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Drugs worth SR1bn seized; 875 held


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia


Published — Thursday 28 November 2013

Last update 28 November 2013 4:49 pm

Security forces have arrested 875 suspects, including 231 Saudi nationals and 644 foreigners of 34 nationalities, for alleged involvement in drug smuggling, trafficking and peddling in the past four months.
“The drugs seized from the smugglers are valued at more than SR1 billion,” said Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki, Interior Ministry spokesman.
He said the Kingdom’s drug enforcement agencies faced stiff resistance from the drug smugglers and traffickers.
One policeman was killed and 13 security officers were injured during different operations.
“Three smugglers died, while four others were injured during armed clashes with security forces,” the spokesman said.
Police seized 3.44 kg of heroin, 6.69 tons of hashish and 10.95 million pieces of amphetamine narcotic tablets, in addition to SR6.89 million in cash.
Maj. Gen. Al-Turki said there was sound coordination between the Customs Department and security agencies in tracking down the smugglers and traffickers and that such efforts helped in foiling many drug-smuggling attempts.
Last August, Al-Turki had announced that 991 drug-trafficking suspects were arrested over a period of five months.
The arrested suspects included 337 Saudi nationals and 654 foreigners.
All those arrested were involved in trafficking narcotics in huge quantities with a market value exceeding SR2.5 billion, the spokesman said.
“The Kingdom has identified drug trafficking as a top national security threat linked to militancy in the region and has put its powerful security organs in charge of fighting such a phenomenon,” Al-Turki told a news conference.
“We are waging a war against a new form of terrorism, which is drug trafficking,” he added.

In the previous drug bust, police had confiscated 7.9 kg of raw heroin, 1.3 kg of processed heroin ready for distribution, 20.29 tons of hashish, 15,293,189 amphetamine capsules, 2.33 kg of cocaine, SR14.45 million in cash, 350 machine guns, 136 pistols, 29 guns and 7,580 rounds of ammunition.

Drugs worth SR1bn seized; 875 held | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Time to use the ancient and beautiful Arabian swords to do some cleaning with the worst of them. No tolerance for drug traffickers and criminals.


The remaining ones should face long prison sentences and afterwards the foreigners must get deported.
@Yzd Khalifa

It is time for the authorities to react with a even more harsh hand before we begin to look like Iran and their drug problem - probably the worlds biggest. Or Afghanistan/USA/Mexico.

Those people deserve nothing. Time to sharpen the swords and make short process with the leaders. Those are outrageous amounts. We don't want this filth.

Damn those drug traffickers.

I look forward to all those captured criminals telling who they work for, who sent them and for them to reveal more secrets.
If this problem gets bigger then I am afraid that even harsher methods should be used.

Actually maybe even nearly 900 of them should get the harshest penalty to serve as a example. Screw the World Amnesty nonsense group. Let them cry.

We don't want this drug problem. Zero tolerance. The authorities better be prepared.
Huge Catch. Hope KSA shows no mercy for criminals no matter which country they belong to. Drug smuggling can eat up the body of a Nation like Termites eat up wooden Buildings from inside.

Brother, what is your advice? How is Pakistan tackling this problem? What is the solution? To act harsh or less harsh? Drugs are really one of the worst creations. They can destroy whole families, cities and countries. A slowing and painful death. Like alcoholism.
Brother, what is your advice? How is Pakistan tackling this problem? What is the solution? To act harsh or less harsh? Drugs are really one of the worst creations. They can destroy whole families, cities and countries. A slowing and painful death. Like alcoholism.

I like KSA solution to Drug Peddling , i.e. Capital Punishment.

Pakistan is too lenient on Drug Smugglers and just puts them in Jail which is not enough and the result is that Drugs are freely available in Pakistan.

I honestly feel that Drugs can destroy a nation's Youth.
I believe Capital punishment is too harsh a punishment for the crime but then thats my opinion.
I believe Capital punishment is too harsh a punishment for the crime but then thats my opinion.

Why? No matter the amount of dangerous drugs you smuggle? If you are a drug smuggler there is a big chance of you also being engaged in other criminal activities. Just look at those captured in the article. They killed one policeman and were caught with weapons.

I don't see how any state should tolerate them let alone waste resources on keeping them alive in prisons. Some are probably deeply tied to the criminal environment anyway.

The leaders should definitely receive the death penalty. Accomplices should all be evaluated and each of their case to make a judgement. It all depends on the circumstances.

But the rules are clear in KSA, Singapore, China and many other countries with a a zero-tolerance for drugs. If you are involved in drug smuggling of a certain amount you risk receiving the death penalty. All that is known beforehand.

And even for the most poor and unfortunate cases there is a way out other than engaging in drug trafficking or criminality overall. I hate when people make lame excuses about killers for example. "But he had a rough childhood" etc. So just if someone had it rough it gives him license to kill or engage in criminality when only a tiny, tiny minority of those unfortunate cases do it? Nonsense, of course not!
Why? No matter the amount of dangerous drugs you smuggle? If you are a drug smuggler there is a big chance of you also being engaged in other criminal activities. Just look at those capture in the article. They killed one policeman and were caught with weapons.

I don't see how any state should tolerate them let alone waste resources on keeping them alive in prisons. Some are probably deeply tied to the criminal environment anyway.

The leaders should definitely receive the death penalty. Accomplices should all be evaluated and each of their case to make a judgement. It all depends on the circumstances.

But the rules are clear in KSA, Singapore, China and many other countries with a a zero-tolerance for drugs. If you are involved in drug smuggling of a certain amount you risk receiving the death penalty. All that is known beforehand.

I understand that but does it always have to come down to a death penalty?? I am not saying our way of handling them is any better obviously it has way too many loopholes and too lenient and i was basically talking about the accomplices and not the leaders here.
I understand that but does it always have to come down to a death penalty?? I am not saying our way of handling them is any better obviously it has way too many loopholes and too lenient and i was basically talking about the accomplices and not the leaders here.

As I wrote then each case must be evaluated according to the amount of drug they smuggled, the circumstances, whether it is a first time offender or not etc. Many factors to take into consideration. By I am principally in favor of the death penalty for drug smugglers for the reasons I mentioned already in the thread.

But when you catch nearly 900 people it is obviously not possible to execute them all. But if that happened then I am pretty sure that the drug smugglers would think not only once or twice before they engaged in drug trafficking in KSA but 1000 times.

Putting them in prisons for years to rot could also be a solution but I am fundamentally against the state using money on foreign criminals. The locals though could be thrown in prison while the foreigners should be deported to their home countries where they could serve their sentence but the guarantee of them doing that is low.
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punishment is ok but i am really surprised how they checked it ? i traveled many many times to KSA via many airlines and i got out of airport within minutes of arrival . how the hell ? last time i landed in jeddah via shaheen air and both immigration guys took 10 minutes for stamp and clear me to enter in KSA . i was noticing both of them they respect me and even exchange with me some good words in arabid like الحمداللہ علی السلامہ و مرحبا یا اخی its abut passport ? first Saudi immigration officer even asked me abut airline and said مرحبا ۔ i am thinking now for good humans its good world and bad guys bad world .
More pigs involved in drug smuggling caught.

Border Guard officers hurt as smuggler resists arrest


SUBDUED: The Saudi smuggler after his arrest with the contraband.


Published — Friday 29 November 2013

Last update 29 November 2013 2:28 am

Border Guard patrols in Jazan tackled and arrested a Saudi drug trafficker in possession of 100 kg of cannabis after he pulled out a knife, injuring several security men.
Brig. Abdullah bin Mohammed Bin-Mahfouz, press spokesman of the Border Guard in Jazan, said the guards were patrolling the area when they intercepted the Saudi man attempting to smuggle the narcotic.
His car was stopped at a checkpoint and he tried to escape as he was being searched.
Bin-Mahfouz said several security men were injured during the struggle to control the driver, but were eventually able to overpower him.
A search of his car led to the discovery of the cannabis, which was seized, he said, adding that the injured guards were transferred to a hospital for medical attention and that they are currently stable.
Maj. Gen. Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Sobhi, commander of the Border Guards in Jazan, conveyed his appreciation to Lt. Gen. Zamim bin Juwaibir Al-Sawat, director-general of the Border Guards, and to the members of the patrol for their efforts.
The driver is currently facing charges of smuggling, as well violently resisting arrest.
The Jazan region witnesses daily smuggling and infiltration attempts.
Security guards exert efforts to protect the southern border of the Kingdom in the fight against drug and weapons traffickers, as well as infiltrators who are either violators of residency regulations, criminals or terrorists.

authorities better not underestimate this. Drugs are the work of evil.

@JUBA, drug criminal caught.
Saudi should punish the real culprit prince of saudi arabia check the video
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