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Drones killing 49 innocent people for every known terrorist in Pakistan



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Sep 20, 2012
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America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan'

Study found war against violent Islamists has become increasingly deadly
Researchers blame common tactic now being used – the 'double-tap' strike
Drone strikes condemned for their ineffectiveness in targeting militants

Just one in 50 victims of America’s deadly drone strikes in Pakistan are terrorists – while the rest are innocent civilians, a new report claimed today.

The authoritative joint study, by Stanford and New York Universities, concludes that men, women and children are being terrorised by the operations ’24 hours-a-day’.

And the authors lay much of the blame on the use of the ‘double-tap’ strike where a drone fires one missile – and then a second as rescuers try to drag victims from the rubble. One aid agency said they had a six-hour delay before going to the scene. ~ (OP's Note: Even Worse then what the Nazis did (For which several of their generals were hanged).

The tactic has cast such a shadow of fear over strike zones that people often wait for hours before daring to visit the scene of an attack. Investigators also discovered that communities living in fear of the drones were suffering severe stress and related illnesses. Many parents had taken their children out of school because they were so afraid of a missile-strike.

Today campaigners savaged the use of drones, claiming that they were destroying a way of life.

Clive Stafford Smith, director of the charity Reprieve which helped interview people for the report, said: ‘This shows that drone strikes go much further than simply killing innocent civilians. An entire region is being terrorised by the constant threat of death from the skies. ‘

There have been at least 345 strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas near the border with Afghanistan in the past eight years.
'These strikes are becoming much more common,' Mirza Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer who represents victims of drone strikes, told The Independent.

'In the past it used to be a one-off, every now and then. Now almost every other attack is a double tap. There is no justification for it.'

The study is the product of nine months' research and more than 130 interviews, it is one of the most exhaustive attempts by academics to understand – and evaluate – Washington's drone wars.

Read more: America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan' | Mail Online
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Read more: America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan' | Mail Online
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Read more: America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan' | Mail Online
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'US drone attacks are counter-productive and terrorise civilians'

CIA drone attacks are counter-productive as they kill civilians and rescue workers (Note from OP: This is clearly a war crime) and increase recruitment by militant groups, a new report concludes.

Civilians are being "terrorised" 24 hours a day by CIA drone attacks that target mainly low-level militants in north-west Pakistan, a report by Stanford and New York Universities says.

It claims that follow-up strikes are also killing rescuers who set out to treat the injured.

The report, made up of interviews with victims, witnesses and experts, pins blame on US President Barack Obama for the recent increase in "signature strikes" which target groups selected through "pattern of life analysis" and which have resulted in large, innocent groups attending weddings and funerals being killed.

It states: "US drones hover 24 hours a day over communities in north-west Pakistan, striking homes, vehicles, and public spaces without warning.

"Their presence terrorises men, women, and children, giving rise to anxiety and psychological trauma among civilian communities. Those living under drones have to face the constant worry that a deadly strike may be fired at any moment, and the knowledge that they are powerless to protect themselves.

does anyone have that report's link ????
How can pakistan goverment tolerate this.. Only US offerng aid to pakistan doesn't mean that US can do whatever they want..
How can pakistan goverment tolerate this.. Only US offerng aid to pakistan doesn't mean that US can do whatever they want..

When pakisitan can tolerate presence of haqqani network, OBL next to a military academy , Uzbek Militants, And many AL-qaeda commanders from Britain, France, Germany, Oman, Saudi Arabia and militants of East Turkmenistan Islamic Movement.
Definitely pakistan can tolerate these drones also. Again I am repeating condemning drones is just for public consumption.
as an iranian , i have a dream
to bring all us uav down
deep in pakistan territory
for children of pak vatan
who killed by drones
as an iranian , i have a dream
to bring all us uav down
deep in pakistan territory
for children of pak vatan
who killed by drones

Thanks for your sentiments. But you say nothing about Islamists and Mullahs who are the reason why drones are there in the first place.

Why not remove all these Mooooolahs and Ayatoooooolahs and Islamists terrorists. Drone will be gone the next minute.

In another thread "leader" was saying 98% are civilians. I hope I read it correctly.
I think it is about time Pakistan stops cooperating with the NATO and declares war on ISAF. After all they have Chinese (a permanent member's) support.

War can be of two types: one is on the battlefield and another one is simply non-cooperation with aggression and vehemence. Pakistan can use the latter.
When pakisitan can tolerate presence of haqqani network, OBL next to a military academy , Uzbek Militants, And many AL-qaeda commanders from Britain, France, Germany, Oman, Saudi Arabia and militants of East Turkmenistan Islamic Movement.
Definitely pakistan can tolerate these drones also. Again I am repeating condemning drones is just for public consumption.

original post by drone malini

Today every one know 911 was inside job for several reasons, bin laden is almost dead from lung cancer 3years back he was CIA agent nothing more but provided excuse to invade free states ,capture there resources, for oil hunger, started useless propaganda wars to increase hate between Muslims and Christians so little israel emerges as winner, dirty wars started by bush with the support of Jewish war monger lobbies, which sucking 4 billion dollars each year precious money of american tax payers wasted and bloody uniform of there soldiers received to there loved ones ,why bush is still enjoying rather to be accused as war criminal talibans are now terrorist previously they were called mujaheddin who helped USA the most against Russia in USSR invasion against Afghanistan,why no peace in middle east ,gulf states ,Asia , lot un rest in these areas but quiet opposite the most people in Europe USA and here in west enjoying extra ordinary lives extreme discrimination why ? drone attacks in which 98%civilians died and cia still busy in devilish mission ? RAW MOSSAD INVOLVEMENT IN BALuCHISTAN SIND, what about the afganistan situation. U.S used deepleeted? uranium missiles on populated areas, now there are newly born DEFORMED babies.
US Drone Strike in Pakistan Kills Five Militants

Pakistani security officials say a U.S. drone strike has killed at least five Islamist militants in a restive tribal region near the Afghan border.

The two missiles fired late Monday from the unmanned American spy aircraft slammed into a compound in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. Some of the dead were believed to be foreign fighters, but it is unclear what nationality.

There has been a dramatic increase in U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan since May.

The drone program is extremely controversial in Pakistan, where residents view it as a violation of their sovereignty and say it often results in civilian deaths. But U.S. officials believe it is vital to combating militants that threaten the United States.

Pakistan's semi-autonomous northwestern tribal belt is considered the main hub of Taliban and al-Qaida-linked militants plotting attacks on the West and in Afghanistan.

US Drone Strike in Pakistan Kills Five Militants

Seriously, how do they know that they were militants or civilians?

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