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Egemen Bagis: Turkish Navy is Ready to intervention Cyprus


Feb 20, 2008
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War bells are ringing again !!!

didnt know Cyprus was that close to Turkey!

and what does this mean, why would they intervene in Cyprus (what for?)
S.Cyprus is testing our patience and provoking us. Similar issue we had in the past. They bought S300 missiles but they couldn't place it on cyprus and took it to the Greek island. Actually, They know very well how serious are we? However, teasing is free ...
I think Turkey is the one who is playing with fire

---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

is that a picture from our own satellite ?


I believe it was taken by astronaut with simple camera, film or digital
S.Cyprus is testing our patience and provoking us. Similar issue we had in the past. They bought S300 missiles but they couldn't place it on cyprus and took it to the Greek island. Actually, They know very well how serious are we? However, teasing is free ...

Oh really? why ? because they want to exploit their own resources ??? Oh.. I am sorry you are right.. they should have asked the local invaders first.. !!!!

some times you are crossing the line of the ridiculous, you do what you do, don't try to justify it too.. it's too much for our patience...
Oh really? why ? because they want to exploit their own resources ??? Oh.. I am sorry you are right.. they should have asked the local invaders first.. !!!!

some times you are crossing the line of the ridiculous, you do what you do, don't try to justify it too.. it's too much for our patience...
Answer this then; If Southern Cyprus claims to be "the" sole representative of the island in the international arena, then it surely must share islands natural resources with all its inhabitants. Don't you think this is a bit reckless considering no solid ground for solution is established for islands final status? To assume Turkey will just stand down while Southern Cyprus plunders islands natural resources without sharing it with islands northern inhabitants is not realistic and on the lines of stupidity.
Turkey should take hold of greece, Northern Iraq and Syria already if possible Egypt to control swiss canal
it's too much for our patience...

Ohh rllyy ?? What wll u do? i think "what can you do?" question is the correct one ... You know why did they send s300 to greece very well ... Dont be silly !!
Answer this then; If Southern Cyprus claims to be "the" sole representative of the island in the international arena, then it surely must share islands natural resources with all its inhabitants. Don't you think this is a bit reckless considering no solid ground for solution is established for islands final status? To assume Turkey will just stand down while Southern Cyprus plunders islands natural resources without sharing it with islands northern inhabitants is not realistic and on the lines of stupidity.

The current status is that there is only one entity recognised internationally as Cyprus, and that is the NON-occupied one.

Of course the natural resources are to be shared with all the island's inhabitants, turkish-cypriots and greek-cypriots alike.

But NOT greek-cypriots,turkish-cypriots and Turkish settlers who forcibly made their way through into cyprus by Turkey's hand in a (vein now it seems because not even the turkish-cypriots want them there) effort to alter the composition of the population on the island.

The problem with turkish goverments and turkish politicians is that they think the world buys their -internal consumption-lies

wake up, it is not the Greeks, Greek-cypriots, nor the rest of the world that are deluded, it's you that don't perceive the things as they are and are bitting firmly the crap your twisters of facts give you..

The Greek-cypriots want the Turks off the island, NOT the turkish-cypriots.. the sooner you realise that, the faster Cyprus will be one island again, and far happier than now, which is exactly what turkish politicians fear... the exposition of their utter failure to do anything with northern cyprus since they invaded it, with the sacrifice of so many lives on both sides...

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

well said bro.. But not enough !! We will conquer whole world ... :enjoy:

keep dreaming and one day when you grow up, daddy will buy you a little horsy to play with ...
Cyprus situation is a little more serious than it seems to be..With the open backing of USA and Russia and support from local power Israel, they can and most probably will go ahead with the plans..A block seems to be in formation in the region among like minded countries...Interesting times ahead..
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