptians would not be silent in the fight for their rights.


General Sisi kills his own family

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It doesn't say he killed his own family... A member of his family died in the protests... Wrong communication can have devastating effects in such situations so lets take care before we hit the forward buttons.
Look at his hat, cannot trust a guy who would wear something like that to not kill his own family members. :lol:
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