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Dutch keen to boost ties


Feb 12, 2013
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People of the Netherlands take “huge interest” in Bangladesh as both countries face common challenges in flood control and water management, Dutch foreign minister Frans Timmermans has said.

In a meeting with his Bangladesh counterpart Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali at his office at The Hague on Wednesday, he said that King Willem-Alexander himself took “keen interest” in Bangladesh’s flood-control efforts and climate change adaptation.

He also expressed his government’s continued interest in working with Bangladesh to address the growing challenges posed by climate change.

Timmermans said Bangladesh and the Netherlands enjoy “the closest” of bilateral ties.

Foreign Minister Mahmood Ali appreciated the Dutch development cooperation projects targeted at water management, agricultural productivity and income generation in hard-to-reach char areas.

He also thanked the Dutch government for its contribution to the ‘ILO’s 'Better Work Programme’ being implemented to improve working conditions in Bangladesh’s ready-made garments sector.

The minister is currently on a visit to the Hague to attend a “high-level segment” of the Global Oceans Action Summit for Food Security and Blue Growth, being jointly organised by the government of the Netherlands, FAO and the World Bank.

During their discussions on a whole range of issues, the two ministers’ agreed to explore the possibility of finding a regular mechanism of bilateral foreign office consultations.

Mahmood Ali thanked the Netherlands for offering training to young Bangladeshi diplomats and requested his counterpart to extend the current programme by another five years.

The two sides also exchanged views on extending reciprocal facilities and services to each other’s missions in the two capitals.

The Bangladesh Foreign Minister invited the Netherlands King to visit Bangladesh “at a mutually convenient time”.

He also invited his counterpart to visit the country, an invitation he readily accepted.

Bangladesh’s ambassador to the Netherlands Sheikh Mohammed Belal was also present during the meeting.

source: Dutch keen to boost ties -
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