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Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

you see this is where i have a problem with if he is in a secular state can he say any thing against jews.
The answer is absolutly positivly NO WAY IN HELL.and thats is the hypocracy i hate

Most of the European Jews are anti-Israel..
Remember what happened? Protests across the muslim world, fatwas issued from all sides...european embassies were stormed and set on fire...

...Rushdie and Theo Van Gogh...

On the issue of fatwas, I don't see how you can claim this is a Muslim only thing. I would say here is a "Hindu fatwa" against Christians for example.

Christian Suffering & Church Persecution - International Christian Concern

Protests are good. Generally I thought with the exception of a couple of instances Muslims didn't behave too badly. Just a minority of idiots.

On the subject of Rushdie, he's still alive isn't he? So the Ayatollah issued a fatwa against him, and noone bar a couple of radical politicians paid much attention. While Van Gogh's murder shouldn't have happened, he brought that on himself. I've read reports of some guys killing other people for insulting their mothers for example all over the world. Overreactions by one or two people are bound to happen when you insult someone. Holding an entire population/group of people responsible for the actions of a single human being, when that human being is not even in any position of power or responsibility, is mind blowingly stupid and perverse.
Insult your Manmohaan baniya, and let me know what happens.

Never mind, just insult some policemen, he will show you the fundamentals rights to insult. :enjoy::hitwall:

The Manmohan Singh example isn't a good one. The policeman example is. More relevant would be, go up to a big black guy with a banana in one hand and offer it to him. Then we'll see how people react to insults! Violence in response to verbal insults is very normal, and I for one wouldn't mind seeing such a guy getting beaten up. Knifing someone is perhaps too much though, but in the course of emotions.... This is sort of where the irony of these "goody-two-shoes" fascists who claim "look at Islam's reaction to the Danish cartoons" begins to boggle my mind. It is expected that for any insult there is a reaction. What people find offensive is not universal. I for example wouldn't find being called a "jig" insulting. Therefore is it a violent streak within the blacks for reacting to being called a "jig"? Of course it isn't! The same situation exists for the cartoons..and so on. Fascists do make me laugh, of which some are no doubts reading and typing on this board.
trust me, he will become very famous or infamous (both are same)

He's already a local hero after scoring 9 seats due his anti Islam agenda, he's be made God once the film is released. :rolleyes:
Muslims aren't innocent always;they cause problems in Holland but that's has got nothing to do with religion.this is why I don't like the Dutch.they aren't rational.and about those passages I think he's trying to mean the passages condemning a certain bunch of Non-Muslims maybe specifically Jews.or misquoted verses where allegedly the Quran dictates to kill Non-Muslims.
The right of criticism is the fundamental right and the balancing act in any society ..
you shall have right to criticise but no right to stop yu from believeing and acting on your faith or ideology ..
forget to add that , that faith or ideology shall not be against any othe individual
The right of criticism is the fundamental right and the balancing act in any society ..
you shall have right to criticise but no right to stop yu from believeing and acting on your faith or ideology ..

I agree..but the problem starts when people cross the border and believe they have the right to insult. That's when problems can occur.
Yes I agree there are Ppl who corss the limit but I think here this guy wants to show ( according to him ) the fascist views in a religious book . this shall be answered in sane and dignified way with Logic .
for ppl who cross limit -- there is Law - persue that path
HEY guys lets cool it. The poor guy doesn't have a hobby and has tooo much money and doesn't know how to waste it. Now i'm sure he is not the first one to try something against Islam. Its actually a good habit these guys DON'T GIVE UP. LOL!!!:pakistan:
Immigrants from Muslim countries number about 1 million of the country's 16 million people.

I think thats enough to have a political voice but sadly Muslim immigrants will not take their fate into their hands and try using their numbers in politics.
That's when problems can occur.
IMO they blame religion rather than culture when it comes to Muslims.I mean Muslims aren't all from the same place nor are all conservatives or practising.
Yes I agree there are Ppl who corss the limit but I think here this guy wants to show ( according to him ) the fascist views in a religious book . this shall be answered in sane and dignified way with Logic .
for ppl who cross limit -- there is Law - persue that path

There are no fascist views in Quran.

Now cut the **** up. You can criticize but don't cross your limits. Because we are the one to give "danda" as a right to be the followers of the book and we give to whomever pleases.
well I don't care even if someone insults my religion.It's freedom of speech;so next time when we Muslims insult a certain group of people(no no not the Jews ) don't get pissed off.It's our freedom of speech .
I mean c'mon if I go to a religious Indian state and make fun of Hinduism and call someone Draupadi a whore what will the reactions be?
well I don't care even if someone insults my religion.It's freedom of speech;so next time when we Muslims insult a certain group of people(no no not the Jews ) don't get pissed off.

Insulting is different.. criticising is something else...

It's our freedom of speech .

if Muslims can bear someone talking about ur religion.. then of course you have a right to criticise or joke but insulting or abusing is something else...

If I call you unintelligent if you make a mistake.. that is criticising.. if I call your mother something that is abusing.. under which one will you be booked under obsencity laws??

If you can't back up with claims.. don't.. if the other guy can't take a joke.. don't....

If you call Hinduism a confusing religion.. quote why... if you find Islam violent quote the verses.. when dealing with fanatics or unreasonable people you will be safe legally but surely not physically!!

I mean c'mon if I go to a religious Indian state and make fun of Hinduism and call someone Draupadi a whore what will the reactions be?

Well as many Pakistani and Indian tribes claim descendant from Draupadi so thank you.

but in truth 95% of the people will not know who Draupadi is... but calling someone a whore is not freedom of speech..calling her a loose women and giving facts to back up is criticisim....

but if you say it jokingly or not in a group of 1000 only one will object... I am pretty sure... that ur life won't be endangered...

I regularly make fun of my religion and others... and it is all in good humour

PS: though if you say you are a Bangladeshi Muslim and say this.. I think then be prepared for retorts.. but physically in case of Draupadi u r safe...

and what do you mean by religious Indian states?? There are states full of poor gullible people who are misled by the politicians they are far from religion... they are just people with nothing to do... case for example Gujarat.. the riots were triggered only in poor urban areas.. full of migrant workers and slum dwellings... even the anti Sikh riots happened in the poorest areas of Delhi... rural areas were pretty safe so where rich urban areas...

try criticising Gandhi in India no one will object... few might join ya.. or few like me might argue

go to Pakistan try criticising Jinnah.. I am sure there will be a different reaction...

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