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Drone Strike Targets Top Al Qaeda Leader

why all these al quedia pan-chode kutthas have to come to Pakistan to live and hide? Can't they go to iran or india or some other country. :angry:

A very valid question. The only plausible reason being favorable conditions that exist in Pakistan as both people support and resources for such dangerous people and ideologies to thrive. This has been established by various reports from all over the world. Pakistan, today is a very dangerous place to be in today. Hopefully, better days are around the corner. Today's kill was just one more step for the better.

Lastly, there are many reasons why such ideologies or people don't thrive in India or Iran. I won't go there for now.
A very valid question. The only plausible reason being favorable conditions that exist in Pakistan as both people support and resources for such dangerous people and ideologies to thrive. This has been established by various reports from all over the world. Pakistan, today is a very dangerous place to be in today. Hopefully, better days are around the corner. Today's kill was just one more step for the better.

Lastly, there are many reasons why such ideologies or people don't thrive in India or Iran. I won't go there for now.

stop trolling bharthi. hindu terrrorist ideologies is so prevelant in india, its incomprehensible.
stop trolling bharthi. hindu terrrorist ideologies is so prevelant in india, its incomprehensible.

There are several threads available and multiple discussions already made. You may want to go there to draw parallels to soothe your insecurities. Can you dispute what I said? Check the headlines of any popular news source in the current country you reside in for better clarity on why Pakistan is the hot bed for islamic terrorism and why killing of this man has dented a terror outfits motive.

No need to get your knickers in a bunch.
If the information or means of obtaining information aren't secrets then those making the claim should be the ones to provide the proof.
They can only survive in Pakistan because they have support there. Though I bet Zawaheri doesn't sleep well these days. 1 by 1 they are going down.

They can only survive in Pakistan because they have support there. Though I bet Zawaheri doesn't sleep well these days. 1 by 1 they are going down.


Are Predator Drones really that hard to detect? Can they not hear them?
They are up there 24 hours. Locals can hear them. But can't do anything.
First of all I will not believe what US & Indians say because the only thing that comes out their mouth is crap. Secondly there is no guarantee on what or whom US is killing because there is no human intelligence its all computer from hell. US kill 100 civilians & children’s they will say they all were militants, to be honest US should be convicted for war crimes & mass killing of innocent people & they should not be just any war crimes they have committed crime against humanity.

Govt. & politicians well this is just an example of how corrupt & evil they can get when they get Dollars. SOB, truly it should be these politicians who should rot in hell first. It is all because of bad & corrupt Governance all this is happening.
Dont be so frustrated !!! :rofl: stop worrying about India and start thinking about Pakistan... :pakistan:

Well it is true that the only thing that comes out of jabroni Hindis mouth is a big pile of crap & what India is good at is lifting balls of US 360 days, 24/7 & every single second.

A country that had given tons of respect to Salman Rushdie when he was in their country then what can be said about this country.
Are Predator Drones really that hard to detect? Can they not hear them?

They are harder to detect but not impossible and even if you did hear them do you know if its watching you or not? Its like its common to have planes flying over your heads and you continue on your life because you are tired of looking up the sky to see another plane. There are videos of insurgents getting blown to bits when placing IEDs while being watched by Apaches even though it looks so close, but the camera is zooming in a few miles away. It may look like they are stupid to ignore the Apaches or Predators but its very hard to notice them from the distance.

Al-Qaida No. 2 dies in US drone strike in Pakistan - Yahoo! News

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — A U.S. drone strike in northwest Pakistan has killed al-Qaida's second-in-command, officials from both countries confirmed Tuesday, the most significant victory so far in the controversial bombing campaign and the biggest setback to the terror network since the death of Osama bin Laden.

Abu Yahya al-Libi was considered a media-savvy, charismatic leader with religious credentials who was helping preside over the transformation of a secretive group based in Pakistan and Afghanistan into a global movement aimed at winning converts — and potential attackers — from Somalia to the Philippines.

This was not the first time the U.S. had al-Libi in its sights: He was originally captured a decade ago and held by American forces at the Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan until he escaped in 2005 in an embarrassing security breach. Soon thereafter, he began appearing in videos in which he talked about the lessons he learned while watching his captors, whom he described as cowardly, lost and alienated.

White House spokesman Jay Carney called al-Libi's death a "major blow" to the group. Carney described al-Libi as an operational leader and a "general manager" of al-Qaida. He said al-Libi had a range of experience that will be hard for al-Qaida to replicate and brings the terror network closer to its ultimate demise than ever before.

"His death is part of the degradation that has been taking place to core al-Qaida during the past several years and that degradation has depleted the ranks to such an extent that there's no clear successor," Carney said.

A U.S. official familiar with the case, who confirmed that al-Libi was killed in a drone strike, said no one left in al-Qaida comes close to replacing the expertise the group has just lost. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

The Libyan-born al-Libi, who was thought to be in his late 40s, was killed Monday morning in a village in northwestern Pakistan, a tribal area bordering Afghanistan that is home to many al-Qaida and Taliban members and their support networks.

A Pakistani intelligence official said late Tuesday that al-Libi was dead but declined to say how authorities knew this or whether they had seen his body. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the classified nature of the drone program.

Al-Libi, who was considered a hero in militant circles because of his escape from the American military prison, was elevated to al-Qaida's No. 2 spot when Ayman al-Zawahri replaced bin Laden. As al-Qaida's de facto general manager, he was responsible for running the group's day-to-day operations in Pakistan's tribal areas and managed outreach to al-Qaida's regional affiliates.

Al-Libi was influential and popular within al-Qaida because of his "scholarly credentials, street cred from having escaped from Bagram, charisma and his easygoing, tribal speaking style," said Jarret Brachman, a counterterrorism expert who has studied al-Libi for the past seven years.

"People may have revered Zawahri, but they loved Abu Yahya," said Brachman.

Al-Libi was the latest in the dozen-plus senior commanders removed in the clandestine U.S. war against al-Qaida since Navy SEALs killed bin Laden in a raid on May 2, 2011 on his compound in the Pakistani military town of Abbottabad — nearly a decade after 9/11.

Perhaps the most well-known al-Qaida figure killed in a drone strike before al-Libi was Anwar al-Awlaki, a prominent member of the Yemen al-Qaida offshoot who died last September.

Al-Libi's death will likely fuel arguments in favor of the U.S. drone campaign despite Pakistani objections. Coming in an election year, it may also boost the tough-on-terrorists image President Barack Obama has tried to cultivate.

"The killing of al-Libi demonstrates the increasing proficiency and skill — plus good intelligence — at work in the decade-long American war to crush al-Qaida. It makes Barack Obama the counter-terrorist in chief in leading that war," said Aaron David Miller, a former adviser to six U.S. secretaries of state and currently a senior scholar at the Wilson Center.

The use of drones has skyrocketed under the Obama administration but has dropped off recently in Pakistan, which views the program as a violation of its sovereignty. Among the Pakistani public, the drone campaign is vilified because of its perceived civilian casualties, an allegation disputed by the U.S.

An on-the-ground investigation by The Associated Press this year found that the drone strikes were killing far fewer civilians than many Pakistanis are led to believe, and that a significant majority of the dead were combatants.

Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesman Moazzam Ahmad Khan said Islamabad had not been notified about the killing of al-Libi, and declined further comment.

Even while speculation was swirling as to whether al-Libi was alive or dead, Pakistan called Deputy U.S. Ambassador Richard Hoagland to the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday to protest the drone strikes.

Members of the Pakistani government and military have supported such strikes in the past, but that cooperation has come under strain as the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated. Last November, American airstrikes killed 24 Pakistani soldiers along the border with Afghanistan.

Pakistan responded by cutting off supply lines to NATO and American forces in Afghanistan and demanding that the U.S. end the drone attacks on its territory.

But the U.S. shows no such inclination. The White House maintains a list of terrorist targets to be killed or captured, compiled by the military and the CIA and ultimately approved by the president.

A recent uptick in drone strikes in the tribal areas indicates the U.S. was tracking al-Libi or had some idea that a top al-Qaida official was in the area. U.S. drones have struck seven times in recent weeks after a relative lull earlier this year.

Pakistani and Taliban officials said al-Libi was wounded in the days leading up to Monday's drone strike, although there were conflicting accounts as to where and when.

Evan Kohlmann, a senior partner a Flashpoint Global Partners which tracks radical Muslim propaganda, said the U.S. could have tracked al-Libi the same way it tracked bin Laden, through the use of couriers used to carry messages or in the case of al-Libi, carrying the video recordings that were his calling card.
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