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Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

Love the conspiracy theories of Pakistan nationalists. Keep it up. :)
Acc to SL chiefs

"Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added."
Love the conspiracy theories of Pakistan nationalists. Keep it up. :)
Acc to SL chiefs

"Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added."
Absolute clowns. RAW is desperate to conflate Kashmir independence movement with terrorism. Pathetic lies. What fool of a south Indian terrorist would go to IOK for training?? He has every chance of being caught so why would he go there to train??? If he is going there to bomb, fine, believable, plausible....but to train?????
Absolute clowns. RAW is desperate to conflate Kashmir independence movement with terrorism. Pathetic lies. What fool of a south Indian terrorist would go to IOK for training?? He has every chance of being caught so why would he go there to train??? If he is going there to bomb, fine, believable, plausible....but to train?????

He said he do not know for what purpose they might have went there.. Either for some sort of training or establishing contacts..... Understand it??? Kashmir has good number of mosques spreading hate ideology and it might have been a good place to get radicalised.. So is Kerala..

Regarding bomb training, they could have got it in India or even would have travelled to Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan to get training.. Let the investigation come out... Even if they had received bomb training somewhere in India, why would RAW train them? RAW isnt stupid like ISI training terrorists and hoping it wouldnt bite back... India had learnt its lesson back in 90's through LTTE.. Training Islamic terrorists is as stupid one would do and hope it wont bite back India... And credit to ISI, Pakistanis are believing in such dumbfounded BS..

India isnt absolute unlike Pakistan.. Indian states are ruled by regional parties and many of them consider Muslims as vote banks.. Indian political system is complex, but that's how its supposed to be for integrating various groups. Until less the state police start taking actions against extremists, IS will continue to grow in Kerala and WB and now sadly in TN too.

PS: Any movement which kills innocent civilians is Terrorism... And Kashmir terrorism is at the top of the list... Take the killing and raping of Pandits to the killings of their own for being against their ideology.. That's what terrorism is...
India is becoming hub of extremism & terrorism.
what do you think should we go the chinese way in handling them?

Yes india is becoming threat for international Peace. Even Pulama attack was done by Indian citizen. Confirmed by india too , suicide attacker was indian citizen.
I am confused is it hypocrisy or duplicity. So you agree that kashmir is an integral part of India as the attack was committed by an "committed" Indian citizen.
He said he do not know for what purpose they might have went there.. Either for some sort of training or establishing contacts..... Understand it??? Kashmir has good number of mosques spreading hate ideology and it might have been a good place to get radicalised.. So is Kerala..

Regarding bomb training, they could have got it in India or even would have travelled to Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan to get training.. Let the investigation come out... Even if they had received bomb training somewhere in India, why would RAW train them? RAW isnt stupid like ISI training terrorists and hoping it wouldnt bite back... India had learnt its lesson back in 90's through LTTE.. Training Islamic terrorists is as stupid one would do and hope it wont bite back India... And credit to ISI, Pakistanis are believing in such dumbfounded BS..

India isnt absolute unlike Pakistan.. Indian states are ruled by regional parties and many of them consider Muslims as vote banks.. Indian political system is complex, but that's how its supposed to be for integrating various groups. Until less the state police start taking actions against extremists, IS will continue to grow in Kerala and WB and now sadly in TN too.

PS: Any movement which kills innocent civilians is Terrorism... And Kashmir terrorism is at the top of the list... Take the killing and raping of Pandits to the killings of their own for being against their ideology.. That's what terrorism is...
Give it a break man. You're inventing nonsense. I never once said RAW trained him. RAW is however spreading a lie about him visiting Kashmir and this lie is for political purposes. If they can't find a way for him to have made a "visit" to Pakistan, next best option is IOK to neatly align with BJP political designs. He and his southern brethren were radicalized on the internet and trained in south India - deal with it. Your Pandits can come back and accept Kashmiri independence from India no problem. You Indians exploit the Pandits as some kind of excuse for forcing Kashmir to remain part of Hindustan! Believe it or not, the Muslims of Kashmir don't want to end up being beef lynched, attacked by hindutva mobs, terrorised by Indian soldiers or have their mosques trampled by Modi and his thugs. Simple. Now go back to la la land, where every terrorist everywhere has a Pakistani visa in his passport and was radicalized in IOK under the noses of nearly a million Indian soldiers and intelligence agents.
Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

Updated: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST

By HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

The chief of Sri Lanka’s army said some of the people who carried out the April 21 serial bombings in his country had travelled to regions such as Kashmir and Kerala in India to possibly be part of terrorism training activities, according to an interview with the BBC published online on Friday.

The comments by Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayke is the first confirmation by a senior security official in either of the countries of the terrorists having travelled to India, a link that Indian security agencies have been pursuing since shortly after the attacks in the island nation.

“They had gone to India, travelling to Kashmir and Kerala state, (according to) information available with us,” Senanayke said.

Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added.

Counter-terror agencies such as the National Investigation Agency have carried out raids in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where they have picked up several people for suspected links to the Islamic State – the Syria-based terror group that claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Indian officials who have asked not to be named, at least two of the suicide bombers had travelled to India in 2017.

A Union home ministry official did not comment on the Sri Lanka Army chief’s comment. Till now, Indian investigators have not mentioned a Kashmir link to the Lankan bombers, though leads were still being followed.

One of the key suspects who is believed by Indian officials to have visited India is Islamic preacher Maulvi Zahran Bin Hashim – leader of Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and the ringleader of Easter Sunday attackers.

Indian officials refused to share details about the purpose of Hashim’s visit or the people he was in touch with. Hashim, an official said, was initially associated with Tamil Nadu Towheed Jama’at (TNTJ) but the organisation was not found involved in any terror activities. He subsequently broke away from TNTJ to form his own – Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and started preaching violent form of Islam in the island nation.

First Published: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST


Source: HT Android App.

Why don't India send their whole force in Kashmir on leave? if 7 lakh plus can'd handle it then batter they do something else
Of course, RAW trained them to launch terrorist attacks on civilians, something RAW carries on a daily basis on Kashmiris.
what do you think should we go the chinese way in handling them?

I am confused is it hypocrisy or duplicity. So you agree that kashmir is an integral part of India as the attack was committed by an "committed" Indian citizen.
chinese way American way but Indian way is better than all.
Modi is already experienced and trained in gujrat.
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We need to start monitoring every mosque for terrorist activities.
This shows that Indian Muslims are not radicalized is a myth.
We need to proactively curb radical islam.
Specially Kashmir needs to be under strict vigilance to find radical Islamists who needs to be thrown in jail for life.
Don't forget the temples and churches too.
Hindustan is handler of ISIS project in South Asia. They have been trying to link freedom movement of oppressed Kashmiris with terrorism instead of giving chance to Kashmiris to decide that they want to be with Hindustanis or not.
Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

Updated: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST

By HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

The chief of Sri Lanka’s army said some of the people who carried out the April 21 serial bombings in his country had travelled to regions such as Kashmir and Kerala in India to possibly be part of terrorism training activities, according to an interview with the BBC published online on Friday.

The comments by Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayke is the first confirmation by a senior security official in either of the countries of the terrorists having travelled to India, a link that Indian security agencies have been pursuing since shortly after the attacks in the island nation.

“They had gone to India, travelling to Kashmir and Kerala state, (according to) information available with us,” Senanayke said.

Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added.

Counter-terror agencies such as the National Investigation Agency have carried out raids in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where they have picked up several people for suspected links to the Islamic State – the Syria-based terror group that claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Indian officials who have asked not to be named, at least two of the suicide bombers had travelled to India in 2017.

A Union home ministry official did not comment on the Sri Lanka Army chief’s comment. Till now, Indian investigators have not mentioned a Kashmir link to the Lankan bombers, though leads were still being followed.

One of the key suspects who is believed by Indian officials to have visited India is Islamic preacher Maulvi Zahran Bin Hashim – leader of Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and the ringleader of Easter Sunday attackers.

Indian officials refused to share details about the purpose of Hashim’s visit or the people he was in touch with. Hashim, an official said, was initially associated with Tamil Nadu Towheed Jama’at (TNTJ) but the organisation was not found involved in any terror activities. He subsequently broke away from TNTJ to form his own – Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and started preaching violent form of Islam in the island nation.

First Published: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST


Source: HT Android App.
The headline should ...Visited Indian held Kashmir and South India
Kashmiris are already under occupation and definitely the not same thing as India Muslims.

Feel free to treat Indian Muslims the way you see fit. They trusted you, so they deserve to see your true face:
Well the indians trust the muslim of india to be indians rather than some ummah.
We need to start monitoring every mosque for terrorist activities.
This shows that Indian Muslims are not radicalized is a myth.
We need to proactively curb radical islam.
Specially Kashmir needs to be under strict vigilance to find radical Islamists who needs to be thrown in jail for life.

we need keep a close eye on hindus

they seem to create trouble every where
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