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Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

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Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

Updated: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST

By HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

The chief of Sri Lanka’s army said some of the people who carried out the April 21 serial bombings in his country had travelled to regions such as Kashmir and Kerala in India to possibly be part of terrorism training activities, according to an interview with the BBC published online on Friday.

The comments by Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayke is the first confirmation by a senior security official in either of the countries of the terrorists having travelled to India, a link that Indian security agencies have been pursuing since shortly after the attacks in the island nation.

“They had gone to India, travelling to Kashmir and Kerala state, (according to) information available with us,” Senanayke said.

Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added.

Counter-terror agencies such as the National Investigation Agency have carried out raids in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where they have picked up several people for suspected links to the Islamic State – the Syria-based terror group that claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Indian officials who have asked not to be named, at least two of the suicide bombers had travelled to India in 2017.

A Union home ministry official did not comment on the Sri Lanka Army chief’s comment. Till now, Indian investigators have not mentioned a Kashmir link to the Lankan bombers, though leads were still being followed.

One of the key suspects who is believed by Indian officials to have visited India is Islamic preacher Maulvi Zahran Bin Hashim – leader of Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and the ringleader of Easter Sunday attackers.

Indian officials refused to share details about the purpose of Hashim’s visit or the people he was in touch with. Hashim, an official said, was initially associated with Tamil Nadu Towheed Jama’at (TNTJ) but the organisation was not found involved in any terror activities. He subsequently broke away from TNTJ to form his own – Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and started preaching violent form of Islam in the island nation.

First Published: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST


Source: HT Android App.
“They had gone to India, travelling to Kashmir and Kerala state, (according to) information available with us,” Senanayke said.

Kerala ISIS chapter is heavily involved in terror activities across the region as revealed by indian spy caught in Iran sporting fake muslim name and identity.

The oppressive indian Regime has ruined the valley of Kaschmir from once a peaceful shangri la to terror Hotspot which threatens nuclear flashpoint between Pakistan and india.

For Sri Lanka, this is just another case of indian sponsored terrorism in the Country. All thanks to glorified Hegemonie Driven State Policy of paranoia and chaos.
Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

Updated: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST

By HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

The chief of Sri Lanka’s army said some of the people who carried out the April 21 serial bombings in his country had travelled to regions such as Kashmir and Kerala in India to possibly be part of terrorism training activities, according to an interview with the BBC published online on Friday.

The comments by Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayke is the first confirmation by a senior security official in either of the countries of the terrorists having travelled to India, a link that Indian security agencies have been pursuing since shortly after the attacks in the island nation.

“They had gone to India, travelling to Kashmir and Kerala state, (according to) information available with us,” Senanayke said.

Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added.

Counter-terror agencies such as the National Investigation Agency have carried out raids in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where they have picked up several people for suspected links to the Islamic State – the Syria-based terror group that claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Indian officials who have asked not to be named, at least two of the suicide bombers had travelled to India in 2017.

A Union home ministry official did not comment on the Sri Lanka Army chief’s comment. Till now, Indian investigators have not mentioned a Kashmir link to the Lankan bombers, though leads were still being followed.

One of the key suspects who is believed by Indian officials to have visited India is Islamic preacher Maulvi Zahran Bin Hashim – leader of Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and the ringleader of Easter Sunday attackers.

Indian officials refused to share details about the purpose of Hashim’s visit or the people he was in touch with. Hashim, an official said, was initially associated with Tamil Nadu Towheed Jama’at (TNTJ) but the organisation was not found involved in any terror activities. He subsequently broke away from TNTJ to form his own – Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and started preaching violent form of Islam in the island nation.

First Published: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST


Source: HT Android App.
Hindustan times. enough said.
They even claimed that US has rejected F-16 count when no such statement ever was released. This news outlet was the only one in the world reporting it.

India is becoming hub of extremism & terrorism.
Next 911 may be due to indian backed indian based terror organizations.

Easter bombers visited Kashmir for training’: Sri Lanka army chief

Updated: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST

By HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

The chief of Sri Lanka’s army said some of the people who carried out the April 21 serial bombings in his country had travelled to regions such as Kashmir and Kerala in India to possibly be part of terrorism training activities, according to an interview with the BBC published online on Friday.

The comments by Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayke is the first confirmation by a senior security official in either of the countries of the terrorists having travelled to India, a link that Indian security agencies have been pursuing since shortly after the attacks in the island nation.

“They had gone to India, travelling to Kashmir and Kerala state, (according to) information available with us,” Senanayke said.

Asked if he was aware of the purpose of those visits, the army commander replied: “It would have been for some sort of a training or to establish links with other organisations outside the country”.
"For the record, Indian intelligence alerted Sri Lankan police and security agencies on April 4, 10, 16 (the day the device was tested in a motorcycle), 20 and two hours before the multiple suicide bombings on April 21, the last with the names of three suicide bombers", Senanayake added.

Counter-terror agencies such as the National Investigation Agency have carried out raids in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where they have picked up several people for suspected links to the Islamic State – the Syria-based terror group that claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Indian officials who have asked not to be named, at least two of the suicide bombers had travelled to India in 2017.

A Union home ministry official did not comment on the Sri Lanka Army chief’s comment. Till now, Indian investigators have not mentioned a Kashmir link to the Lankan bombers, though leads were still being followed.

One of the key suspects who is believed by Indian officials to have visited India is Islamic preacher Maulvi Zahran Bin Hashim – leader of Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and the ringleader of Easter Sunday attackers.

Indian officials refused to share details about the purpose of Hashim’s visit or the people he was in touch with. Hashim, an official said, was initially associated with Tamil Nadu Towheed Jama’at (TNTJ) but the organisation was not found involved in any terror activities. He subsequently broke away from TNTJ to form his own – Sri Lanka National Towheed Jama’at (NTJ) and started preaching violent form of Islam in the island nation.

First Published: May 04, 2019 07:34 IST


Source: HT Android App.
Headline mention kashmir not kerala. Enough propaganda against kashmiris.
We need to start monitoring every mosque for terrorist activities.
This shows that Indian Muslims are not radicalized is a myth.
We need to proactively curb radical islam.
Specially Kashmir needs to be under strict vigilance to find radical Islamists who needs to be thrown in jail for life.
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In BD also every terrorism related issues are connected to India. Instead of getting fooled by pan Islamism, the thing should be reminded there are Indian nationalist Muslims also whom are responsible for promoting terrorism and subversive activities around the region on behalf of Indian agencies. Refer to Romeo Akber Walter.
We need to start monitoring every mosque for terrorist activities.
This shows that Indian Muslims are not radicalized is a myth.
We need to proactively curb radical islam.
Specially Kashmir needs to be under strict vigilance to find radical Islamists who needs to be thrown in jail for life.

Kashmiris are already under occupation and definitely the not same thing as India Muslims.

Feel free to treat Indian Muslims the way you see fit. They trusted you, so they deserve to see your true face:
so the training camps of so called terrorists and ISIS are in Indian occupied kashmir
Indian occupied Kashmir has got the highest density of Indian military anywhere. If this person did went there, there are more chances of him being trained by Indian military and intelligence.
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