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Effective way to win Iraq!

Zeeshan S.

Dec 19, 2005
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Well i totally dont agree or dont think that war on Iraq like United States did was a good idea. If we wanted to kick out Saddam Hussain it could be done effectively by sending the best assassinates. Once Saddam Hussain was killed i doubt anybody would have blamed U.S and then Iraq would have worked out fine.

Bombing Iraq, sending the troops caused more casualties and continuely causing more casualties to the U.S troops and is not effective at all. The same thing could be done a lot cheaper and risk free! But for everything there is politics behind it.
Zeeshan S. said:
Well i totally dont agree or dont think that war on Iraq like United States did was a good idea. If we wanted to kick out Saddam Hussain it could be done effectively by sending the best assassinates. Once Saddam Hussain was killed i doubt anybody would have blamed U.S and then Iraq would have worked out fine.

Bombing Iraq, sending the troops caused more casualties and continuely causing more casualties to the U.S troops and is not effective at all. The same thing could be done a lot cheaper and risk free! But for everything there is politics behind it.

The purpose of the Iraq war was not to get WMDs, or kick out saddam or give the Iraqis democracy and toilets made of solid gold.....

It was to destroy Iraq's military,

Destroy its infrastructure,

Dismantle any arms producing industries it had left,

Destroy Iraq's people,

Dissect Iraq into different parts,

Put Saddam on Trial to make an example out of him to show the world
what will happen to any wannabe Hitler that dares to attack Israel again,

Make sure Iraqis are thoroughly tourtured,molested, beaten and humiliated,

Iraq's history..like the ancient Babylonian sites are destroyed,

Israel is given control of Iraq's Water resources and Oil.

To turn iraq into a palestine

Establish iraq as a colony for the British and American troops to Kill,abuse and torture.

Divide Iraq into Kurdish, sunni and shitte areas hence dividing the Moslem world into Sunni and Shia blocks for Israel's Vision where both sides armed with nukes destroy each other leaving the Jews to devour whatever is left of Arabia and Persia.
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