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Drone strikes in Kurram Agency near Pak-Afghan border kills two, injures one

They really do simple things man but only there where it seems necessary specially to teach lessons dogs like Indian security forces. Do you remember that your "Raptor of East" tried to penetrate inside Pakistan airspace after Ajmal Qasab Action in mumbai and the Raptor had to flee his home immediately when Daddy Vipers scrambled, Idiot!

We will pay equal importance to western border when it will be necessary. We are not at war on western side like our eastern side. So, don't troll here.
Such things and such stark reality is beyond the comprehension of these cheer leaders.
The greatness is not in killing, but to keep your word but anyway you guys wouldn't know about it. Does it feel good to be kicked like a dog on the street and to sell your country to the highest bidder.

An Indian rapist lecturing others about dogs, streets and bidding LOL

Isn't your American ally begging us to do more? Go figure who is begging.
I believe pakistan position is now very difficult.I know its a porus border but administrated by pakistan.

If you claim the land as your's-Drone strike happened inside pakistan
If you are not claim the land - The land belongs to Afghanistan

not difficult at all. no one can do anything to pakistan but talk???????
Really sorry bhai :D
Koi baat nai...
Saas bi kabi bahu thi.....yea bi kabi drone tha....:lol:

Yes strike was launched either side of border and hovering was done on afghan side
The aircraft kept on hovering over the area for some time before launching the strike
We will pay equal importance to western border when it will be necessary. We are not at war on western side like our eastern side. So, don't troll here.
We are not at war with Iran either in fact Iran is considered more friendly than US ever will be, yet their drone was shot down after it violated our airspace and i remember how people were justifying it saying kis ko be free pass da dain and even than i said why is the same yard stick not applied here? Why is US given a free pass and more so now when they have equally embarrassed us, called us liars and deceit, your defense minister on record saying US is not an ally, than simply saying we are not at war on western side isnt enough and while you are at it do tell when will it be necessary if not now?
The greatness is not in killing, but to keep your word but anyway you guys wouldn't know about it. Does it feel good to be kicked like a dog on the street and to sell your country to the highest bidder.

Did your army chiefs, air chiefs kept their word? Did they invade Pakistan like they have threatened to in dozens of statements since Mumbai attacks?

What that makes India? Galli ka kutta that is being kicked by Pakistan?

As I said. Look into your matters and don't be so much obsessed with Pakistan. We don't need your obsession.

So you admit that they are stealers !

I say you didn't do anything to take back your land and are trolling here about random drone attacks in border areas of Pakistan.

Grow some balls. Give your obsession with Pakistan some rest and go get your land back that you lost even without fighting a war.
going by the posts on this thread, it seems okay if missile was fired from somewhere else, as loss of life is totally irrelevant, there goes the high protein diet of "Mard-e-Momeins" in drain.
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going by the posts on this thread, it seems like okay if missile was fired from somewhere else,as loss of life as result is irrelevant, there goes the high protein diet of "Mard-e-Momeins" in drain.

ISIS sympathizer spotted
going by the posts on this thread, it seems like okay if missile was fired from somewhere else,as loss of life as result is irrelevant, there goes the high protein diet of "Mard-e-Momeins" in drain.

Gowing by posts on this thread Pakistan can keep killing Indian soldiers and China can keep stealing Indian land.

There goes the high quality gau mutra virat hindus in drain.
what a flavorful lolipop.
isnt it?
Let's be a little realistic, we are not exactly monitoring or patrolling that border 24/7
The Air chief has disclosed that we have intercepted American Drones several time and then let them go.
Hence the message was delivered now it's a question of political will.
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