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Egypt close 27,000 mosques to fight "terrorism"

The good recipe for Egypt politics is to embrace MB once again, that nation needs to be united rather than keep suppressing the other half of Egyptian society that actually has won a fair election.
Bad move instead they should arrest all the maulvis and there fav students.... And make example out of it....

Now these people will be more agressive more anti national....
The title of this thread is just plain wrong as the places proposed to be closed are not Mosques at all!

They are unofficial places for worship, i.e flats, garages, factories etc that are used for prayer only, they are not suitable for sermons nor are they usually used for sermons or Islamic festivities.

Plus in the grand scheme of things 27000 places smaller than 80 square meters is not in any way significant in a nation which has hundreds of thousands of mosques, there is literally one every few streets, in all cities, towns, and villages.

The good recipe for Egypt politics is to embrace MB once again, that nation needs to be united rather than keep suppressing the other half of Egyptian society that actually has won a fair election.

The MB do not compromise half of Egyptian society nor are they anywhere near the half mark, the majority of Egyptian society is apolitical. As for winning a fair election, Elsisi won one and with almost double the number of votes and his supporters are set to dominate the upcoming parliamentary elections. Simply winning an election is not as a big a deal as some make it out to be.
Sisi is making Bibi look like an amateur.

As for winning a fair election, Elsisi won one and with almost double the number of votes and his supporters are set to dominate the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Sisi definition of fair: coup the government and declare the biggest opposition illegal. Fair. If you look up the word "fair" in a dictionary you will find the picture of Sisi. Also the word "gullible" is also being removed from dictionaries. Sisi is a graduate of Sicilian political philosophy.
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Did anyone actually bother reading the article? Wasn't expecting much from PDF but come on!
Did anyone actually bother reading the article? Wasn't expecting much from PDF but come on!

Of course not man
On topic (without reading the article or even opening the link)
The regime should take every necessary step to destroy the tide of extremism
The MB do not compromise half of Egyptian society nor are they anywhere near the half mark, the majority of Egyptian society is apolitical. As for winning a fair election, Elsisi won one and with almost double the number of votes and his supporters are set to dominate the upcoming parliamentary elections. Simply winning an election is not as a big a deal as some make it out to be.

Thats why it is the right time to give MB another opportunity by giving its younger leadership to lead new MB, instead of banning this organisation forever that will break the harmony of your society. It will fuel extremist agenda by using this as a context to approve their violence action as it is already the case now.

I believe after seeing the fall of MB in Egypt, younger generation of MB will understand that politics really needs flexibility during the process. Banning previous power from participating in the election is a first mistake of MB, and Today another power are making the same mistake again. So by doing this kind of approach again and again, your nation is not going to reach "maturity" level in democracy forever. It needs wise power to break that "continuing behavior"
That's good considering the speeches held in many mosques which brainwash young kids into terrorists.

al-azhar university should prevail on indian muslims too and get them to close mosques here... india has 300,000+ mosques, majority of them built is the last ten years i think.

in the libya war of 2011, when nato puppets wanted to overrun tripoli, they used mosque loud-speakers to start the attack in early morning.

majority of indian muslim males are the most brainwashed and they may not generally themselves join terrorist groups but they provide the "intellectual" basis for other nationalities to join such groups.
Egypt close 27,000 mosques to fight "terrorism"

i dont understand it. why they are closing mosques to fight terrorism??? is there any connection between those mosques and terrorism???
Also stop the funding which goes to the mosque from countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran. These countries and their interpretation of Islam is the root cause of many of the serious problems in the Muslim world from Somalia to Pakistan.

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