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Efforts increase to prevent interfaith marriage in India

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Apr 17, 2009
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Controversy is increasing in India over attempts to curb interfaith marriage.
In one high-profile case, a Hindu woman told Al Jazeera she had a miscarriage after police imprisoned her Muslim husband and sent her to a women’s shelter while investigating whether she was forced to convert to Islam.
Her state, Uttar Pradesh, is the latest to pass a law making it more difficult for people from different religions to marry.
There should have been no need really for the girl, Pinki, to convert to Islam to marry Rasheed. Marriage should be disconnected from the religions that the two parties were born into.

I hope the members here championing Hindu girls who marry Muslims will also champion Muslim girls who want to marry Hindus or of those born into other religions. We are in modern age where in six to eight years humans will land on Mars and in 10 more years there will be at least one permanent settlement there. Should humans carry old tribalisms and religious prohibitions there too ?

@Joe Shearer, does the Indian 'Civil marriage' law allow for provisions and protections for inter-faith couples ?
does the Indian 'Civil marriage' law allow for provisions and protections for inter-faith couples ?

Interfaith marriages can be covered under 'Special Marriages Act' and in such cases the provisions of respective religions are nulled in determining rights under the marriage. Please bear in mind that if either the girl or the boy converts to the other's religion and they marry under the religious terms of one religion, it is not considered a Special Marriage. Additionally, the couple need not be from different religions to marry under the Special Marriages Act.

I have some knowledge about this as I was in relationship with a Muslim girl for 5 years, starting from college. While her family was very liberal, the lines were clearly drawn that she could not marry outside her religion. The relationship died a natural death. Ironically she was herself a product of inter faith marriage - Muslim father and Parsi mother, though her mother had converted to Islam.

I am not giving this example to prove that Muslim parents will never accept non Muslim son in law, in fact in my friend / professional circle there are plenty of muslim women married to Hindus and living happily.
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Interfaith marriages can be covered under 'Special Marriages Act' and in such cases the provisions of respective religions are nulled in determining rights under the marriage. Please bear in mind that if either the girl or the boy converts to the other's religion and they marry under the religious terms of one religion, it is not considered a Special Marriage. Additionally, the couple need not be from different religions to marry under the Special Marriages Act.

Ah, thanks.

I have some knowledge about this as I was in relationship with a Muslim girl for 5 years, starting from college. While her family was very liberal, the lines were clearly drawn that she could not marry outside her religion. The relationship died a natural death. Ironically she was herself a product of inter faith marriage - Muslim father and Parsi mother, though her mother had converted to Islam.

That is unfortunate. My commiserations, sir. But didn't you try and convince her family from a legal point of view ? It is wrong that the family and community comes in between two people who want to marry. And I will bring here our Tunisian member, @_Nabil_, for his comments because the Muslim women in his country and their supporting men campaigned for the right of Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men :
Tunisia has overturned a law that banned women from marrying non-Muslims.

A spokeswoman for President Beji Caid Essebsi made the announcement and congratulated women on gaining "the freedom to choose one's spouse".
Until now, a non-Muslim man who wished to marry a Tunisian Muslim woman had to convert to Islam and submit a certificate of his conversion as proof.
Tunisia, which is 99% Muslim, is viewed as one of the most progressive Arab countries in terms of women's rights.

The new law comes after President Essebsi pushed for the lifting of the marriage restriction decree that was put in place in 1973.

He said in a speech last month, during celebrations of the National Women's day, that the marriage law was "an obstacle to the freedom of choice of the spouse".

The restriction was also seen as violating Tunisia's constitution which was adopted in 2014 in the wake of the Arab Spring revolution.

Human rights groups in Tunisia had also campaigned for the law's abolition.

The order comes into force immediately and couples are free to register their marriages at government offices.

An important milestone​

Rana Jawad, BBC News, Tunis

Many Tunisians see the removal of the marriage restriction as another landmark in guaranteeing women's freedom in the country.
It sets apart Tunisia as the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to remove the legal hurdles to marrying outside the official state religion.

It is an important milestone in a region where religion in marital ties can be at the heart of many a family feud, and long struggles against state laws.

Unlike Muslim women, men can marry non-Muslim women without providing any religious documents.
Tunisia is also home to a Jewish, as well as a small Christian, minority and it is not entirely clear how the marriage restriction applied to them.

Scrapping the decree may not do away with the cultural and traditional obstacles women face with their families in cases of inter-faith marriage, but it now offers Tunisian women greater freedom of choice from a legal perspective.
Indian Muslims should take lesson from Tunisia. And I will ask Nabil to read my post# 5.
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That is unfortunate. My commiserations, sir. But didn't you try and convince her family from a legal point of view ?
Perhaps the relationship wasn't strong enough to survive the turmoil that legal processes would bring. It was such a long time ago.
butt cheek dude is way too pale, lacks color
need to make him more manly by adding color
rn he looks like a homosexual from SF

It looks like white chocolate and dark chocolate are melting into each other, with a coriander leaf thrown in.

Funny that whoever made this would want to add the star and crescent to a carnal act.
There should have been no need really for the girl, Pinki, to convert to Islam to marry Rasheed. Marriage should be disconnected from the religions that the two parties were born into.

I hope the members here championing Hindu girls who marry Muslims will also champion Muslim girls who want to marry Hindus or of those born into other religions. We are in modern age where in six to eight years humans will land on Mars and in 10 more years there will be at least one permanent settlement there. Should humans carry old tribalisms and religious prohibitions there too ?

@Joe Shearer, does the Indian 'Civil marriage' law allow for provisions and protections for inter-faith couples ?
In Islam people can only convert to Islam by free will and not be coerced. Who would want to convert to a Hindu religion where a cow is considered a god, idols are worshipped, their priests run around naked and temples used as centers of sex slavery? Seriously dude, come terms with reality. Your religion was contrived by the upper casts to keep you down and stupid.
Who would want to convert to a Hindu religion where a cow is considered a god, idols are worshipped, their priests run around naked and temples used as centers of sex slavery?

Whichever Hindu wants to marry outside Hinduism will not be that much of a believer in things you list.

Seriously dude, come terms with reality. Your religion was contrived by the upper casts to keep you down and stupid.

What do you mean by "your religion" ?
Whichever Hindu wants to marry outside Hinduism will not be that much of a believer in things you list.

What do you mean by "your religion" ?
There is this thing going around among the chosen that you are a false-flagging Hindu, unable to quote glibly from the sources that the chosen might have had in mind.

In Islam people can only convert to Islam by free will and not be coerced. Who would want to convert to a Hindu religion where a cow is considered a god, idols are worshipped, their priests run around naked and temples used as centers of sex slavery? Seriously dude, come terms with reality. Your religion was contrived by the upper casts to keep you down and stupid.
May I ask that you keep your comments to your own religion, and leave alone that of others of a different persuasion?

If you find a Hindu making unseemly remarks about your religion, please feel free to report that post, rather than descend to trading insults.

Interfaith marriages can be covered under 'Special Marriages Act' and in such cases the provisions of respective religions are nulled in determining rights under the marriage. Please bear in mind that if either the girl or the boy converts to the other's religion and they marry under the religious terms of one religion, it is not considered a Special Marriage. Additionally, the couple need not be from different religions to marry under the Special Marriages Act.

I have some knowledge about this as I was in relationship with a Muslim girl for 5 years, starting from college. While her family was very liberal, the lines were clearly drawn that she could not marry outside her religion. The relationship died a natural death. Ironically she was herself a product of inter faith marriage - Muslim father and Parsi mother, though her mother had converted to Islam.

I am not giving this example to prove that Muslim parents will never accept non Muslim son in law, in fact in my friend / professional circle there are plenty of muslim women married to Hindus and living happily.
You will be amused if you dig a little and find out the background of the Special Marriages Act. A hint: It has to do with the unwillingness of a particular set of believers to be married under the statutes governing Hindu marriages.
Whichever Hindu wants to marry outside Hinduism will not be that much of a believer in things you list.

What do you mean by "your religion" ?
I meant your country's religion.
May I ask that you keep your comments to your own religion, and leave alone that of others of a different persuasion?

But Joe, this behaviour happens on a daily basis on multiple threads. Insulting Hindus, their ethnicity, their gods, their practices. I personally don't care because end of the day all these are man made, just like Pizza and contesting on such issues is like saying 'My pizza is better than yours'. I don't care if someone thinks their Pizza is better than mine, as long as they:
  1. Do not force me to eat their Pizza
  2. Do not try to tell me how to eat my Pizza
  3. Do not control where my Pizza comes from
As regards the Creator, there is only one ultimately, if one chooses to believe in a creator. You insult my creator, you are insulting yours.
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