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Early polls likely to be nip and tuck affair between PML-N and PTI


Sep 26, 2018
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  • Survey by IPOR finds PML-N to be the first choice of 29% respondents, while 28% favour PTI.
  • PTI loses 4% of its supporters as compared to its popularity in 2018 elections, while PML-N becomes 5% more popular, survey finds.
  • 33% of respondents believe Nawaz Sharif can solve their problems, 30% believe PM Imran Khan can do wonders for Pakistan.
KARACHI: With 29% voters favouring PML-N and 28% favouring PTI, the next general elections are expected to be a nip and tuck affair between the two major political parties in the event of early polls, The News reported Sunday.

The PTI has lost 4% of its supporters as compared to its popularity in the 2018 elections, whereas PML-N became 5% more popular and PPP gained 2% of supporters, as per a survey by the IPOR.

The survey had a sample size of 3,700 people and was conducted between December 22 and January 9, 2022.

The survey reported a close contest between the PML-N and PTI as the IPOR found the PML-N to be the first choice of 29% respondents, while 28% favoured PTI and 15% preferred PPP.

All these parties continue to show voter confidence in their stronghold provinces.

As many as 33% of the respondents believed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif could solve their and Pakistan's problems, 30% believed Prime Minister Imran Khan can do wonders for the country, while 10% placed their hopes on PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto.

When asked about the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan, 68% of the respondents said the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should return to Pakistan.

I can almost understand people rooting for Bilawal, he's not held power, but how 30% still see hope in Nawaz Sharif is depressingly sad.

PTI are in for a shock at the next election of they don't tackle inflation. I'm glad their own MNA's are attacking the party on the subject, it can't be glossed over. Having very valid reasons for high inflation doesn't negate the need to reduce it. Hopefully they plan on throwing money at the problem in the 12-18 months in the run up to the election.
Survey by IPOR finds PML-N to be the first choice of 29% respondents, while 28% favour PTI.
Wait what? And Patwaris were claiming PTI is finished
33% of respondents believe Nawaz Sharif can solve their problems
Who were the respondents? Patwaris 🤣
When asked about the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan, 68% of the respondents said the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should return to Pakistan.
So why isn't the convicted criminal, absconder from courts returning?
PTI are in for a shock at the next election of they don't tackle inflation
Tackle inflation? How? Inflation is global. Check the oil and gas price internationally
Hopefully they plan on throwing money at the problem in the 12-18 months in the run up to the election.
Throwing money at inflation will cause more inflation later on. Furthermore it destroys economy
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Wait what? And Patwaris were claiming PTI is finished

Who were the respondents? Patwaris 🤣

So why isn't the convicted criminal, absconder from courts returning?

Tackle inflation? How? Inflation is global. Check the oil and gas price internationally

Throwing money at inflation will cause more inflation later on. Furthermore it destroys economy View attachment 809143

There are aspects of it we can control.

For example hoarding of food to drive up prices, or overcharging for essential items.

Also if cost of food is rising we could limit exports of foods and create oversupply in local market.

If energy prices are high they could cut taxes on energy. If contracts are inefficient they could break the contracts and re-negociate them. We've done it with riko diq.

This is a short term example. There are long term examples too around energy.

100 seats from Punjab, some 15-20 seats from other provinces, PMLN poised to form next government.

In the poll, the IPOR also asked the public if they had voted for the PTI in the 2018 general election.

To which, 44pc answered “yes” while 54pc said “no.” The 44pc, who had voted for the PTI in 2018, were asked if they would vote for the PTI in 2023 as well. Over 52pc expressed their intention not to vote for the PTI in the next general election, but 40pc said they would once again support the PTI.
View attachment 809292

100 seats from Punjab, some 15-20 seats from other provinces, PMLN poised to form next government.

In the poll, the IPOR also asked the public if they had voted for the PTI in the 2018 general election.

To which, 44pc answered “yes” while 54pc said “no.” The 44pc, who had voted for the PTI in 2018, were asked if they would vote for the PTI in 2023 as well. Over 52pc expressed their intention not to vote for the PTI in the next general election, but 40pc said they would once again support the PTI.
Were the responders Patwaris?
1% difference is literally well within the margin of error, the poll is actually quite decent for PTI, it shows a resilient vote bank. A few percentage points swing before the next election if achieved through populist policies could put them in the lead again. They might only need around 33-34% to win the next election.
View attachment 809125

  • Survey by IPOR finds PML-N to be the first choice of 29% respondents, while 28% favour PTI.
  • PTI loses 4% of its supporters as compared to its popularity in 2018 elections, while PML-N becomes 5% more popular, survey finds.
  • 33% of respondents believe Nawaz Sharif can solve their problems, 30% believe PM Imran Khan can do wonders for Pakistan.
KARACHI: With 29% voters favouring PML-N and 28% favouring PTI, the next general elections are expected to be a nip and tuck affair between the two major political parties in the event of early polls, The News reported Sunday.

The PTI has lost 4% of its supporters as compared to its popularity in the 2018 elections, whereas PML-N became 5% more popular and PPP gained 2% of supporters, as per a survey by the IPOR.

The survey had a sample size of 3,700 people and was conducted between December 22 and January 9, 2022.

The survey reported a close contest between the PML-N and PTI as the IPOR found the PML-N to be the first choice of 29% respondents, while 28% favoured PTI and 15% preferred PPP.

All these parties continue to show voter confidence in their stronghold provinces.

As many as 33% of the respondents believed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif could solve their and Pakistan's problems, 30% believed Prime Minister Imran Khan can do wonders for the country, while 10% placed their hopes on PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto.

When asked about the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan, 68% of the respondents said the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should return to Pakistan.

Parties position in local bodies elections 2021 KPK , PMLN almost white washed :lol:


kashmir election 2021 final results , PMLN almost white washed :lol:


While on Patwari Geo TV party position right now :enjoy:

Parties position in local bodies elections 2021 KPK , PMLN almost white washed :lol:

View attachment 809308

kashmir election 2021 final results , PMLN almost white washed :lol:

View attachment 809309

While on Patwari Geo TV party position right now :enjoy:

View attachment 809310

Kashmir & GB elections are always goes to ruling party in Center, local-body elections won by ruling party in the province, it is first time in decades that ruling party is looser in LB elections, PMLN is better in areas where next round of KP LB elections is to be held.

PTI government is running LNG power plants on diesel, which will resulted huge increase in electricity prices, PTI supporter will be more demoralised.
Kashmir & GB elections are always goes to ruling party in Center, local-body elections won by ruling party in the province, it is first time in decades that ruling party is looser in LB elections, PMLN is better in areas where next round of KP LB elections is to be held.

PTI government is running LNG power plants on diesel, which will resulted huge increase in electricity prices, PTI supporter will be more demoralised.

As a PTI supporter, i agree PTI is losing the next election if they don't get a control on inflation. On top of that, they have a total duffer at the top slot in Punjab. Imran Khan got every change to succeed, but he shot himself in the foot by being stubborn and not replacing Buzdar.
Kashmir & GB elections are always goes to ruling party in Center, local-body elections won by ruling party in the province, it is first time in decades that ruling party is looser in LB elections, PMLN is better in areas where next round of KP LB elections is to be held.

PTI government is running LNG power plants on diesel, which will resulted huge increase in electricity prices, PTI supporter will be more demoralised.
Every thing is shit if it belongs to GEO TV , we all remembered these surveys before 2018 elections
My question to this so-called 33 % is what did NS do in all of his previous 3 terms that he now needs the fourth to be able to solve their problems.
Secondly by using the same metrics if 33% is feeling so generous in giving Nawaz League fourth term, why not give PTI 2nd term?
As a PTI supporter, i agree PTI is losing the next election if they don't get a control on inflation. On top of that, they have a total duffer at the top slot in Punjab. Imran Khan got every change to succeed, but he shot himself in the foot by being stubborn and not replacing Buzdar.
Buzdar will complete his next term 2023 to 27 , if a choor donkey shobaz sharif can remain CM of punjab for more then 20 years why cant buzdar ??
My question to this so-called 33 % is what did NS do in all of his previous 3 terms that he now needs the fourth to be able to solve their problems.
Secondly by using the same metrics if 33% is feeling so generous in giving Nawaz League fourth term, why not give PTI 2nd term?
He got 33% support just because: woh khata tha to lagata bhi to tha :enjoy:

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