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Egypt allowing Israeli drones over Sinai


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Salafi jihadists claim that Israeli drones are operating over Sinai

By DAVID BARNETT, August 5, 2013

Two days ago, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya in Sinai issued a new report to jihadist forums that condemned actions taken by Egyptian security forces in recent weeks. The report also alleged that Egyptian authorities are allowing Israeli drones to operate over the Sinai Peninsula.

In the statement, which was obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, the Salafi jihadist group claimed that the media is colluding with the army by not detailing its actions. The army's actions have led to the deaths of a number of civilians in the Sinai, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya claimed.

"The blood of the people of Sinai became cheap without a cost to the army elements, so there is no questioning or punishment," the statement said.

Al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya specifically noted seven events between June 29 and July 31, which it said were "crimes" by Egyptian security forces. In one incident on July 13, the statement alleged that "an Apache war plane fired a rocket at random due to a group of children playing with laser pointers and pointing them at the plane."

The last of the seven events noted by the group is the alleged presence of Israeli drones over the Sinai. According to the statement, the Egyptian army has allowed "Egypt's airspace to be open to the spy planes of the Zionist enemy." In recent days, "Zionists drones were spotted roaming the skies over El Arish and El Sheikh Zeweid, and the spy planes fired rockets at will at any target in North Sinai."

This is at least the second time that al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya has charged that Israeli drones are operating over the Sinai. In October 2012, the group made the claim in a statement posted to jihadist forums.

"In a dangerous development that is considered to be a clear attack on the sovereignty and the sanctity of our lands, the spy planes of the Zionist entity dared to penetrate Egyptian airspace more than once and for long distances, throughout the past week. Your mujahideen brothers have been able to track and monitor a number of pilotless drones belonging to the Jewish air force, which had penetrated into Egyptian airspace in several areas of the skies above the city of Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah and central Sinai," the group said at the time.

The Aug. 3 statement from al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya concluded by asking whether there are "reasonable and wise people in this army who still have loyalty to this religion and this Ummah, to stop the agents and the traitors from among the leaders of this army, and to bring back this army to the right path to fight the enemies of the Ummah, support this religion, and defend lands, lives and honors of Muslims???"

This latest statement from al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya is not the first report from Salafi jihadists on the situation in the Sinai since the ouster of Mohammed Morsi as Egypt's president in early July.

On July 14, a report detailing dozens of events in the Sinai between June 29 and July 12 was released to jihadist forums. The report denounced the Egyptian army for firing on protesters in the city of el Arish in North Sinai on July 5. The report also noted that in response to the events in el Arish, "simultaneous attacks" were launched at seven locations, including the el Arish airport and the intelligence headquarters in Rafah.

A week earlier, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya had denounced the July 5 incident in a statement posted in jihadist forums on July 6. The group charged that the Egyptian army had opened fire and wounded at least 21 people who were protesting "in front of the district building in Arish during afternoon prayers on Friday."

"The matter cannot be denied, for the cameras and videos had recorded it and the video is on the internet," the statement said. "The people of Sinai in general will not stand aside, and the rise of the people of Arish after this crime and their taking control of the district building and expelling the army is only an example of that," the group said.

And on July 5, a representative of al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya in Sinai announced the formation of a new front, "Ansar al Sharia in Egypt," in the wake of Morsi's ouster. The group claimed to be readying for a fight, saying it will "make preparations and acquire means of power such as weapons and training," according to a statement obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

In recent days, security sources have claimed a number of successes in the operations against jihadists operating in the Sinai. Unfortunately, they have yet to provide hard proof, and numerous attacks were reported yesterday and today.

Read more: Salafi jihadists claim that Israeli drones are operating over Sinai - The Long War Journal
I wouldn't doubt it and this probably isn't a new thing.
Salafi jihadists claim that Israeli drones are operating over Sinai

By DAVID BARNETT, August 5, 2013

Two days ago, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya in Sinai issued a new report to jihadist forums that condemned actions taken by Egyptian security forces in recent weeks. The report also alleged that Egyptian authorities are allowing Israeli drones to operate over the Sinai Peninsula.

That's their source ?!! Are you kidding me ?!!
الصفحة الرسمية للمتحدث العسكري للقوات المسلحة‎

على ضوء ما تم تناوله على وسائل الإعلام المختلفة من بيان صادر عن جماعات السلفية الجهادية بسيناء والذى يتهم القوات المسلحة بإرتكاب مجازر وجرائم فى سيناء ... وفى ذات السياق تؤكد القوات المسلحة على الأتى :
- إن أعمال وأنشطة القوات المسلحة بسيناء تتم طبقاً لخطط مدروسة جيداً ووفقاً لإعتبارات محددة أهمها إلتزام أقصى درجات ضبط النفس الذى يراعى حياة المواطنين وهو ما يبرر طول أمد العمليات فى سيناء.
- إن القوات المسلحة المصرية لا تسمح بأى حال من الاحوال لأية طائرات تابعة لأية دولة بإنتهاك مجالها الجوى أو سيادتها ... حيث ان اعمال تأمين المجال الجوى لدعم العملية "سيناء" يتم بقوات جوية مصرية خالصة تتمتع بالحرفية العالية ولديها من القدرات والإمكانيات ما يؤهلها للقيام بمهامها بقدر على من الدقة والكفاءة القتالية .
- إن القوات المسلحة تكن لأهالى سيناء الشرفاء كامل الإحترام والتقدير والعرفان لدعمهم المتواصل لجيشهم الوطنى على مر التاريخ وتقوم بدورها الوطنى بالتعاون مع وزارة الداخلية فى إطار من ضبط النفس مهما كلفها ذلك من تضحيات.
- إن القوات المسلحة المصرية لم تنتهج منهج العنف أو تجاوز حدود القانون مع أبناء شعبها العظيم على مدار تاريخها ومن المُستغرب أن يوجه لها الإتهام من لُوثت أيديهم بدماء المصريين وأستباحوا الأمنين خارج وداخل منازلهم وأستهدفوا أبناء الجيش والشرطة وروعوا المصريين .

Why the hell would we call for Israeli MALE drones when we have our own aircraft carrying out reconnaissance and Apaches in the CAS role. Its just BS.

I think it's more along the lines that israel is given permission to carry out surveillance in the Sinai. I might be wrong, but, it might be because they believe their intelligence can help them. Which I consider just as grave.
I think it's more along the lines that israel is given permission to carry out surveillance in the Sinai. I might be wrong, but, it might be because they believe their intelligence can help them. Which I consider just as grave.

Again, any intelligence gathering via UAV or otherwise is carried out by Egyptian institutions and forces. Intelligence may be passed on to Israel or vis versa through official communication lines. Israel has covert assets in Egypt (as Egypt has in Israel) and those may be the source of their information. But as for Israeli drones then that's just BS. Since there isn't any proof of drone strikes (as the article says) or Israeli UAV's (How do we know if they arent Egyptian UAV's?).

Any talk of Israeli forces is simply BS.
Salafi jihadists claim that Israeli drones are operating over Sinai

By DAVID BARNETT, August 5, 2013

Two days ago, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya in Sinai issued a new report to jihadist forums that condemned actions taken by Egyptian security forces in recent weeks. The report also alleged that Egyptian authorities are allowing Israeli drones to operate over the Sinai Peninsula.

In the statement, which was obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, the Salafi jihadist group claimed that the media is colluding with the army by not detailing its actions. The army's actions have led to the deaths of a number of civilians in the Sinai, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya claimed.

"The blood of the people of Sinai became cheap without a cost to the army elements, so there is no questioning or punishment," the statement said.

Al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya specifically noted seven events between June 29 and July 31, which it said were "crimes" by Egyptian security forces. In one incident on July 13, the statement alleged that "an Apache war plane fired a rocket at random due to a group of children playing with laser pointers and pointing them at the plane."

The last of the seven events noted by the group is the alleged presence of Israeli drones over the Sinai. According to the statement, the Egyptian army has allowed "Egypt's airspace to be open to the spy planes of the Zionist enemy." In recent days, "Zionists drones were spotted roaming the skies over El Arish and El Sheikh Zeweid, and the spy planes fired rockets at will at any target in North Sinai."

This is at least the second time that al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya has charged that Israeli drones are operating over the Sinai. In October 2012, the group made the claim in a statement posted to jihadist forums.

"In a dangerous development that is considered to be a clear attack on the sovereignty and the sanctity of our lands, the spy planes of the Zionist entity dared to penetrate Egyptian airspace more than once and for long distances, throughout the past week. Your mujahideen brothers have been able to track and monitor a number of pilotless drones belonging to the Jewish air force, which had penetrated into Egyptian airspace in several areas of the skies above the city of Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah and central Sinai," the group said at the time.

The Aug. 3 statement from al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya concluded by asking whether there are "reasonable and wise people in this army who still have loyalty to this religion and this Ummah, to stop the agents and the traitors from among the leaders of this army, and to bring back this army to the right path to fight the enemies of the Ummah, support this religion, and defend lands, lives and honors of Muslims???"

This latest statement from al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya is not the first report from Salafi jihadists on the situation in the Sinai since the ouster of Mohammed Morsi as Egypt's president in early July.

On July 14, a report detailing dozens of events in the Sinai between June 29 and July 12 was released to jihadist forums. The report denounced the Egyptian army for firing on protesters in the city of el Arish in North Sinai on July 5. The report also noted that in response to the events in el Arish, "simultaneous attacks" were launched at seven locations, including the el Arish airport and the intelligence headquarters in Rafah.

A week earlier, al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya had denounced the July 5 incident in a statement posted in jihadist forums on July 6. The group charged that the Egyptian army had opened fire and wounded at least 21 people who were protesting "in front of the district building in Arish during afternoon prayers on Friday."

"The matter cannot be denied, for the cameras and videos had recorded it and the video is on the internet," the statement said. "The people of Sinai in general will not stand aside, and the rise of the people of Arish after this crime and their taking control of the district building and expelling the army is only an example of that," the group said.

And on July 5, a representative of al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya in Sinai announced the formation of a new front, "Ansar al Sharia in Egypt," in the wake of Morsi's ouster. The group claimed to be readying for a fight, saying it will "make preparations and acquire means of power such as weapons and training," according to a statement obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

In recent days, security sources have claimed a number of successes in the operations against jihadists operating in the Sinai. Unfortunately, they have yet to provide hard proof, and numerous attacks were reported yesterday and today.

Read more: Salafi jihadists claim that Israeli drones are operating over Sinai - The Long War Journal

Well if the extremists are complaining about it, then it's probably serving a purpose that will see less innocent people suffer.
5 jihadists reportedly killed in Sinai, source unclear

By DAVID BARNETT, August 9, 2013

Egyptian security officials alleged that an Israeli drone strike today killed five jihadists near Rafah. "The officials say the attack was in cooperation with Egyptian authorities," the Associated Press reported. The jihadists were reportedly preparing to fire rockets toward Israel, according to Ma'an News Agency.

Agence France Presse cautioned that "[t]he source of the strike was not immediately clear." Turkish news agencies reported that Egyptian helicopters had carried out the attack that killed the jihadists. The Times of Israel similarly reported, based on comments from an Egyptian official, that "the strike was carried out by the Egyptian military, and not the IDF."

An Israeli official, however, reportedly confirmed to ABC News that Israel was responsible for the strike. Five Egyptian sources told Reuters that Israel was responsible for the strike, which they said killed four jihadists, not five.

A statement released by the Egyptian army shortly after reports emerged said that an incident had occurred about 1.8 miles from the country's eastern border and that authorities were looking into the exact details. A couple of hours later, the army released a new statement, which said the incident was still being investigated but that reports suggesting an Israeli drone was responsible were false.

"The claim that there is coordination between the Egyptian and Israeli sides on this matter is totally false and contrary to reason and logic," an army spokesman said.

Long War Journal efforts to garner a response from IDF spokespeople were unsuccessful. According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, an IDF spokesman said that "the army was not responding to the reports."

Today's incident comes a day after Israeli authorities closed Eilat's airport for a few hours due to a security assessment. Egyptian officials today said that a warning from them regarding plots by jihadists in the Sinai was shared with Israeli officials and led to the airport closure.

Israeli authorities have previously expressed concern that jihadists may try to target planes landing and taking off from the airport.

Although the southern Israeli city of Eilat has not normally been a target of rocket fire from terror groups in the region, it has increasingly come under fire during the past two years. On Nov. 20, 2012, Ansar Jerusalem claimed to have fired rockets at Eilat, according to a statement that was obtained and translated by SITE. The same group also took responsibility for a rocket attack on Eilat in mid-August 2012.

More recently, in early July, Ansar Jerusalem issued a statement claiming responsibility for the firing of two rockets toward Eilat. Prior to that, in April, the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC) claimed responsibility for rocket attacks on Eilat.

Read more: 5 jihadists reportedly killed in Sinai, source unclear - The Long War Journal
Egyptian army denies Israel carried out airstrikes in Sinai

Al Arabiya
Israeli planes did not carry out airstrikes against militants inside the Egyptian territories, an Egyptian army spokesman said on Friday.

A massive explosion was heard on Friday in the Egyptian side of the border with Israel, Al Arabiya correspondent said, adding that several militants were killed or wounded in the attack.

The source of the explosion was not immediately known. Initial reports attributed the bombing to Israeli airstrikes, but the Egyptian military source denied Israeli air force had carried out any raids inside Egypt.

The Egyptian military official said the Egyptian borders are a “red a line.”

The Palestinian news agency Maan had quoted an Egyptian army source as saying that an Israeli plane targeted rockets launchers in an area in the Egyptian Rafah.

The launchers were reportedly deployed on Thursday by Islamist militants.
Hamas supplied Sinai terrorists with Iran-made Fajr-5 missiles for foiled attack on Eilat

DEBKAfile Special Report August 10, 2013, 10:15 AM (IDT)

The missile launcher destroyed by two rockets fired by an Israeli drone at Ajarah in North Sinai Friday, Aug. 9 was capable of firing 4 heavy Iranian-made M-75 missiles known as Fajr-5, which Hamas possesses, but not Sinai Salafists

Its 75-kilometer range covers Tel Aviv from Gaza Strip or Eilat from inland Sinai. The five terrorists killed in the drone strike were prevented from launching these rockets against Eilat airport Thursday by a tip-off from Egyptian intelligence to Israel. The Fajr-5 proved its high accuracy by leveling a building in the central Israeli town of Rishon Lezion on Nov. 20, 2012.

Since then, Hamas has upgraded the Fajar-5’s performance with an integrated radar system. It is carried by an Iranian made vehicle. DEBKAfile’s military sources have not yet established whether Hamas handed the Iranian weapon over to the Salafist Bedouin acting in concert with al Qaeda in Sinai before the Egyptian army placed the Gaza Strip under siege in early July, or smuggled it across more recently. Even though Egyptian forces destroyed many of the Sinai-Gaza smuggling tunnels ahead of their counter-terror operation in Sinai, they may have missed a couple.

The Iranian rocket, which is 10 meters long, 333mm diameter and weighs 9 tons, is based on a 302mm Chinese rocket sold to Tehran in the 1990s and reproduced as Fajr-5. To move it through the smuggling tunnels, the missile would have had to be broken down into 8-10 sections and then reassembled at the other end, a function only Hamas is qualified to perform. It is also possible that a terrorist cell managed to infiltrate Sinai in recent days and collected the Fajr missile system from Hamas, which is trained in its operation.

Neither Egypt nor Israel has provided any clues to the identities of the five dead terrorists.

In either case, Hamas cooperation was clearly forthcoming. That the Palestinian terrorist group ruling the Gaza Strip is supplying advanced weapons to Sinai Salafists is a strategic development of the highest order indicating its resolve to fight the military regime headed by Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Sisis in Cairo and an emerging coalition between Hamas, al Qaeda in Sinai, the Muslim Brotherhood ousted from power in Egypt and Iran.

Two years ago, Israel refrained from pointing the finger at Teheran when missiles made in Iran and supplied to terrorists were first launched against Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Rishon Lezion. Israel remains silent when they are pointed at Eilat.

DEBKAfile reported Friday:

Intelligence sharing and military cooperation between Egypt and Israel foiled a terrorist missile attack from Sinai on Eilat Thursday, Aug. 8, say foreign sources. Egyptian security officials reported that an Israeli drone fired a missile in the northern Sinai peninsula, killing five Islamic militants and destroying one or more launchers. Egyptian military helicopters circled over head. The launcher, said the officials, was rigged for firing at targets in Israel from the vicinity of Egyptian Rafah in northern Sinai.
Eilat has come under rocket fire from Sinai in the past.

The Israeli military has refused to comment on the report. DEBKAfile’s military sources note that it is not absolutely clear that the Israeli air force was responsible for the attack on the terrorists’ missile squad. It may have been an Egyptian operation in the course of its counter-terrorism campaign ongoing in Sinai and the Egyptian command preferred not to admit it took place on the Muslim Eid al Fitr festival.

According to those sources, six terrorists were killed, not five as reported.

The Israeli military has refused to comment on the incident. DEBKAfile’s military sources say it is not absolutely clear that the Israeli air force was responsible for the missile attack on the terrorists’ missile squad. It may have been an Egyptian operation in the course of its counter-terrorism campaign ongoing in Sinai, to which the Egyptian command preferred not to own up because it occurred on the Eid al Fitr festival.

According to those sources, six terrorists were killed, not five as reported, at a point south of Egyptian Rafah not from the Egyptian-Gazan border. The terrorist group was apparently in flight from a part of the Egyptian-Israeli border opposite Eilat from where they had planned to strike Israel’s southernmost airport Thursday night. Their route 230 km north toward the Gaza border indicated they planned to cross over and reach safety in the Palestinian Hamas-ruled enclave.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report further that the military-intelligence cooperation in force between Israel and Egypt in the war against Salafist, al Qaeda and Hamas jihadis broke surface Friday when an Egyptian security official told The Associated Press that intelligence, suggesting terrorists planned to fire missiles Friday at Israel as well as locations in northern Sinai and the Suez Canal, was passed by Egypt to Israel. Eilat airport was closed for two hours Thursday night in response to the tip-off. The official also said that Egyptian authorities planned to start air patrols Thursday night over the Naqab desert in the Egyptian Sinai, where Islamist terrorists have hideouts.

Egyptian airports in the Sinai operated normally into Thursday night despite the warning, including those in the resort cities of Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba, said Gad el-Karim Nasr, the head of state-owned Egyptian Airports Co. Taba is only 10 kilometers from Eilat.

Hamas supplied Sinai terrorists with Iran-made Fajr-5 missiles for foiled attack on Eilat

Complete and utter bullshit, Hamas barely has an arsenal of those rockets and the ones they do have stay in Gaza. Debka is neo conservative website made by an Israeli.

Sinai militants have weapons only by arms smuggling, most are 107 short range rockets and short range grad rockets if they have any.

Either way, even if they do somehow confirm they have these medium range rockets Hamas is not complicit in supplying them. This weak accusation was made based on confidential information in the Israeli military they somehow got knowing the rocket launcher is capable of launching medium range rockets which proves nothing at all.
Victims of strike in Sinai identified | Maan News Agency

CAIRO (Ma'an) -- Egyptian military sources said Saturday that four of the five victims of an airstrike in Sinai a day earlier had been identified.

Senior military sources told Ma'an that one body was too badly burned to identify. They named the others as Ibrahim H. A, Mohmmad M. H. A, Saeed A amd Hussam A. D.

The victims were traveling in two cars and a motorcycle in al-Arja village, three kilometers from the Israeli border south of Rafah, when they were killed, the sources said.

On Friday evening, military sources told Ma'an the strikes appeared to have been carried out by an Israeli drone and that they hit a rocket-launching site.

But Egypt's military spokesman denied any Israeli strike.


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