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East India Company which once owned India now owned by an Indian

You're still high?

Opium has been known to reduce intelligence, but you might be the first case of inherited stupidity due to its abuse.
At least I didn’t claim to invent internet like you did
wake up.... Sanjiv Metha is the son of senior executive with Reserve Bank of India. Only the skin color has changed. It is all still in the club of thieves. Those bankers are NOT from Britain. they stole and looted the place. have had a 300+ year party. Their allies pour in and the inhabitants are driven out to try and carve a new life out of nothing elsewhere. Then those bankers go after the new place.
You're quite poor in history aren't you? Try reading outside of the CCP curriculum.
Maybe try not get your "education" from revisionist Hindutva internet forums.

The Opium war had the British government directly intervene, later on with aid of other major European colonial powers like France, who sent the Royal Navy and regular British armed forces to attack China which had already been rattled after centuries of successfully fighting off European colonial powers trying their luck against China.

You Indians just bent down in the face of small bribes and a few ragtag groups of private mercenaries of the East India Company and let them turn your country into a opium hub, still maintaining the urge to kiss your colonial overlords feet until today.

The joke is still on you, eternal slumlord.
Guys this is not the original East india company. That was defunct of 1st June 1874. This joker just incorporated his business under that name. Enough for Indians to run headlines worthy news
That company didn't defeated China, UK's military had to get involved.
Indian Scam and fraud continues. Fake claims to satisfy inferiority complex.

The East India Company
In the mid-2000s, Mehta bought a majority stake in several companies that had been renamed or newly incorporated with names similar to the historical East India Company in the early 2000s, with Graeme David Robert Clissold, Timothy Vaughan Meadows-Smith and others as their Directors.[4][5] For example, new companies called "The East India Company Tea Bars Limited" and "The East India Company Tea Rooms Limited" had been founded in 2000, with Clissold and Meadows-Smith as their officers.[6][7] Similarly, Edgerton International (founded in 1992) had been renamed to "The East India Company Limited", after Clissold and Meadows-Smith became its officers in 2002.[8]

Mehta gradually bought stakes in these companies over a period of 18 months, buying out the last investor in 2006.[1] He states that he purchased the business from 30–40 owners in 2005.[9][10]

Mehta re-launched the business as a purported revival of the historic East India Company in 2010, operating in the luxury retail space.[1] He also established (or renamed) several subsidiary companies with "East India Company" in their names:

According to Mehta, in the 1980s, some British investors sought approval from the British government to start a new company with same title as that of the historical East India Company, which had ceased to exist in 1874
Guys this is not the original East india company. That was defunct of 1st June 1874. This joker just incorporated his business under that name. Enough for Indians to run headlines worthy news
Guys this is not the original East india company. That was defunct of 1st June 1874. This joker just incorporated his business under that name. Enough for Indians to run headlines worthy news

The English must feel relieved. Even if one day in the future Scotland goes independent and Ireland reunites, England can at least survive by licensing the 'British Empire' name to the then superpower India.
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