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Drone Strikes in Yemen

Yemen officials: US drone kills 7 al-Qaida members

Published April 14, 2012, Associated Press

SANAA, Yemen – A U.S. drone strike killed seven suspected al-Qaida members believed to be heading toward a restive province where Yemeni forces have been intensely battling the terror group, Yemeni officials said.

The unmanned U.S. drone targeted a vehicle in the province of Bayda, south of the capital of Sanaa, killing the seven people inside on the spot, according to two Yemeni military officials.

A statement from the Ministry of Defense said only that a jet fired a missile at a vehicle carrying al-Qaida members, destroying it and the people inside. The statement did not clarify whether the strike was American or Yemeni. The discrepancy could not be immediately clarified.

One of the Yemeni officials said the militants were heading to Abyan province where government forces are engaged in ongoing clashes with militants. Yemeni officials said more than 200 militants have been killed in fighting in the province over the last week, as Yemen tries to bring the restive area back under its control.

There was no immediate comment from U.S. officials, but Washington has carried out deadly airstrikes in Yemen in the past. Last year, an American drone strike killed U.S.-born militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and a second American, Samir Khan, an al-Qaida propagandist.

Witnesses said the strike Saturday turned the vehicle into a charred skeleton along with the bodies of the people inside.

Abdel-Salam al-Ansi said he heard a strong explosion and then rushed outside to the scene.

"The car had been turned into a ball of fire," he said.

Al-Qaida's branch in Yemen, known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, is one of the movement's most dangerous offshoots, and the U.S. considers the impoverished country as a key battleground in the war against al-Qaida.

The terror network has had a presence in Yemen for years, but expanded its influence during last year's political upheaval when millions of Yemenis rallied across the country demanding the ouster of their longtime ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh. The militant group seized control of several towns in the south during that time.

Saleh stepped down in February and the new president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has pledged to restructure the Yemeni army and purge it of loyalists to the former ruler in order to combat the terror network.

Al-Qaida has staged several successful assaults on ill-prepared and demoralized troops, but also appears to have suffered some significant defeats.

On Saturday, al-Qaida fighters in pickup trucks attacked a security checkpoint on the outskirts of the southern port city of Aden and killed five troops, said a Yemeni security official. Eight militants also died in the attack.

In another incident, militants kidnapped a senior intelligence officer and two soldiers in the town of Radda south of the capital Sanaa, another security official said.

All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak to the media.

Read more: Yemen officials: US drone kills 7 al-Qaida members | Fox News
Keep it up ! Wipe em all out. :)

Yeah, even our own civilians (Al-Awlaki):undecided:

I wish we could bring that dirt bag back from the dead so that we could smoke him again.

what about unemployed america fighting for their economy and get rid of present situation

Yeah... And there's no poverty in Pakistan ? Next to 'poverty' in the dictionary there is a map of Pakistan.

The U.S. is a nation of cowards. Try something like that in a superpower nation like India and we will give the cowardly Americans a Brahmos for every one of their carriers that sails and every one of their F-22 that flies.

The U.S. can be defined as a cowardly and barbaric nation that only attacks the weak. No match against Vietnam, no match against Korea, and definitely no match against superpower India.


Shut up and fetch me my donuts. And what are you doing here, anyway ?
Top al Qaeda leader dead in airstrike, Yemen says

By the CNN Wire Staff, April 24, 2012 -- Updated 2221 GMT (0621 HKT)


Yemen says Mohammed Saeed al-Umda is killed in U.S. drone airstrike
Al-Umda is called one of al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula's top commanders
Officials say at least 52 suspected al Qaeda militants have been killed this week

(CNN) -- The fourth-most wanted al Qaeda leader in Yemen was killed on Tuesday in an airstrike in the northeastern province of Mareb, the Yemeni government announced.

Two senior security officials told CNN that U.S. drones conducted the airstrike.

The Interior Ministry said Mohammed Saeed al-Umda was killed when his vehicle was hit in the remote desert region of Al-Samdah. Two of his aides also died in the strike.

"This is a success for the war on terror. Al-Umda has been on the run for years and his absence will help in limiting the terror network's operation in Yemen," a senior Defense Ministry official told CNN on condition of anonymity.

According to the Interior Ministry, al-Umda was one of al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula's top commanders and was tasked with providing logistical and financial support to the network.

In 2006, he escaped from the Sana'a political security prison and was sentenced for 10 years in absentia by a Yemen criminal court.

The news of al-Umda's death comes as the government announced a full-scale operation against al Qaeda militants in the provinces of Shabwa, Abyan, Mareb and al-Baitha.

The Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that at least 52 suspected al Qaeda militants were killed over the past two days in battles and airstrikes on numerous targets in the provinces of Abyan and Shabwa.

The ministry said the fighting is now in favor of the army amid ongoing successful attacks on militants' hideouts and strongholds.
A senior Defense Ministry official told CNN that 14 troops were killed in Abyan since Monday and that military reinforcements will continue arriving. He said that at least 900 additional troops would be sent to Abyan and Shabwa within the next days. He added that strategic military and geographical locations were regained during the nonstop battles.

FBI Director Robert Mueller arrived in Sana'a on Tuesday and met with President Abdurabu Hadi, mainly discussing the counterterrorism program in Yemen.

A presidential aide told CNN that Hadi promised complete cooperation with the United States.
"Talks today are a continuation of a series of talks President Hadi had with a number of visiting U.S. officials since February and mainly focused on the U.S. counterterrorism program and supporting Yemen during the transition period," the aide said.
The aide said the United States was worried about al Qaeda's expansion in the country and its mission to destabilize the region. "It's not a secret that al Qaeda is stronger today than a year ago. Yemen needs support if it seeks to defeat this enemy," the aide concluded.

Top al Qaeda leader dead in airstrike, Yemen says - CNN.com
but we are talking abt fighting for america, why dont we start with fighting for sinking US economy and its unemployed citizens, and one and a half trillion foreign US dept and all depts you owe to your jewish banks with interest??

we are not discussing non issues here, our economy is also a blessing of your war inside pakistan, thanks to your drones and mass killings, our tourism has declined, our image is tarnished, investers have fled

pakistan is the best place to invest in the whole world because we have the deep sea port just at the mouth of starit of hormuz, we connect to central asia, china, middle east at the same place and have got plenty of rich minerals and cheap labour, but thanks to USA and its terrorism, neither we are safe in balochistan and nor in KP province.. what can you expect when your country kills 40,000 of our people..

while america maintains 102,000 soldiers in afghanistan. we just have to invest for 150,000 pakistan soldiers just along the afghan border, to feed them well so that they can fight an american war, to keep them alert just to protect that no talibans from afghanistan come and kill our citizens

the result we achieve by doing all this is more american and its allies pressure, you cry on the aid while the aid is nothing compared to the damages you make, you make india strong through nuclear deals, in this way we now have to spend more to keep the nuclear balance,, this requires more money, more expenditure on defense, you are giving india all it wants so that pakistan can be insecure, ask your govt, for what it has done, then we also have to deal with your whinning cry because of israeli diplomatic pressure, hey, pakistan is arming with more nuke arsenal, 'its a danger for israel and india and we love india'

before WOT we were cruising a peace, stability and development of 8% a year

the us economy is the last thing we might have to talk about
and just so you know their sinking economy is like living in paradise
to our economy so lets not confuse every thing !!!
AQAP confirms commander linked to Osama bin Laden killed in drone strike

By BILL ROGGIO, April 30, 2012

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula confirmed that a senior leader was killed in a recent US drone airstrike in Yemen. The commander had trained in Afghanistan and served as a member of Osama bin Laden's bodyguard.

AQAP confirmed that the commander, Mohammed Saeed al Umda (also known as Ghareeb al Taizi), was killed in the April 22 drone strike on a convoy in the Al Samadah area, near the border of Marib and Al Jawf provinces. The terror group announced his death in a martyrdom statement that was released yesterday on jihadist websites. The statement was translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

"'Ghareeb al Taizi,' may Allah have mercy on him, ... was martyred ... with two mujahideen as a result of an American bombing in Samdah district of Marib," the statement said, according to SITE.

AQAP stated that Umda had served in Afghanistan, where "he was close to Sheikh Osama bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him, and was in his special guard." Bin Laden's special bodyguard was also known as the Black Guard.

The terror group also said al Umda was on a US wanted list and had been detained by the Saudi government and then transferred to Yemen, where in 2006 he broke out of prison in Sana'a along with 23 AQAP leaders and fighters.

A Yemeni official told The Long War Journal on April 24 that al Umda was killed in an airstrike two days prior. The Yemeni official said that al Umda provided "logistical and financial support" and "commanded a number of AQAP military operations in Yemen." Al Umda has also been featured prominently in AQAP's propaganda, such as an interview posted on the Ansar al Mujahideen web forum in 2010.

Read more: AQAP confirms commander linked to Osama bin Laden killed in drone strike - The Long War Journal
Yemen should buy ANZA MK-IIIs from Pakistan along with AAA batteries too, inorder to counter future attacks that might be on military or on civilians.
Bomb the mother fuckers!
And if the regime goes with it, bomb it as well! Nuff' said!
Yemen should buy ANZA MK-IIIs from Pakistan along with AAA batteries too, inorder to counter future attacks that might be on military or on civilians.
Yemen is happy about the drone attacks just like Pakistan.
Al-Qaida are a bunch of wannabe Jihadist who are only tough against civilians, when have we seen Al-Qaida fight Israel or US army or any army for that matter? All the cowards can do is hide bombs in markets full of innocent people and blow it up. Thank God America is wiping them out.
Yemen is happy about the drone attacks just like Pakistan.
Al-Qaida are a bunch of wannabe Jihadist who are only tough against civilians, when have we seen Al-Qaida fight Israel or US army? Cowards. Thank God America is wiping them out.

and from where the hell alquaida comes from, who's the source??, any guess?
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