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DSEI 2017: Stiletto Systems reveals new rifle and ammunition


Apr 28, 2011
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Ukrainian company Stiletto Systems presented its latest rifle, the STL-016, at the DSEI defence exhibition held in London from 11-15 September, along with a range of associated armour-piercing ammunition.

The STL-016 is a .300 calibre rifle that incorporates a patented rifling designed by Stiletto and is capable of delivering lethal effects on soft targets out to a maximum range of 2,000 m, according to Stiletto director Khalit Khabibullin. At 300 m the rifle is capable of a 1.2 cm grouping and at a range of 800 m can penetrate 11 mm of armour rated to Brinell 500, he noted.


The Stiletto Systems STL-016 rifle is capable of piercing 11 mm of armour rated to a Brinell hardness of 500 at 800 m. (Stiletto Systems)

Although the STL-016 has been designed as a sniper’s weapon to defeat enemy forces wearing body armour, according to Khabibulin, its armour-piercing ammunition – a separate development from Stiletto – allows it to penetrate the hulls of armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

The ammunition is due to enter production as part of Stiletto’s future business plans, with Khabibulin stating that in its 7.62x54 mm calibre, it provides the same capabilities as a 12.7 mm armour-piercing round.

In limited 2013 tests with the Royal Military Academy Department of Armament and Ballistics Systems in Belgium, the 7.62 mm Stiletto round was compared to FN P80 round against 600 Secure high-resistance steel from UnionStahl. The tests showed that the Stiletto round provided the same level of penetration as the FN P80 but at 381 m/s, rather than the 959 m/s of the FN P80.

According to Khabibulin, Stiletto has circulated the ammunition to Ukrainian armed forces free of charge, with anecdotal reports suggesting that it can be used to immobilise APCs and inflict a mobility kill on a main battle tank (MBT).

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