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Due to an attack from Iran in 1739 ( Nadir Shah ) Mughal Empire ended

the mughal empire of 1739 was already a crumbling moth eaten part of itself, did not take nadir shah much to defeat mughals.
Look at the map of 1707(when aurangzeb died) and 1739 when nadir shah attacked. @tore

Any reason why they were crumbling
Any reason why they were crumbling
it had stretched beyond limit, instead of consolidating aurangzeb spent his life expanding territory and fighting everywhere. The main challenge came from a new power, marathas.
the mughal empire of 1739 was already a crumbling moth eaten part of itself, did not take nadir shah much to defeat mughals.
Look at the map of 1707(when aurangzeb died) and 1739 when nadir shah attacked. @tore

so was the late persian empire that was defeated by Alexander , all the great military leaders who inscribed their name in history were clever oppurtunistics ; the achamenid persians built the royal road , and alexander rallied his macedonian troops down that road , and where the road ended he got killed in the jungle (india)
Unfortunately every tom, dick and harry has walked over Pakistan one way or another to this date.

It is also true for India; pre-partition of course.

On the other hand there has never been a brown-man empire which has conquered foreign territories.
Okay no more supporting Iran just found out that these ******* are responsible for ending my the lives of my great great grand parents you shall pay IRAN
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