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Egypt acquiescent to US, UK: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Egypt acquiescent to US, UK: Analyst

Egypt is still under the control of the US and UK which seek to turn the African country into a colony of the West, a political analyst says.

“[Egypt’s presidential hopeful Abdel Fattah] el-Sisi is the typical leader that the UK and US have placed in the leading role for over one hundred years in Egypt,” Scott Rickard told Press TV in an interview on Tuesday.

Rickard said that the UK and the US have allied to control the Egyptian policy as they did before.

“They (the British) are allied with the Americans and they have been controlling Egypt and influencing Egyptian politics very clearly for over 200 years,” he said.

He stressed that the current propped up military-installed government in Egypt has “extremely close ties with the West”, adding that the regime receives billions of dollars a year in aid from the West.

“This is another illegitimate government put in place to run a British colony that is still under the West’s thumb,” Rickard added.

The analyst’s remarks come as the presidential election in Egypt was extended to a third day on Tuesday night amid high security measures to counter possible threats.

Sisi, who toppled the government of the first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, in July 2013, is expected to win the country’s presidential election with a landslide.

PressTV - Egypt acquiescent to US, UK: Analyst
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