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Duterte: US Spec-Ops must leave Mindanao

@anon45 I've actually read a snippet of the Median Dialogue a while back which is why I have a slightly different opinion on the SCS issue compared to the other Filipino posters here. I feel like we need a whole new thread just for discussing the median analogy.
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Why doesn't China create an international currency and agree with Russia, India, Iran, Turkey, Brazil and a few other countries to start only use that currency for trade among these named countries?

That would equate to like 1/3 of world's economy being saved from USD's inflationary pressure, and US would lose its God-like power of being able to just freeze any transaction in the world or sanction countries affectively.

Random two countries trying to do their trade between each other on gold or any other currency is not functional. It would provide no holdable result in the end. Many big countries should start a union like EZ (Euro Zone) and create a currency for that grouping while still preserving their own national currencies, and then using that new currency as a means of trading internationally among these countries within this group.

Then things could be very easy for these countries to achieve more independence.
It has started already and need to do it slowly with RMB. Sino Russia oil trade is all conducted in RMB. Then Russian use the RMB to pay for large amount of goods into Russia and China projects in Russia. A super win situation got China :enjoy:
It has started already and need to do it slowly with RMB. Sino Russia oil trade is all conducted in RMB. Then Russian use the RMB to pay for large amount of goods into Russia and China projects in Russia. A super win situation got China :enjoy:
No that is bad for China. Using national currencies for international trade is always bad.

Of course it creates temporary benefits like lower inflation and lower unemployment rates, but in the long term it is not sustainable. Do you expect the world just to start using RMB as the new reserve currency?

The problem with USD is that USA is exporting its inflation and unemployment to other countries through that currency. What is the point of adapting RMB if the same thing will happen anyway? And as the way it is right now, China's inflation is far higher than that of the US, making RMB an even worse option to pick.

RMB or any other national currency is not and should not be an option for reserve currency status. The world needs a separate currency for that purpose.

Oh, then why Russia uses it you may ask.. Because right now they need to. It lets them get through all those sanctions etc.

But under normal circumstances even Russia wouldn't really use RMB as a mean of international trade.

And why it is bad to let national currencies to be used for the currency owner.. When the dumping time comes, it creates huge amount of inflation and unemployment in the home country, creating enormous instability among the nation's markets.
Reminder to stay on topic or create a new thread to continue your discussion.
No you can't. US for the sake of anti China canpaign but continue whore your self in front of Philippine as what Duterte say of your president " son of a whore ". Just endure the humiliation! Nobody respect USA :rofl:
Nice troll bro, If I removed this of all the troll low quality sh1t flinging all I would be left with is a period!

…I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem… And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land.
— Mark Twain, October 15, 1900, The New York Herald

Philippines-American War. Rape and genocide by Americans

Real White crime against Asians:
● It was called the “nigger killing business”
● 780,000 to 1,400,000 million+ civilians raped, tortured, and slaughtered.
Those giant piles of objects are dead Filipinos slaughtered by white “Christians”, the people who gave us “god’s salvation”

“…I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem… And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land.”
— Mark Twain, October 15, 1900, The New York Herald

"I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and burn the better it will please me. I want all persons killed who are capable of bearing arms in actual hostilities against the United States," - General Jacob Hurd Smith

Fake Western Propaganda:
● Amigo (2010)
Pretends to take a nuanced view of American imperialism…by downplaying the mass rapes and 800,000-1,400,000 Philippines people who died during the invasion and occupation.

● The Real Glory (1939)
America whitewashes its mass rapes and genocidal war by portraying themselves fighting “evil” Moro Muslims who are shown as killers and rapists. The biggest source of mass murderers and mass rapists were the Americans who called this war the “nigger killing business” and their women as “brown **** machines powered by rice”.


It's quite ironic that you use the phrase "If you say its a lie long enough, maybe someone will believe you."

Indeed, Americans lied so much that some believe China, a relatively non-violent country, is evil and expansionist, while the empire of chaos that was founded on genocide, built through slavery, and expanded through more genocide = defending peace.

What happened to those wmd in Iraq?

Perhaps, you are a paid American troll?

Look up Operation Earnest Voice, Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe, CIA in the media, and National Endowment for Democracy [NED]

"A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA." -Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED,

You know, this is why you should read the whole comment chain before you reply. This is not what I was replying to when I said beast was just shouting out lying.

I said that China had made tributaries of the rest of Asia, he said I was lying without supporting evidence, thus I said he was just saying I was lying without providing anything of mention.

Congratulations though, you've shown you can quote Mark Twain, and know a few movies.

While I won't deny that that was a colonialist war and America was very racist back then, and I believe that if the Philippines asks we should provide compensation to the government for the massacres that did happen,you are also going to need to source this number of how many people the US raped and killed
● 780,000 to 1,400,000 million+ civilians raped, tortured, and slaughtered.
It sounds like bullsh1t, and probably attributes malnutrition and death by disease to the US soldiers. It reminds me of those idiots that blame the US for an Indian genocide of 120 million when that was not only the total population of the Americas, it was before disease from spanish conquistadores essentially wiped out the population to a fraction of that.

You clearly don't know the definition of genocide anyways as well, look it up, intent matters.

If you are starting to accuse people who defend against unfounded accusations and bad statistics as paid trolls, I think you've drunk too much of the anti-american kool-aid and should take a break.

@anon45 I've actually read a snippet of the Median Dialogue a while back which is why I have a slightly different opinion on the SCS issue compared to the other Filipino posters here. I feel like we need a whole new thread just for discussing the median analogy.

I can see where you are coming from, but clearly the melian dialogue does not support the conception of the Philippines being able to remain neutral without territorial losses. I hope its for the best for the Philippine people, but lets not pretend that will happen.
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