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Ecuador's president : we helped Snowden by mistake


Nov 18, 2010
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Ecuador is not considering Edward Snowden's asylum request and never intended to facilitate his flight from Hong Kong, president Rafael Correa said as the whistleblower made a personal plea to Quito for his case to be heard.

Snowden was Russia's responsibility and would have to reach Ecuadorean territory before the country would consider any asylum request, the president said in an interview on Monday.

"Are we responsible for getting him to Ecuador? It's not logical. The country that has to give him a safe conduct document is Russia."

The president, speaking to the Guardian at the presidential palace in Quito, said his government did not intentionally help Snowden travel from Hong Kong to Moscow with a temporary travel pass. "It was a mistake on our part," he added.

Asked if he thought the former NSA contractor would ever make it to Quito, he replied: "Mr Snowden's situation is very complicated, but in this moment he is in Russian territory and these are decisions for the Russian authorities."

Asked if he would like to meet him, he said: "Not particularly. He's a very complicated person. Strictly speaking, Mr Snowden spied for some time."

The comments clashed with expressions of gratitude the 30-year-old fugitive issued hours later, before Correa's views had been published.

"I must express my deep respect for your principles and sincere thanks for your government's action in considering my request for political asylum," said a letter, in Spanish and attributed to Snowden.

Rafael Correa: we helped Snowden by mistake | World news | guardian.co.uk
what! I saw all these posts about the Ecuador President was standing up to the US! lol
So, they are not helping him, but now he is seeking asylum in Russia.
what! I saw all these posts about the Ecuador President was standing up to the US! lol

Wikileaks creator Assange botched this up he had considerable influence over the embassy which issued the temporary pass without approval which angered Rafeal
So, they are not helping him, but now he is seeking asylum in Russia.
Only if Snowden STFU so says Putin. Snowden is now regretting the method he seeks for fame in the same path as Julian Assange. If Snowden does STFU, he will spend the rest of his life in Russia destitute, alone, and under constant watch by the FSB. If Snowden does not STFU, Putin will imprison him for the rest of his life. Either way, Snowden royally screwed up his life.
Snowden has seek asylum to 18 countries including India.
...and he has gotten nowhere because most countries are smart enough to know how self-defeating it is to give asylum to someone wanted for espionage and high treason. What goes around comes around.
Awww...... and i thought so highly of Equador .. did they have an election or something ?

...and he has gotten nowhere because most countries are smart enough to know how self-defeating it is to give asylum to someone wanted for espionage and high treason. What goes around comes around.

You frame someone for Espionage when you reveal information to the enemy right ? But he has revealed information to the public..the American people....soooo either American public is the enemy or the whole claim of espionage is false ...

not trolling just getting things straight
Awww...... and i thought so highly of Equador .. did they have an election or something ?

You frame someone for Espionage when you reveal information to the enemy right ? But he has revealed information to the public..the American people....soooo either American public is the enemy or the whole claim of espionage is false ...

not trolling just getting things straight
"Straight" as a mile of crooked country road. In any event, lets pretend what you say is true and that he really didn't fly to communist China to fill in a foreign government about US intelligence activities. So according to your defense of him, I guess in India, if a member of your government betrays his oath and reveals top secret information, as long as he does so to the press, it is OK by you? That person would just get a pat on the back? No arrest? No condemnation from your government? An Indian intelligence technician violates his oath and multiple laws, starts revealing highly classified and critical intelligence information to the world about India's most critical intelligence operations, (and doing so after he flies to Pakistan or communist China.), and that would be OK by you?

Funny how all one has to do is put the word "America" in a sentence, and suddenly, the rules change for people.
"Straight" as a mile of crooked country road. In any event, lets pretend what you say is true and that he really didn't fly to communist China to fill in a foreign government about US intelligence activities. So according to your defense of him, I guess in India, if a member of your government betrays his oath and reveals top secret information, as long as he does so to the press, it is OK by you? That person would just get a pat on the back? No arrest? No condemnation from your government? An Indian intelligence technician violates his oath and multiple laws, starts revealing highly classified and critical intelligence information to the world about India's most critical intelligence operations, (and doing so after he flies to Pakistan or communist China.), and that would be OK by you?

Funny how all one has to do is put the word "America" in a sentence, and suddenly, the rules change for people.

i get your point...relax....why so defensive.... i just asked a question :partay:
Awww...... and i thought so highly of Equador .. did they have an election or something ?

You frame someone for Espionage when you reveal information to the enemy right ? But he has revealed information to the public..the American people....soooo either American public is the enemy or the whole claim of espionage is false ...

not trolling just getting things straight
But you are trolling...

You have a false understanding of secrecy itself, let alone specific to military and political issues.

For example...If you have really bad hemorrhoids and you have an enemy in town who would tease you mercilessly about it, instead of me telling it straight to his face of your medical condition, how about I just post that information on every lamp post in town for ANYONE to see?

I have revealed that secret to no one in particular. I just revealed it to everyone. It does not matter if they have a right to know or not. A secret does not need any enemy to be a secret. A secret by its nature demands restricted access to selected few privileged individuals. A friend can turn into an enemy upon knowing that secret. Ever consider that? Probably not.
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