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ECP finds PTI guilty of accepting prohibited funds

SC issue jaye ga and will be struck down

Money will be confiscated which is deemed to be prohibited - that's the most it can happen
50$ 100$ foreign funding hahahhaha
Show cause is the next logical step, but I don’t think the ECP has the authority to ban PTI.

ECP sent the report to Federal Government. Federal Government has the authority to ban on recommendation of ECP. Now PTI will challenge this notice and SC will delay till next decade.
Please edit the topic title, its not foreign funding:


Muhammad Ahmed Pansota is a well known lawyer.
Today in media there will be lots of hue and cry but you will see after 3-4 days, this issue will die down itself even in media since there is nothing in the case. Jang network and their allies were predicting that PTI as a party may get a ban once ECP announces their verdict , PTI election symbol will be removed on immediate basis and bla bla bla.
Top line: Let's make IK even greater.

Reis Erdo'an was also banned for life from politics along with his parent party and was sent to prison for 3 months in 1999. His newly formed party got into the power under a proxy PM in 2002. His ban got annulled, and the rest is history...

It's "prohibited funding" as per a prior Supreme Court ruling, not "foreign funding"!!! So, no ban, only confiscation of those funds as the worst case...

'Not a case of foreign funding'

PTI leader Farrukh Habib said that the party has maintained that "this was not a foreign funding case, this was a case about prohibited funding".

He further stated that those who propelled the narrative of the case being about "foreign funding" have been severely disappointed that the PTI was not banned today, it was only served a show cause notice.

"We will give a sufficient reply to the notice", he concluded.

Maleeka Bokhari, talking to the media after Habib, said media groups against the PTI and the coalition parties of PDM had "lost hope" today.

She claimed that the PTI was not the kind of party to accept foreign funding, however, the "propaganda" against it was furthered for years.

According to Bokhari, investigation committees were formed in 2018 to inquire into PTI funding but their reports were never made public because they proved nothing against the party. She maintained that the "biggest democratic party in Pakistan" was being pushed to the corner through a constitutional institution.

She asked PDM leaders to show their bank accounts, alleging that Benazir Bhutto had said that the PML-N felled her government with Osama Bin Laden's money and questioned why did the JUI-F had received funding from Libya's Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.

"All of this should have been done within the law, however, it is sad that these parties cannot match the PTI constitutionally and legally".

PTI's Fawad Chaudhry thanked those who fought the case for the last eight years.

"PTI is Pakistan's only party that conducts proper public funding drives. No other political party does this", the former information minister said.

He maintained that the case was about funding from 2008 to 2013 and that the PTI had collected approximately Rs3-4 billion, a major part of which came from overseas Pakistanis.

"I don't understand why PML-N, PPP, JUI have made overseas Pakistanis their enemy when we consider them the backbone of our economy", he said adding that the party will still rely on them for funding.

'Your politics have been buried'

Shiekh Rashid, a close ally of Imran, said after today the politics of PDM will be "buried". He expressed confidence that the case, if it is taken to the Supreme Court, will be done with in a single hearing.

He further said that the ECP should also decide on the funding cases of PML-N and PPP. "Nawaz Sharif took funds from al-Qaeda's Osama bin Laden."

When asked if there was any 'back-channel diplomacy', Rashid said he does not know of any such developments but politicians "never close their doors".

"Imran Khan is a popular voice of the people."

Security in the federal capital was placed on high alert before the much-awaited verdict. Extra contingents of police and riot police forces were deployed to avoid any untoward incident.

Before the verdict's announcement, PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry said the decision of the ECP will be in accordance with earlier court judgements, and the electoral watchdog will decide against the three main political parties of Pakistan - PTI, PML-N and PPP.

The former information added that political decisions "will be made by the people and not the ECP".

SC judgment on foreign funding

The Supreme Court has already discussed in detail the question of foreign funding in its 2017 judgment on a petition filed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Hanif Abbasi, who had sought the disqualification of Imran Khan.

The SC bench led by the former chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar, while making a distinction between a ‘foreign aided’ party and ‘prohibited funding’, referred to the case on December 16, 2017, to the ECP for a probe.

The judgment noted that it is the duty of the ECP to scrutinise accounts of political parties on the touchstone of Article 6(3) of the PPO read in the light of Article 17(3) of the Constitution.

However, the apex court in its judgment had noted that it is not the case that the PTI was formed or organised at the instance of any government or political party of a foreign country or is affiliated to or associated with any government or political party of a foreign country, or receives any aid, financial or otherwise, from any government or political party of a foreign country.

Rather, the allegation is that the PTI has been receiving financial contributions and/or a portion of its funds from foreign nationals as not only the directors of the PTI USA LLC are American citizens, but contributions have been collected from individuals and the companies that are admittedly foreign nationals.
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Here are steps.

1. Formation of PDM
2. Sindh PPP Long March
3. Molana Fazl ur Rehman Long March and Sit in
3. Sindh House Money Deals to buy turncoats.
4. General Bajwa sedition
5. US Letter
6. NCM
7. ECP Falsification in SC about not able to hold elections
8. NCM in Punjab Assembly
9. ECM+ Punjab High Court + Punjab Administration + ISI Combined rigging in Punjab By Elections
10. Dost Mazari Ruling to reject all 10 Q League votes.
12. Speaker and EC Decision to accept 11 selected PTI NA resignations
12. EC Announcement of PTI Funding Case

Awaited actions to complete RCO
1. Lame Federal Govt actions to ban PTI - Awaited
2. N League Allied Media, Media Trial - Awaited
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