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Eastern Europe is doomed, all what they can export to the West are their People


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Wages in Manufacturing - Countries - List

Wages for Manufacturing monthly

Japan 3260$
Slovenia 2012$
Taiwan 1461$
Slovakia 1267$
Poland 1184$
UK 928$
Croatia 888$
Russia 793$
Bosnia 643$
Romania 630$
Moldova 310$

How can it be that its cheaper to produce in the UK than in Poland if the EU is so great? Western countries can just import people from eastern europe with which they share open borders with instead producing in eastern europe.

The only eastern european country that has good prospects is russia since it has closed borders and closed trade and the ruble devaluation was really good in fact, just imagine some months ago russian manufacturing wages were probably even higher than UKs a much more advanced economy.

Rubble should be devalued even further and trade from the west should be restricted with more protectionism. For Poland and Slovakia all hope is lost.
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no, it only justifies higher price of manufacturing but i doubt poles are more productive than british
Are you joking? Automatization and efficiency make manufacturing cheaper not the opposite.
What??? Why the hell didn't anyone tell me that we're doomed? :help:

But thank God that we have a highly developed country such as Russia right besides us, with such a developed economy and rule of law..we have so much to learn from the.... oh, wait...:closed:
Are you joking? Automatization and efficiency make manufacturing cheaper not the opposite.
no it doesnt, ussualy it means a professional worker is earning 3000 dollars a month amd handles 50 machines or more.
no it doesnt, ussualy it means a professional earning 3000 dollars a month handles 50 machines or more.
More machines = Less workers = lower production cost.

I know the output of the machines in our place compared to handwork, machines produce much cheaper, dont tell me storys my friend.
More machines = Less workers = lower production cost.

I know the output of the machines in our place compared to handwork, machines produce much cheaper, dont tell me storys my friend.

Capital assets cost millions. On top of that, you need to train people to operate and maintain it. I have worked in manufacturing and this more "machines=less workers=lower cost" theory is a hit and miss. In most cases, if done incorrectly (happens quite often) , it can cost the company more money.

Yes, automation allows the company to make more products but the investment in capital is included in the cost of the products. More often than not, automation is successful only for repetitive tasks. You still need workers.
More machines = Less workers = lower production cost.

I know the output of the machines in our place compared to handwork, machines produce much cheaper, dont tell me storys my friend.
and who handles these machines has a lower wage too ?
and who handles these machines has a lower wage too ?
A machine can produce products where 10 20 or 100 people had to work, even if the operators have higher vages, machines are still cheaper, or why would a company invest millions on automatization if it wasnt profitable?
Are you joking? Automatization and efficiency make manufacturing cheaper not the opposite.
Automation is cheaper but only in the longer term , also it snatches low skilled jobs creating unemployment . Not all companies can afford automation especially in developing economies
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